The Witch's Taste

Chapter 187 Embrace of the Drowned, Evolution Complete

Chapter 187 Embrace of the Drowned, Evolution Complete
In the deep bottom of the water, there are a lot of aquatic plants drifting with the waves, which are lush and lush like an underwater forest.

Among the water plants, there was a swollen corpse, the surface was covered with blue-gray exfoliated dead skin, like a hairy evil spirit.

Suddenly, He opened his swollen hideous eyes.

Chen Ziang looked at him silently, thinking that the other party had chosen a good time.

He took off his clothes and took a bath, and he was dragged into this world without the mandala magic sword with him.If the living dead wanted to avenge Takano Seiko and fight him, he could only fight him with tentacles and sickles... It seems that he is not completely powerless?
"The warrior who defeated my lord witch." The living dead said slowly, "I am Hanna, the priest of the living dead. What is your name?"

Chen Ziang: ……………

The corpse is talking.

Of course, in the mysterious world, it is not uncommon for corpses to speak. The main reason is that the voice of the other party is too indistinct, as if a pebble is pressed under the tongue.

"Ask." Chen Ziang gave his pseudonym.

"Hmm." Hanna's throat wriggled violently, as if she was about to vomit something.

Then, an orange object the size of a goose egg was spit out from his mouth.

"This is..." Chen Ziang stepped aside vigilantly to avoid touching the orange unknown object.

"Let's not talk about this first." Hannah's voice was still vague, but the sound quality was much clearer than before, "My lord, the nest of the drowned, appreciates your previous heroic deeds very much. After all, it is not any low-level race. When witnessing the great image of our lord's incarnation, he can rush into it without hesitation."

Chen Ziang was silent, he had already recalled the huge jelly covered with painful and screaming faces in his mind, and suddenly had a strong urge to feel sick and vomit.

It is never a wise act to look directly at a god, even the incarnation of a god... Even if he rushed forward with all his heart and wanted to end the spread of the kingdom of God as soon as possible, thinking about it now still has lingering fears and fears.

"In short." Hanna finally stated her intentions, "The reason why I invite you here is mainly to discuss the follow-up matters about the witch."

"My lord actually doesn't care about losing this witch, but he can't lose the source and means of his servants, so He kindly rewards you with the power of [Song of the Drowned]."

"Use this power to summon the 'Drowned', who will help you devour those intelligent low-level race individuals, and slowly transform them into living dead."

"Every time a living dead person is transformed, my lord will pay you for it, depending on the quality of the individual."

Chen Ziang understood what she meant: La Zhuangding pays head fees.

But this thing is fundamentally different from the Mandala sword's "killing and paying a head fee".The latter is to eliminate weirdness, while the former is to turn living people into enslaved living dead, which is inherently more evil than simple murder.

So he just nodded in acceptance, but secretly made up his mind not to use it as much as possible.

Hanna reached out and grabbed the orange sphere that was spit out before, and pressed it on the back of Chen Ziang's hand.

Chen Ziang blinked, and saw that the sphere had disappeared, and at the same time, there was a lot of knowledge in his mind.

Knowledge about [Song of the Drowned].

The Nest of the Drowned is very similar to Suhu, they both belong to the kind of abyss gods who have tens of thousands of clones and can be summoned.

The so-called "drowned person" is also the clone of the drowned person's nest. It looks like a huge lump of jelly. It is completely invisible and colorless when it is still, and only when it moves will it emerge as an outline.

It will swallow the victim into the body, and then digest it quickly... This kind of digestion is irreversible, and it will directly drown the victim, transforming it into some kind of non-living and non-dead existence, that is, the "living dead".

What is a "living dead"?They have cold corpses like dead people, but they can retain their thoughts and actions like living people. Even the king of ghouls will shout "evil" when they see it.

Similar to the Touch of the Abyss, the Drowned also has the ability to be summoned anywhere. He can send the digested living dead to the Kingdom of the Drowned, and he can also send the living dead in the Kingdom of God to the present world to support the powerful , but every time you summon a living dead, you need to pay the corresponding merit (the current price for a single person is 126 merit points).

Overall, it's a bit tasteless.

Drowned can be used as a trap, but this function is duplicated with Touch of the Abyss, which can also be summoned to attack enemies from unexpected angles.

In the case of a frontal confrontation, the Drowned himself lacks the ability to move quickly, and fast enemies can easily bypass him.

