The Witch's Taste

Chapter 204 Suzuna Tsukimiya is back!

Chapter 204 Suzuna Tsukimiya is back! (two in one)

Star Destroyers, as their name suggests, are massive ships designed to annihilate planets.

The most famous of these is the Empire's suppression-class star destroyer, which sweeps every corner of the planet with a huge neutron stream, and will kill all organic life - this thing is used to deal with the rebel star sector .

The Star Destroyers of the Federation are relatively simple and rude. It is said that they will use some kind of large-scale directed energy weapons to penetrate directly into the depths of the earth's core, causing the planet to collapse and crack directly from the inside, making it completely incapable. The broken planet that lives on will also wipe out all life on it.

However, because of the equipment it needs to carry, the size of the Star Destroyer itself is also extremely large, so big that it is definitely a Star Destroyer with a scan of the shipboard radar, and it cannot be any other civilian ship... The so-called Although the Bacht mining ship is equally huge in size, it is far from reaching the level of a star destroyer.

Besides, because the Star Destroyer is too large, it is also quite vulnerable to air defense attacks from the surface, so it often requires a large number of fleets to escort it.

How could anyone drive the Star Destroyer alone?Gao Tianyuan didn't let it stop, so it just hovered in outer space?They're all here to destroy Stars, so it's easy to talk?
Chen Ziang raised many doubts, but Xia Qingyu did not answer, but asked instead:
"If someone thinks that weirdness doesn't exist, and raises a series of questionable points, how do you convince him?"

"Uh." Chen Ziang said helplessly, "If I have to convince him, I will let him see the weirdness. After all, some things are difficult to explain clearly with words."

"That's right." Xia Qingyu pointed out the window, "Then you should go to that mining ship to confirm, instead of questioning me here to prove your wisdom."

"But how do I go up?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"Does it have anything to do with me how you get up there?" Xia Qingyu asked him back, "It's not me who doubts this."

Alright... Chen Ziang held his forehead and said:

"Then if it's really a Star Destroyer, what should we do?"

"What do you mean?" Xia Qingyu asked coldly.

"Someone has to do something." Chen Ziang said with a frown, "Are we going to just watch it destroy Gao Tianyuan?"

"Then what do you think you can do?" Xia Qingyu asked again.

"I..." Chen Ziang was speechless.

Use the mysterious powers you have to destroy the Star Destroyer?Impossible, people are docked in outer space, and they can't fly, so they can't board the ship smoothly.

Even if you want to warn the authorities and borrow their power, how can you convince the authorities that it is a Star Destroyer?
From the beginning to the end, only Xia Qingyu said "it is a Star Destroyer", other than that, there is no evidence to prove this, but there are many suspicious abnormalities.

He continued to think about it, and finally realized that since the Bacht Group claimed that it was a mining ship, it meant that the other party did not want to reveal the secret of the Star Destroyer, so as not to arouse Gao Tianyuan's vigilance.

In other words, as long as Gao Tianyuan does not allow this "mining ship" to enter, then the Bacht Group will not be able to take the risk of landing-if it can be used strong, the elves would have used it directly, okay?

Yes, if you think about it carefully, if you use a large number of fleets to escort the Star Destroyer, break through the ground air defense system, and forcibly enter Gao Tianyuan to destroy the Star Destroyer, then the empire will definitely be regarded as a military operation and will be severely counterattacked.

But if it is disguised as a mining ship, in the name of mining the earth's crust, and "accidentally" triggers changes in the earth's core... it can avoid arousing fierce public opinion within the empire, thereby reducing the intensity of conflict and hostility between the two sides.

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then tentatively said:

"As long as Gao Tianyuan keeps refusing the entry of this mining ship, then Bakht will not be able to launch a Star Destroyer attack on us, so they will use the agents of the Federal Intelligence Agency to incite unemployed miners to put pressure on the authorities and send this mining ship Packaged as the only savior."

"But... all of this is based on the fact that the mining ship is really a 'Star Destroyer'. What is the motivation of the Bakht Group? Why do they have to destroy Gao Tianyuan?"

Xia Qingyu was noncommittal, but said lightly:

"These are all your own inferences and conjectures. Of course, it is up to you to find the basis to support the conclusion. Why are you asking me? Am I a kindergarten teacher who can answer all questions?"

