Chapter 194
There is no answer.

Although the black monster mocked and questioned, the witch hiding in the dark always only remotely controlled the growth of crystal clusters, hindering her speed of chasing and killing the crowd, and she did not appear to appear rashly at all.

It wasn't until the morale of the crowd was shattered and they fled in all directions that the black monster stopped killing melons and vegetables, jumped to a height of more than ten meters, and then landed in front of Chen Ziang and Xia Qingyu.

"Chen Ziang." Xia Qingyu said suddenly, "That witch is hiding nearby, not too far away."

"Go find her, ask her clearly what she is going to do, and ask Hookaze to cooperate with you."

"Wait, she should be..." Chen Ziang looked at the black monster in front of him, knowing that the inside of the monster's skin was almost inseparable, and there was a high probability that it was Xia Zili's body.

What if Xia Qingyu, who doesn't know the truth, attacks her and a sad scene of sisters killing each other is staged on the spot?
"Next, I have some family affairs to deal with." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Or do you want to intervene too?"

As soon as Chen Ziang heard the word "family matter", he knew that Xia Qingyu had also recognized her sister's identity, and all the worries and anxieties in his heart dissipated.

Now that the sisters have recognized each other, how to deal with the "mother consciousness" in Xia Zili's body, as a biological sister who is related to the other party, she should have more say than me.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and worriedly told Xia Qingyu again, "Don't be impulsive, communicate well," before rushing towards the crystal cluster fragments.

The black monster turned to look at his back without saying a word.

However, Chen Ziang's figure quickly disappeared from the field of vision, because everything around him began to change—the brighter became brighter, the darker became darker, and the light scattered strangely, as if a camera that had failed to focus gradually turned into one by one. Blurred aperture.

"Astral world." The black monster grabbed his face, and then tore it off with all his strength, exposing Xia Zili's head covered in blood, and his voice became as clear and melodious as a half-elf, but his tone was full of deep Unpredictable meaning, "Did you pull me here, do you have something to ask?"

"When did you come?" Xia Qingyu asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know." Xia Zili stretched her neck, "It should be earlier than you think."

"You're not Xia Zili." Xia Qingyu narrowed her eyes.

"So what?" Xia Zili chuckled, "Is it any difference to you if I am your sister or not?"

"Yes." Xia Qingyu said concisely, "Where is she?"

"Sleeping in this body." Xia Zili poked her chest, "There are too many violent scenes, it's not suitable for young children, so she can only get used to it slowly."

Xia Qingyu remained silent, and the atmosphere between the two gradually turned chilly.

"You want to kill me?" Xia Zili said with a smile, "You want to kill your sister? Oh, by the way, you should have wanted to do this a long time ago, right? It must have been hard to endure all these years, my sister ?”

"Why should I kill you?" Xia Qingyu asked her back.

Instead, Xia Zili stopped talking, and just looked at her sister with a smile on her face. It wasn't until the temperature in Xia Qingyu's eyes was almost freezing that the smirk on her face slowly receded and changed into a depressing, horrifying calm expression.

"In your previous life, you left too quickly, and I didn't have time to ask you some questions." After a long silence, she spoke in a low voice, like an autumn insect crying, "Why did you lie to me in the first place?"

"I didn't lie to you." Xia Qingyu replied calmly, "At that time, I firmly believed that there was no one in this world who was more gentle and kind than my sister, and more suitable to be with him."

"As expected." Xia Zili lowered her eyes, "From the beginning to the end, you were not for me, but for him."

"What's the difference?" Xia Qingyu said with a blank expression, "You really fell in love with him, didn't you? I know you will be a good match."

"It's because you can't be with him." Xia Zili stared at the ground and said in a daze, "So you have to match us up, can use another form to keep him by your side..."

She laughed again, at first it was difficult to suppress, but it slowly turned into an uncontrollable crazy laugh, tears also flowed down her face unscrupulously, turning into hot, painful colorless blood:
"This is, this, good sister...the most important person in my life!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xia Qingyu's voice trembled, "Xia Zili! Let me tell you, I never intended to meddle in your relationship, I just..."

Her expression was a little absent-minded for a moment, but she quickly closed her eyes again to prevent more emotions from leaking out of her dark eyes.

"Yes." Xia Zili was crying, with a strange smile on her face, "Since that's the case, then this time..."

" will bless us too, right?"

Xia Qingyu opened her eyes again, but there was only coldness and killing intent in them.

"Xia Zili." Her voice completely lacked the ups and downs that a normal person should have, "It's my sister, not you lunatic."

"I understand." Xia Zili grinned, and the smile on her face twisted, "I just have to listen to you obediently, turn to develop in the entertainment industry, make music, and never see him again in this life. She is the younger sister you are willing to recognize, right?"

"...Then what if I say no? What will you do, kill me? You have wanted to do this a long time ago, right. First kill me, the sister who disobeyed you, and then kill Tsukimiya Suzuna, that damn bitch Son, in this way there will be no rivals in love to rob you of your favorite man, right? My dear good sister!!!"

The voice of wanton venting came to an abrupt end, because her head broke off from her neck suddenly, and bright, sharp starbursts appeared at the wound, but they were soon covered by countless bright red granulation.

These granulation sprouts grew rapidly, and re-solidified into Xia Zili's blond head, and his face had also turned into a brilliant, spiteful laugh, and he shouted in surprise:

"Great! You finally did it! Sister, you want to kill me!"

"I know what you're thinking! You've actually been hating me for not protecting him in the end, right?"

"You don't need to deny it, because I also hate Xia Zili, and I can't wait to kill this damned trash, cut her into pieces, smash her bones into ashes, and fly her to pieces!" Looking at Xia Qingyu's dark expression that was completely out of control, Xia Zili Li roughly grabbed her blond hair with her right hand, and the viciousness and joy in her smile almost gushed out, "But it's rare to see your true feelings...Sister! I've changed my mind!"

"This time, let those humans go to hell, and let those elves go to hell... Sister! I will take him back, I will get him again, and I will be with him forever, and no one will be able to forgive me again." Take him away from my side, no matter who is standing in front of me this time, the Empire, the Federation, Klublef, Tsukimiya Suzuna, and of course you, my good sister..."

Black rotten leather grew rapidly from the gap in her neck, covering Xia Zili's grotesque, cruel, and absolute smile:

"All of you, go to hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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