As for summoning the living dead, the same is true. This kind of individual is not afraid of life and death, and has infinite strength, but the problem is that the movement speed is not fast, which is similar to the problem of the drowning person.

Of course, if you encountered the situation in the federal embassy last time, in a small environment, you can summon a few living dead to block you and occupy the space. Self-protection will definitely be no problem.

But it still seems unrealistic to defeat the immortals of the Klubliff family.

In short, it's just a gift for free, and there's no need to pick too much.

Seemingly seeing what Chen Ziang was thinking, Hanna suddenly reminded:

"Don't underestimate the power of my lord too much, the Song of the Drowned needs to be upgraded to have greater power."

"For example, as a low-level race, your fragile body is a great constraint."

"Lack of oxygen, starvation, disease, injury... There are too many ways to kill you easily."

"As long as you upgrade the Song of the Drowned to the conceptual direction, He can conceptually transform your body into an existence of 'neither life nor death'."

"Wait." Chen Ziang understood what he meant, "You mean, the drowned person can not only transform my enemies, but also... myself?"

"Transform into a living dead." Hanna said slowly, "so that she no longer endures the suffering of life, and no longer needs to fear the cold of death."

"But." Chen Ziang said seriously, "I don't intend to offend, I don't intend to give up my human identity just yet."

"It's also simple." Hanna said slowly, "As long as you let the drowned person leave your body before being completely transformed into a living dead, you can slowly return to a living state."

Chen Ziang pondered.

The ability of the blood-stained pin is to pay for fire to lock the injury, but its price consumption is extremely high.

For example, in the federal embassy, ​​after being injured by an immortal in the shoulder, he just locked the injury for half a minute and consumed more than 200 points of fire.

The upgraded Song of the Drowned undoubtedly provides another means of life-saving: without paying any price, the body can also be transformed into a blood-locked state that is not afraid of death-but you must pay attention to the duration.

Naturally, there are never too many means of saving one's life.

However, I am currently only at the bottom of the faction, and I can come into contact with so many "invincible" powers. It can be seen that, as Hanna said, injury and death are only the unique fragility of the bottom race. There are too many powers in the abyss. Ignore the wounds and get rid of the means of death.

Chen Ziang followed Hanna to continue diving and came to the bottom of the underwater forest.

There are a large number of floating corpses floating here, to be precise, they should be the living dead.Their bodies were swollen like puffer fish, and they looked over with pale eyes—just being stared at by them, they felt uncomfortable being entangled in dense water plants.

"This is the habitat of my family, Drowning Hailin." Hanna slowly introduced, "The Altar of Chaos is located at the bottom of the bottom of the seabed, where you can upgrade your military rank and exchange powers, just like other cities of the shadow camp .”

Chen Ziang came to the altar and opened the power exchange list with his thoughts:
[Touch of the Abyss], upgrade requires 2000 points;
[Profane Witchcraft] and [Avatar with Thousand Faces] each require 50 points;
[Fear Night Demon] needs 500 points;
The current military rank is [Slaughterer], promotion requires 1000 points.

As well as the [Song of the Drowned] just obtained, the upgrade requires 2000 points of merit.

This price is a bit outrageous, because the touch of the abyss has been upgraded twice, and the price of the third upgrade is only 2000 merit points.

In other words, either Takano Seiko upgraded this power twice, or the asking price for the drowned man's nest was particularly high.

In any case, it is a means of saving life after all, and upgrading is also necessary.

Chen Ziang chose to upgrade [Song of the Drowned], the direction of evolution is a concept.

Immediately afterwards, the body seemed to fall again, sinking uncontrollably in the deep sea.

In the dimly lit seabed, he saw the shadow of an illusory human face rushing towards him like a fish, and rushed into his body in an instant.

The corresponding power information appeared in my mind again.

[Song of the Drowned], upgraded to [Embrace of the Drowned], summons a drowned, wraps it around his body, and transforms himself into a living dead conceptually.

The more it is transformed to the back, whether it is physical or mental damage, the less negative effects it will have.

Once the complete transformation is completed, it will become a real "immortal body", that is, a "living dead".

Even if the head is lost, it can be reattached or grow back, so there is no need to worry about being killed.

But the price is the loss of the emotions and feelings of a living person: eating has no taste, no warmth and softness can be felt, and no joy, joy and happiness can be felt anymore.

As the ghoul priest Sarah Hek said, nothing more than poor souls trapped in corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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