The Witch's Taste

Chapter 214 The Covenant

Chapter 214 The Covenant
The difference between the core urban area and the remote urban area is that the former is brightly lit regardless of which street, while the latter only manages the main street with a lot of traffic.

As for the alleys and small paths where few people go, they are completely dark and you can’t see your fingers. Therefore, they have become a paradise for many festival couples and tourists. As for what they want to do in the dark, I can’t say it.

Tsukimiya Suzuna's proposal is undoubtedly very attractive.Similar to a female friend who has been dating for a long time, one day she suddenly suggested "let's go to the hotel to get a room". What's more, Chen Ziang is exactly the type of virgin who is more troublesome.

Before meeting Suzuna, he actually had no idea about dating the opposite sex, and even thought it would be okay to depend on his sister for life.

Even if he got to know Yue Gong Suzuna and Xia Zili, facing their occasional, seemingly nonexistent initiative to send them to the door, he still maintains this classical abstinent gentleman's style... In short, before the relationship is established, it is absolutely not There will be physical intimacy.

Of course Yuegong Suzuna knew this too, so when Chen Ziang showed an obviously embarrassed expression, she immediately smiled and said sweetly:

"Well, just kidding~"

Very good, there is progress.

Of course she didn't think that Chen Ziang would agree, but if it was placed on a senior whom she had just met not long ago, she would definitely refuse straight away, and maybe she would teach her "girls can't be so reserved".

Now I just show a embarrassed look and let myself retreat in spite of the difficulties, which shows that the senior's psychological boundaries have taken a big step back.

I can retreat now, and I will definitely continue to retreat in the future. I can directly retreat to "husband, let's have a baby". It probably won't take long.

Miss Suzuna has confidence in her own charm!

She was in a good mood, bouncing forward, and soon found another interesting booth.

Airsoft balloons.

There are no prizes in this game, it is better to say that the experience of "gun shooting" is the prize itself, even if it is just an ordinary air gun.

Needless to say, Suzuna Tsukimiya's marksmanship and her culinary skills are almost two extremes of adding points to her skills. Basically, she refers to where to shoot. The balloons on the shooting board burst one after another, and the boss's face is also a little bit wrong. It's... To use an analogy, it's like setting up a chess world to play chess and bet with others, and then meeting a professional chess player.

The air gun itself has even been tampered with to prevent customers from shooting too accurately and wasting too many balloons.But this kind of manipulation was obviously not enough for Tsukimiya Suzuna. She even only fired one shot, and figured out which way the ballistic would deflect, and then silently calculated the correction distance.

After Chen Ziang finally couldn't stand it anymore and pulled away the addicted Yue Gong Ling Nai, the boss watched the two leave with a smile on his face, and wiped the sweat from his forehead by the way.

I finally sent this God of War away, otherwise if she continues to play like this, my balloon stall can be closed in advance.

Leaving the balloon booth, Chen Ziang asked with a smile:

"Is it necessary to deliberately bully the boss?"

Based on his experience, it is not difficult to see that Tsukimiya Suzuna has already noticed the embarrassment of the boss, but she just pretended not to notice and continued to play, so as to make the boss's face even more ugly.

"What does it matter?" Yue Gong Suzuna said with a chuckle, "When you come out to do business, you have profits and losses, how can you let him play with customers who are poor at archery, and drive her away when you meet sharpshooters? "

"That's what I said." Chen Ziang shook his head, "But you acted a little wickedly."

"So senior just found out now?" Yuegong Suzuna said with a smile, deliberately turned her back and walked backward step by step, staring intently at Chen Ziang and said, "I never said that I am a kind and gentle girl?"

"Senior, if you want to introduce yourself again, please remember it well."

"Suzuna Suzuna is a bad-hearted girl. She will go all out to fight for what she wants, and win back what she loses. Even if it is a matter that violates public order, good customs, and legal ethics, she will do whatever it takes to do it when necessary. If you do it, you will never have any worries or bottom lines."