"You said it was a Star Destroyer... Forget it." Chen Ziang sighed, "I will figure it out."

He left full of complaints, thinking I'd better ask Rio Honakaze.

And Xia Qingyu watched him close the office door, then suddenly turned to look at the sky outside the window, picked up the teacup next to him, and silently took a sip.


"Star Destroyer?" Rio Hokaze was puzzled.

"Yes." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "Do you have any clues?"

"Impossible." Rio Hokaze said categorically, "As far as I know, the death beam emitters inside the Federation Star Destroyer alone are much larger than the Bakht mining ship above our heads."

"Maybe the Federation has made a technological breakthrough?" Chen Ziang guessed, "Can the death beam emitter be made very small?"

"That must be a revolutionary technological breakthrough." Rio Hokaze said hehe, "Every time the size of the Star Destroyer is reduced, the possibility of being targeted on the battlefield will be reduced by one point, and its strategic value will also increase by several points. .Then why doesn't the federation keep it strictly secret as a trump card, but instead use it on us Gao Tianyuan? Also, we didn't offend those elves, right? Why did we destroy us?"

"I want to know this too." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "But...someone told me so."

"Civilian army fans, right?" Rio Hokaze shook his head, "I don't want to waste time discussing such topics with so-called civilian army fans."

Chen Ziang was also a little helpless, of course he couldn't say it was Xia Qingyu's conclusion.After all, it is a taboo in the workplace to disclose what the leader said to you in private to other colleagues. No matter what the topic is, the leader who knows the matter will think that you are "loose-tongued".

But... what if it really is a Star Destroyer?
This thing is not coming to Gaotianyuan for tourism!When the star-destroying beam is shot down, the star will be destroyed!Don't want to live, everyone must die!

The whole family is dead!
"Okay, I'll ask someone again." Chen Ziang said with a sigh.

"Hasn't Tsukimiya Suzuna come back yet?" Rio Hokaze asked suddenly.

"No." Chen Ziang replied, "I haven't received any email from her recently."

"If she comes back, you can ask her." Rio Hokaze suggested, "She knows these things quite well."

"Lingna?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise, "Does she know starships well?"

No, you want to tell me that she knows very well about lipstick, foundation, gel, water, jewelry, rings, designer bags, and male and female celebrities. I completely believe this, but Starship?
On the surface, she looks like a fashionable and pleasant sweet girl, but in her heart she is a military fan and technical geek, right?What Two-dimensional contrast cute?
"That's right." Hokaze Rio said in surprise, "You don't know? Her knowledge of military knowledge... makes me wonder if she has been in the army for a long time before."

"Okay." Chen Ziang was silent for a long time, thinking that since she wasn't here, it would be useless to say these things, he chatted with Suifeng Lixu for a few more words, and then left.


Nearly a week has passed since the day of unrest among unemployed miners.

The most radical group of people has now been arrested and detained, and the trial will begin after a delay.

As for most of the unemployed miners, they were expelled from Extreme North City, and returned to their hometown silently with resentment, confusion and sorrow.

But the matter is far from calming down. There is a steady stream of posts on the Internet. Many thoughtful and intelligent island netizens have begun to reflect on "why our society has become like this", and the discussion has been hot for a long time. Wave after wave of dangerous topics have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

The history of Gao Tianyuan is not a secret. It was originally the base camp of interstellar pirates. The industrial development was seriously biased, and there was basically no technology research and development. Apart from simple ship maintenance, it was not even able to produce the most basic household appliances.

Shi Jintang, the second-generation governor of the star region, relied on joining the Federation Star Trade behind the back of the empire, and exported a large amount of ore in exchange for foreign exchange, which finally boosted the national economy.

But the result of this is that the proportion of industries is also deformed, and mineral exports have become the main engine of economic development.

With the exhaustion of superficial minerals and the high development cost of deep minerals, the mining industry as a whole has continued to shrink, which has led to the problems that have emerged today-but to be precise, layoffs in the industry have always been there, but this time It's just extremely large.

So, who is to blame for this?
of course?Of course it is the government and financial groups.It is because you have not done a good job in planning and guiding the industrial transformation that we hardworking and kind-hearted citizens suffer!

All of a sudden, various topics criticizing the current politics emerged one after another. If someone only read the online discussions, they would think that the government of the Gao Tian Yuan star region was so corrupt that it would be overthrown tomorrow.

