The Witch's Taste

Chapter 210 If only you could disappear

Chapter 210 If only you could disappear

After reading the information that Xia Qingyu threw over, Chen Ziang also gained some insight.

The cause of the incident is simple: a pet dog just raised by film and television star Miyamoto Yui, a few days ago, because the nanny took it out for a walk and didn't take good care of it, it ran away with the wild dogs wandering outside and disappeared.

The missing place is located in the lush vegetation of Chiba District, not far from the icy and snowy suburban area. Yui Miyamoto was worried that the dog would get lost and could not be found, and would eventually starve to death or freeze to death outside, so he posted a post on the Internet asking for help. I also posted a picture of the dog, hoping that netizens who live in Chiba District can help pay attention.

Miyamoto Yui's status and popularity in the film and television industry are almost comparable to Kiritani Maki's reputation in the music industry, so a large number of fans quickly responded and launched the "Save the Dog" campaign, and even Fanatic fans drove to Chiba just to help their idol "save that cute little life".

We all know that most of the hottest news on the Internet is related to the entertainment industry.

Therefore, the discussion of helping Miyamoto Yui to find a dog quickly overshadowed the discussion of unemployed miners.

Many island netizens are still criticizing the lag of the industrial transformation policy, but then they find that most people on the Internet are paying attention to finding dogs, so they quickly change their mouths and say that the dog is lost. Isn’t it the responsibility of the government... After all, "reflection" belongs to the There is nothing that cannot be reflected on the traditional arts of the island people.

The problem is that this statement has really won the support of many netizens, and some media even began to ask "why our government hasn't launched rescue".

Of course, the people above also felt very puzzled. After all, Chiba District has such a large area, and the terrain is extremely complex. The forest vegetation coverage is the highest among the [-] administrative districts. It is difficult for search and rescue drones to pass through the layers of leaves in the air. Accurately identified a dog on the surface.

If you have to find this dog, you can only spend taxpayers' money to hire a large number of civilian rescue teams to conduct rough on-site dragging and carpet-style investigations.

There is no doubt that there is a sinister trap lurking here:

If you don’t go to the dog, there will definitely be a large number of people accusing the government of being “ruthless” and “disregarding public opinion”;
But if you really go to the dog, then there will be another group of people who were silent before, who will jump out afterwards and say that the government "wasted taxpayers' money indiscriminately."

What's worse is that the authorities have just sent the unemployed miners who came to ask for resettlement fees to their hometowns because of lack of money, but here they have to spend a lot of money to find a dog...

The masses will not carefully calculate how much it costs to find a dog, and how much it costs to resettle an unemployed miner. They will only realize that "there is no money to resettle an unemployed miner; there is money to find a dog for a celebrity" How absurd and ironic the thing is... It is conceivable that it will deal an extremely bad blow to the reputation of the British Party and even Governor Shi Di.

Therefore, faced with the dilemma of having to abandon the car to keep the handsome man, the higher-ups naturally thought of using off-the-board tricks.

Solve it with mysterious power.

Chen Ziang was speechless for a moment, and sent the information to Suifeng Lixu.

"How about it? Use the spiritual pressure divination circle to predict the dog's position, can it be done?"

"Let me tell you briefly." Rio Hokaze replied quickly, "Divination circles are generally used to divine mysterious things. For example, this magic circle is like a water flow sensor. If If something approaches the shallow water from deep water, the resulting current will be picked up by the probe of the sensor."

"That is to say, the target of detection must be underwater—that is, it must be something from the abyss. You can't use this magic circle to predict the winning number of the lottery, or the result of the horse race. "

"But that dog should be an ordinary dog." Chen Ziang said awkwardly.

"That's the problem." Rio Hokaze replied, "I did a tentative divination with the information you gave, and I found it."

"I found it... Isn't that a good thing?" Chen Ziang asked doubtfully.

"Of course not. It stands to reason that an ordinary dog ​​should not respond to the Reiatsu divination circle." Rio Hokaze sighed and said, "This means that there is a mysterious force involved, do you understand?"

"This dog was not lost for no reason, but was hooked away by some mysterious force."

Chen Ziang: ……………

Co-authoring is not an ordinary dog ​​hunting incident, is it?

But that's fine too, since there is a mysterious force involved, it will be justifiable for us to send out manpower.

It was getting late, after Chen Ziang took care of his younger sister, he went back to the bedroom to get ready to rest, and checked the messages on his phone by the way.

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: Senior, I got home safely, I love you~
[Good at singing]: Sorry, I didn't see your news just now, I'm already home, you go to bed early, good night.

Knowing that the two girls had arrived home safely, Chen Ziang finally felt relieved, pulled up the quilt and went to sleep.

When Tsukimiya Suzuna returned to the door, she saw Emmon Goro standing there to welcome her.

"Welcome back, Miss." He opened the car door and said respectfully, "Master and Madam heard that you came back early, and are waiting for you in the living room now...You seem a little unhappy?"

"It's okay, I haven't gotten used to the jet lag yet." Tsukimiya Suzuna shook her head palely, expressing that she was fine, then forced herself to go home.

Xia Zili...

It should be true, at this time she is not the naive Kiritani Maki, but the completely crazy witch with self-destructive tendencies.

Although I am very reluctant to admit this, but if the two sisters join forces, I really can't see the slightest chance of winning...

Yuegong Suzuna was thinking about it, and soon couldn't help laughing out loud.

join forces?

How could they join forces?

If that bitch finds out that the consciousness of his sister in the previous life is hidden in the body of her sister in the present life, he will be very happy, right?The latter is her most cherished relative, while the former is an enemy she can't wait to get rid of...

"Miss?" Seeing her laughing suddenly, Emon Goro asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Tsukimiya Suzuna soon realized her gaffe, quickly suppressed her smile, and said solemnly, "I remembered something happy."

"Ms. must have had a great time on this interstellar journey." Emon Goro said with a sigh of relief, smiling.

"Of course." Suzuna Yuegong laughed and said, "I've already made an agreement with the captain, next time I will take my parents with me."

"Master, I'm afraid I won't be able to find time recently." Emon Goro said in a low voice, "June is the general election for the governor, and he is currently doing diplomatic work on the Federation side."

"That's it." Yue Gong Suzuna said indifferently, "That's fine."

Uncle Weimon reminded me that I have to find a way to get my father to resign, but he can't be told to sink with the wrecked ship of the British Party.

On the other side, Xia Zili returned to her family's mansion in Sanhe District. After entering the door and changing into slippers, she went straight to the big bed in the bedroom and fell down on the quilt exhausted.

Tsukimiya Suzuna is back.

Although it was uncomfortable to say this, she had to admit... Chen Ziang's relationship with Yuegong Suzuna was obviously much closer than her relationship.

After all, people come first.

Every time she realizes this, she feels pain and collapse like a heart attack. At that time, in order not to lose her composure, she could only hand over her body to her mother to control her and let her deal with it smoothly for herself.

But this is not the solution after all...

"Just kill her." The mother's voice suddenly rang in my ears.

"Stop making trouble, Mom." Xia Zili said wearily, "I'm really annoying, and I don't have the energy to joke with you."

"I'm not kidding you either." The mother said quietly beside her, "As long as you kill her, she won't be able to compete with you for a husband."

Xia Zili ignored her, just turned over silently, staring at the ceiling with a dull expression.

If... it's just a hypothesis, if Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly disappears...

(End of this chapter)

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