Chen Ziang looked at her in surprise, and asked puzzledly:

"So why is it so strong? As far as I know, your family background has actually surpassed most people in Gao Tianyuan, and you can even support you to travel to the stars... For you, most of the things you want are within your reach Bar?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment, then said with a smile:
"Seniors also said that only the 'most' are at your fingertips, not 'all'."

"Actually, the more you can't get something, the more you want it, and you often don't cherish what you can get easily. Human beings are such creatures."

"I see." Chen Ziang nodded, and some strange thoughts came to his mind.

So, am I the latter too?

The more you can't attack me in love, the more motivated this girl will be.But if she was captured directly, would she feel bored instead?
Without waiting for him to think carefully, Yuegong Suzuna suddenly grabbed his hand again and shouted:

"Senior, come with me!"

"What's the matter?" Chen Zi'ang thought that something urgent happened, and subconsciously felt for his weapon.

"I just want to chat with you." Tsukimiya Suzuna gasped, "I forgot, the fireworks show is about to start!"


"I found a viewing spot on the mountain, without the shelter of buildings and trees." Tsukimiya Suzuna explained, "Let's go there quickly!"

The two of them climbed halfway along the mountain road, when they heard the low-pitched sound of fireworks coming from behind. Fire trees and silver flowers rose into the sky from a distant town, and then bloomed in gorgeous and gorgeous colors.

"It's too late." Tsukimiya Suzuna stopped and said disappointedly.

The town hall here does not have as much funding as the urban area, and the fireworks display only lasts for a few minutes. When the two climb to the viewing point, the fireworks are probably over.

So far, I can only sit down on the stone steps and enjoy it here.

"It's okay." Chen Ziang comforted her, "I just don't have the energy to climb the mountain, and this place is quite close to the hotel, so it's convenient to go back... I'll take care of it here."

"Senior." Yuegong Suzuna was a little moved, and there was a watery light in her eyes.

The two sat side by side silently, looking at the bright fireworks in the night sky, and were immersed in the beautiful scenery for a while.

Yuegong Suzuna didn't speak, but stared blankly at the brilliant brilliance blooming in the night sky, wishing to lock time directly at this moment.

It wasn't until the night sky became quiet and mysterious again that Chen Zi'ang stood up slowly and said:

"Okay, let's go back."

Tsukimiya Suzuna patted the dirt on the skirt behind her buttocks, and silently followed behind him.


"what happened?"

"If..." Her voice was as low as a whisper in the wind, "If the world you live in will eventually be destroyed, would you like to embark on a wandering journey with me?"

"Why do you say that?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise, "First Xia Qingyu said that the mining ship was actually a Star Destroyer, and then you have any information that I don't know?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna fell silent.She had the urge to reveal all the secrets, but she also considered letting her senior know that "your wife in the previous life was not me" at this time was obviously a stinky move that couldn't be more stinky—thinking of this, I can only think of it. He can suddenly show a weird smile, stick out his tongue slyly, make a face, and say:
"Well, just kidding."

Chen Ziang: ……………

"But it's true, senior." Suzuna Tsukimiya complained, "Generally speaking, if a beautiful girl living together makes such a sincere request, the subconscious reaction of any man is to agree directly, right?"

"I thought you weren't joking." Chen Ziang said haha, "It's my fault."

"Then what should we do if we encounter a similar situation?" Tsukimiya Suzuna tentatively asked.

"Then let's see if it's still possible." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "If it's really hopeless, then you have to leave if you don't want to? You can't just stay here and wait to die."

"Indeed." Tsukimiya Suzuna nodded vigorously, "Then it's a deal!"

"What's a deal?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"If this world is about to fall into destruction, Senior will go wandering with me!" Tsukimiya Suzuna opened her arms under the night sky, with a big smile on her face, "That's all right?!"

(End of this chapter)

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