Faced with the turbulent public opinion below, the ruling British Party did not respond. The bigwigs have actually been used to it for a long time.

After all, no matter how dissatisfied you are, you can only vote for Shi Di in the next governor election?

If you don't vote for Shi Di, who should you vote for?Do you vote for those mouthpieces of the Democratic First Party?What kind of occupations are those guys? Lawyers, doctors, college teachers...not even a civil servant, and they are completely amateurs in terms of governance experience. How can they manage the Gaotianyuan Star District well?

It wasn’t until the obviously rhythmic discussion of “Let the Bakht mining ship try it out” began to appear on the Internet that Song Mingyuan arranged for the spokesperson of the Governor’s Office to come forward to appease the public opinion, saying, “Industrial transformation is progressing steadily according to the plan, and everyone must have strategic determination. , tomorrow will definitely be better." Yunyun, anyway, it's just a cliché, and it's done.

In the office, Chen Zi'ang watched the discussions and chats in the group, and wondered if he was taking too little care.
After all, we are also members of the Intelligence Bureau. It is not good to eat public meals and talk about current affairs in the group.

He silently typed to remind his subordinates to be cautious in their words and deeds, and soon there was no voice in the group, as if they had been silenced by the group.

Chen Ziang opened the chat window with Xia Qingyu again and sent an inquiry message.

After waiting for ten minutes, the beautiful leader still did not reply.

Today is the meeting time with Mizuhara Saori. She left Jibei City by helicopter early in the morning, and there is no news until she is about to get off work.

I don't know how the conversation is going.

It is said that Xia Zili will have a concert again in a few days, so she has been very busy recently and has no time to chat; Yuegong Lingnai has not returned yet, so Chen Ziang is also a little lonely and bored, and has lost interest in continuing to work.

Otherwise, leave work early today.

Anyway, Xia Qingyu wasn't there.

Chen Ziang shut down the computer silently, then tidied up the desktop, thinking that if he leaves later, his subordinates won't be able to see it, right?
Well, why don't you just grab your laptop and pretend you're going to a meeting in the next building.

Just as he was thinking about how to fish and run, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open.

"Senior!" Tsukimiya Suzuna closed the door and said with a cheerful smile, "I'm back!"

Chen Ziang stared at her blankly, some indescribable long absence and joy swept all his thoughts at that moment, until his mind was completely filled with satisfaction.

But he quickly exerted his strong concentration and will, and did not let the inner joy impulse be exposed on his facial expressions, just smiled and said:
"Suzuna is back? Why didn't you tell me first?"

"Because I wanted to give you a surprise." Tsukimiya Suzuna wrinkled her small nose, staring at him with a suspicious expression, "But you don't seem to have any surprises."

"Actually, I'm really happy." Chen Ziang said with a wry smile, "But this is a unit, and there are colleagues outside, so we must pay attention to the influence."

"Never mind." Yue Gong Suzuna waved her hands indifferently and said, "Dining together tonight?"


"Then I'll wait for you to get off work."

"It's already off work."

"It's not time to get off work, is it?"

"Perhaps, but I'm the head of the class."

"Is there a minister above you?"

"The minister isn't here today, so it's up to the section chief to decide what to do."

"Not here?" Yue Gong Suzuna raised her eyebrows and said with a sneer, "That dead...cough cough, where did that woman go?"

"I'm going to see the witch." Chen Ziang briefly told Yuegong Lingna the ins and outs of Suwon Saori.

"Mizuhara Saori..." Tsukimiya Suzuna thought for a moment and remembered the name.

Unlike Mie Nishikawa and Seiko Takano, this witch was not killed in Takamahara. Later, I remembered that she was recruited and became a member of the Imperial Guard... Tsk.

Thinking of the other party becoming Xia Qingyu's subordinate, she felt an uncontrollable resentment and disgust, and couldn't help but whisper:

"That's why I went to collect dog legs. Tsk, the smell is similar."

"Accept dog legs?" Chen Ziang asked in wonder.

"Ah, it's all right." Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled kindly again, "I believe that our respectable and amiable leader will have a good talk with that witch who knows current affairs, senior, so don't worry too much about her. La!"

"Uncle Weimon's car is parked nearby, shall we just slip away now?"

 This is the chapter for today, next is the Three Kingdoms struggle, I have to think about the plot

(End of this chapter)

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