The Witch's Taste

Chapter 182 The game between the two sides

Chapter 182 The game between the two sides

Lu Xun once said that when you see a woman's white arms...

Chen Ziang doesn't think he is a so-called "gentleman" whose imagination can leap forward infinitely, but the scene he saw just now is so impactful that he really can't forget it for a long time.

So there's no need for an infinite leap of the imagination at all, okay?

Chen Ziang went to the refrigerator to get barley tea, poured himself a full cup, poured it down to reduce the fire.


Then I did dozens of push-ups on the living room floor.

Let off steam.

In the end, he stared at his sister's face for a long, long time.

Have no evil thoughts in your heart.

The sound of water finally came from the bathroom, and the water supply should have been restored.

Chen Ziang, who had adjusted his body and mentality, sat silently on the sofa and watched the TV news, thinking about how he should treat Xia Zili when she came out later.

Act like nothing happened?

Said that he was looking elsewhere and didn't pay attention?

Although I saw it, you covered it well without any dew point. That kind of exposure can be broadcast in TV dramas or movies, unless it may be more dangerous in web novels?

After much deliberation, I decided to see Xia Zili's reaction after coming out, and then make a plan.

After waiting for a long time, before the other party came out of the bath, Chen Ziang on the sofa could only keep looking back in the direction of the bathroom, thinking that it must be because I accidentally saw him, and his mental cleanliness broke out, and he is cleaning his body vigorously now, right?

Just thinking about it, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Chen Ziang turned his head like lightning, pretending to be watching TV.

On the TV screen, the boss of Dijing Group was standing on the podium, drawing various pies for the unemployed miners who were crowded below.

But his mind was not on the TV at all, he only heard the rustling sound of dressing from behind.

Afterwards, Xia Zili, who had changed her clothes, came to the living room and sat beside him, watching TV without blinking.

She was wearing light pajamas, and her skin was rosy after being washed by hot water, like a fresh and lovely peach. After looking at it for a long time, she felt the urge to "touch, bite, and lick". But at this time, her face was extremely focused, and she was just staring at the screen.

What kind of reaction is this?
Chen Ziang was a little uncertain, wanted to pretend that nothing had happened, and started to talk about any topic, but was worried that if he opened his mouth, the other party would say "my sister has never seen my body", and directly brutally slaughtered the conversation.

"Chen Ziang, do you believe in parallel universes?" Xia Zili asked suddenly.

Chen Ziang: ……………

I remember that Suzuna seemed to ask me the same question... By the way, she asked what would you do if you could go back in time.

"What kind of parallel universe?" Chen Ziang also watched the TV, trying to keep his tone casual.

"It's just..." Although Xia Zili didn't look back, she seemed to be peeking at him out of the corner of her eye, "For example, we are friends in this universe, right?"

"But in the parallel universe, we may not know each other and have no intersection; we may be childhood sweethearts who have known each other for a long time; we may even be... a closer relationship..."

"Oh." Chen Ziang nodded and said, "If no proof is needed, then of course anything is possible."

"I'm actually." Xia Zili said hesitantly, "I often have this type of strange dream..."

"I see." Chen Ziang suddenly realized, "This is not your fault."

It must be the "mother consciousness" hiding in her dream again!

Last time I failed in the bedroom, but this time I controlled Xia Zili to open the bathroom, deliberately creating ambiguity between us!
Xia Zili didn't know what Chen Ziang "understood", but the courage she finally mustered up quickly disappeared after being interrupted.

Chen Ziang continued to think, wondering if there was any way to get rid of this "mother" in her body.

Of course, not to kill.

Because Xia Zili can see her mother herself, if she treats it as weird, she will definitely not be able to accept this kind of thing.

But at least there must be countermeasures, neither let her murder Xia Zili, nor let her control her daughter's body, and then do some messy things.

Xia Zili watched the TV, only to hear the news host asking the invited experts:

"Then there are some common voices among the people, who believe that if the mining ships of the Bacht Group are allowed to conduct mining tests, the cost of mining deep deposits can be reduced, thereby saving the employment of a large number of our miner families."

"Then Professor Zhang, can you analyze whether there is such a possibility?"

"Well, thank you for the invitation from Ping An News." The gray-haired old professor said, "I know that everyone is very concerned about the reemployment of these unemployed miners, but it may not be a more appropriate way to use the elves' interstellar mining ships."

"First of all, the interstellar mining ship is used to mine asteroids, so there is no need to worry about damage to the surface. In fact, it makes a lot of noise during the mining process and produces a lot of smoke and dust, which will cause very serious damage to the surrounding living environment. There are even many records of earthquakes in history."

"Secondly, the mining ship is leased by the Bacht Group. It is signed every ten years, and the lease fee is also very expensive. Dijing Group needs to pay a large sum of money at one time. Where does the money come from? It may be necessary to reduce personnel or clear the equipment to make up the money. Does that exacerbate the unemployment situation?"

"In the end, we in Gaotianyuan do not have the technology of the interstellar mining ship. What problem does this cause? The lifeblood of technology is in the hands of others. The Dijing Group gave up mining and chose to lay off employees, and our government can still intervene; what if the Bacht Group wants to take back the mining ship in the future? If they die, the miners will still lose their jobs, and we can't find the Bacht Group to intervene. The elves are foreign companies and ignore us."

"Well." The host was clearly prepared, and concluded, "It seems that using mining ships to solve the employment problem in the mining industry seems to be just drinking poison to quench thirst. In the final analysis, it is still necessary to carry out industrial transformation and upgrading, rather than putting all eggs in the same basket."

"So is that so?" Xia Zili asked in a low voice, "Can mining ships not solve the unemployment problem?"

"It's hard to say." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "The Bakht mining ship has no record of mining on colonized planets before, so it's hard to say what the test results will be. We can only guess based on the data."

"But the problem now is that these unemployed miners will definitely use the Bacht mining ship as a lifeline."

“The reason is simple: neither Dijing Group nor the government has a solution to the unemployment problem, so the miners will definitely be clamoring for the mining ship to be tested.”

"If the experiment is successful, the cost of mining will be reduced, and many unemployed miners may be able to get their jobs again; but if it fails... Although it will cause damage to the environment, the unemployed miners themselves have nothing to lose. This is called 'the barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes'."

Xia Zili was silent for a moment, then asked:

"Can't the problem be solved through communication?"

"Communication?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise, then shook his head, "Impossible, this is a conflict of vital interests."

"If the experiment is successful, the miners may be able to keep their jobs; if the experiment fails, the cost will be borne collectively by the people of Tianyuan."

"So the miners will definitely do their best to keep their jobs, but the people of Gaotianyuan lack the motivation to unite, and many people even sympathize with the unemployed miners. So in the end, it will become a game between the unemployed miners and the high-level government. Whoever can win more neutral public support will determine the final result."

"He's right." The mother quietly appeared behind Xia Zili, and gently hugged her head, "So..."

"... Zili, it's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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