The Witch's Taste

Chapter 22 Suspended!

Chapter 22 Suspended!

Chen Ziang was the first to stand up. Except for Baba Yongjian, Mashima Masami and Tsukimiya Suzuna, the faces of the other operators were not surprised.

Strictly speaking, the other operators did violate the rules, but Chen Ziang did not.

Because the only sealed item he relied on from the beginning to the end, the Mandala Magic Sword, was indeed not the property of the Public Security Department.

"My weapon, the Datura Sword." Chen Ziang explained, "I didn't get it while on duty as an officer of the Public Security Department, but it was an inheritance left to me by my parents. Hall six."

"So this sword is my personal property, I hope the leader understands."

Baba Yongjian frowned slightly, only to hear Mashima Masami laugh and say:

"Chen Zi'ang, if everyone says that the Sealed Artifacts in their possession are left by parents, grandparents, or ancestors and are private property and cannot be handed over, then our rule is useless and should be voided."

"I have evidence." Chen Ziang said cautiously, "Ten years ago, before I joined the Public Security Department, this sword was kept as a private historical relic of Jibei City, and it was filed and registered at the Municipal Cultural Relics Management Office. It's my father's name."

Mashima Masami: ……………

"Chen Ziang." Bachang Yongjian said, "Don't forget, you are a security officer."

"As an operator, you must obey the decision of the system. Let alone your private property, even if it is your life, if you want to go to the front line and fight the mutation now, will you refuse?"

"I won't." Chen Ziang said seriously, "As a security officer, I should obey the command of the Public Security Department. But the Mandala Magic Sword belongs to my father, and I have no right to donate it to the Public Security Department on behalf of my father. "

If I lost the Mandala Sword, I don't know how many percent my strength would drop. How would I eliminate the weirdness by then?How to get tinder?How to save my sister?

If I can't save my sister, I'll be a fart security officer!

"That's it." Bachang Yongjian nodded, "Then you should suspend your job."

"When will you think it through, and when will you come back."

"Director!" Takahashi Junsuke finally changed his face and stood up abruptly.

But Bachang Yongjian's stern look quickly forced him back to the chair.

Because Takahashi Junsuke has realized that Baba Yongjian has had a huge misunderstanding at this time:

This old boss, who had always been headstrong, mistakenly thought that Chen Ziang was specially arranged by him to oppose the leadership's decision-making at the meeting and damage the leadership's prestige, so he hit hard and suspended him!

He thought he was giving him eye drops and told him not to meddle in the affairs of Lesson Six!
But...but that's not the case!

Bachang Yongjian, a typical island bureaucratic thinking, will never think about problems from the business level.What he didn't know was that Chen Ziang was the ace operator of the sixth class. He was extremely good at swordsmanship and fighting, and he could also control the mandala sword very well. The speed of dealing with mutations by himself was often three or four times that of others.

In addition, this person is actively working and does not resist temporary overtime, so that about 30% of the cases in the class, and the most difficult part, were handled by Chen Ziang alone.

Now that Chen Ziang has been suspended, who will take over his case?
In other classrooms, cases can be backlogged if they can't finish handling them; countermeasures class [-], if they can't finish dealing with mutations, then the one that is finished is Jibei City, the entire Gaotianyuan Star District!

Chen Ziang was also on the spot in a daze, as if he didn't expect that he would be suspended.

According to the system rules of civil servants in Jibei City, it is almost impossible to fire a permanent cadre. Suspension is already an extreme operation. It is equivalent to your boss gently reminding you "Hurry up and transfer".

However, he also quickly realized that with the personality of the big idiot in the racecourse who cared so much about official authority, he would definitely not take back what he said in public.

I was really suspended.

He was silent for a moment, bowed to everyone around him, expressed his apology for interrupting the meeting just now, and then left the meeting room silently.

"Okay." Bachang Yongjian said expressionlessly, "Who else has any objections..."

Before the words were finished, Yue Gong Ling Nai also got up without saying a word, and chased after Chen Zi'ang's figure out - after being slapped in the face twice in a row, Bachang Yongjian finally couldn't hold back, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Leaving the conference room, Chen Ziang returned to his work station, stared in a daze on the chair for a while, and then started to pack his things with a wry smile.

If you don't resist, the Mandala Sword will be confiscated, and the efficiency of killing weirdness will definitely be affected;
Now that he has resisted and been suspended, he has no chance to get in touch with weirdness.

Comparing the two situations, the latter is slightly better.After all, in addition to the Public Security Department, some private ghost removal offices also have the opportunity to come into contact with weirdness.

But if the Mandala Sword is confiscated, it is completely lost, and there is almost no possibility of getting it back... Anyone knows how to choose.

"Senior!" Suzuna Yuegong rushed to the side of the station, "Senior, you..."

"It's okay, I'm just suspended." Chen Ziang didn't want her to worry, so he just smiled indifferently and comforted him, "When the class gets busy and there are not enough people, I'm probably called back."

"Uh, yes." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a dry smile.

Without Chen Ziang's countermeasure six lessons, there would definitely be a big mess in the future. She just needs to wait for the horse farm Yongjian to do her own thing and invite the senior back obediently.

But what does this have to do with poor Suzuna-chan?I haven't been able to work with my seniors these days! ! !
After a while, she looked at Chen Ziang who was packing up, and asked softly:
"The senior, what plans do you have during this time?"

"I don't know, it's time to relax and take a vacation." Chen Ziang thought for a moment, then suddenly raised his head to look at her, "Moon Palace."

"What's wrong, senior?" Tsukimiya Suzuna opened her eyes wide.

"If you have any questions, call me in time." Chen Ziang said with a smile.

"it is good……"

Chen Ziang left with his bag on his back, Yuegong Lingna looked at his empty work station, and for a moment even thought of killing.

Ah, why don't we blow up the Public Security Bureau?

There is no such thing as the Public Security Bureau of the seniors... just destroy it.

Chen Ziang left the work unit, took the light rail to return home, and started making lunch for Xiao Zhu, without explaining to his sister why he came back at noon.

The way the siblings get along is very strange, because Xiaozhu has been autistic, so he basically doesn't communicate with his brother at ordinary times, and the two can only rely on running-in to find a way to get along.

For example, if Chen Ziang was at home, he would definitely feed his younger sister, while Xiaozhu would not touch chopsticks.But if she is not at home at work, then she will naturally take out the bento in the refrigerator and eat it by herself.

After finishing the meal, Chen Ziang absent-mindedly fed his sister, and then ate a few mouthfuls like chewing wax.

Well, although I think the suspension is only temporary, but I still can't get used to this kind of life with nothing to do.

"I'm going out for a while in the afternoon." Chen Ziang said.

Chen Xiaozhu didn't answer, but just continued to stare into the distance.

After leaving home, Chen Ziang came to the office left by his father and began to rummage through the cabinets on the second floor.

I remember, it should be behind a pile of old books... Oh, I found it.

As an exorcism office, of course, it is impossible to wait for the abnormal incident to come to you like the public security department.

In addition to keeping in touch with regular customers, sharing within the peer circle is also a very important source of entrustment. After all, everyone has different abilities and means. Some tasks cannot be done by oneself, but peers can do them. There is no need to force customers away.

Flipping through the yellowed address book for a while, Chen Ziang finally found a number and dialed it:

"Hello, is that Uncle Yu?"

"...Xiao Ang?"

"Unexpectedly, Uncle You still remembers me."

"What nonsense, after your parents disappeared, I came to see you, didn't I? You are working in the Jibei City Public Security Department now, right?"

"Well, but I have been suspended, so I want to visit Uncle You and see if there is anything I can do to help."

"Hehe, come here first and talk about it later. I happen to have a rather troublesome person here... let's say it's a big customer."

(End of this chapter)

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