The Witch's Taste

Chapter 228 The Hound of Time

Chapter 228 The Hound of Time

In the federal embassy, ​​hundreds of elf clerks were working all night to confirm how much information had been stolen by the intruders.

The current Federation ambassador to Gao Tianyuan, Trauch Klublef, was sitting in the command center, gloomily watching the adjutants direct the siege of the thieves.

In other non-federation star regions, the army was dispatched to carry out military operations openly, and it was not the first time that the federation did so.

Among the countries in the entire galaxy today, only the sacred Federation of Meneus is a superpower, and the human empire can only be regarded as a challenger at best, not an opponent.

As for the many star regions other than the two major forces, they were all easily and violently beaten by the Federation, so the embassy basically acted without any scruples, and they could do whatever they wanted.

"Squad A1 is silent!"

"Squad A2 is silent!"

"B3 has arrived at the infiltration node...B3 is silent! Someone is intercepting them!"

Seeing the massive stream of messages scrolling on the command screen, each message representing the loss of contact and death of an immortal, Trauch's face became a little irritable.

To the outside world, the "immortals" of the Klublef family are like messengers of death, and all life will be harvested wherever they pass.

However, Immortals are actually family private soldiers that can be mass-produced, and "mass production" determines that they do not use the most sophisticated equipment.

It's just that the Federation's technology is far ahead of other star regions in the Milky Way. Even the popularized military equipment can crush the standing armies of other forces... This time, it hit the iron wall head-on, so that the adjutants all looked dignified. Quietly looked at Trauch's expression.

There are a total of two interceptors: one is a strange humanoid monster whose appearance is very similar to the sheep-headed monster in elf myths and legends; Constantly shooting at the infiltrating troops-the latter often lost contact immediately before the murderer's information was returned.

"Prepare to dispatch the Ghost Warrior." Trauch said suddenly.

"Trauch." The adjutant next to him reminded in astonishment, "That's reserved by the family for emergencies..."

"It's an emergency now." Trauch said coldly, "Some important information has been stolen, and it must be recovered as soon as possible, otherwise it will have a major impact on the national interests of the Federation."

Hearing "the national interest of the Federation", the adjutants fell silent.

Well, it's right to vent my personal anger.

As we all know, the federal ambassador never considers the interests of the country, but only the interests of the family and his own interests.The information stolen from the embassy is important, but it doesn't matter to the Klubleff family. The main reason is that Trauch himself was frightened... He seemed to regard the thief as some other assassin, and immediately hid in the secret room went.

Now it has been proved that she is just a small thief, and Trauch, who is in a hurry to run, can't hold back his face, so he has to send someone to kill her.

Soon, the Ghost Warrior arrived at the Sakaguchi Industrial Museum.

Unlike the mechanized immortals, these ghost warriors are not implanted with military prosthetics, but rather a very special sealed item that allows the implanted person to jump briefly in the fault space.

Xia Zili, who was guarding the main entrance of the museum, soon noticed something was wrong.

The immortals on the opposite side stopped attacking, definitely not wanting to retreat, most likely they were preparing for the next wave of more violent attacks.

"It's the ghost warrior." The mother suddenly reminded, "The ripples in space have begun to fluctuate."

"What should I do?" Xia Zili asked anxiously.

She had only heard of the term "ghost warriors" in her family, but she didn't know what kind of army they were - the secrecy level of ghost warriors was much higher than that of immortals.

"Nothing to do." The mother replied, "Leave it alone and let that mistress deal with it."

Xia Zili quickly activated [Festering Cloud and Mist], summoning countless rotten insects and gathering them around her.

The ghost warrior lurking in the subspace sensed the highly mysterious reaction of the opponent's body, so he didn't dare to approach rashly, but quickly asked the rear for instructions.

"Go around!" Trauch waved his hand.

Although these interceptors are hateful, they should kill the little thief first, and then slowly process them.

The ghost warriors moved quickly, and the ripples of the warp began to undulate, as their figures loomed in the dark space of the museum.

To be precise, it appears and disappears from time to time, like afterimages left by a person moving at high speed on a camera that is continuously shooting.

Tsukimiya Suzuna also noticed the space ripples.This kind of fluctuation is silent, but in the perception of the high spirit vision crowd, it is like a breeze blowing on the face, and it is difficult to ignore their existence.

"Ghost Warrior?" Tsukimiya Suzuna was slightly taken aback, and then smiled silently.

At this point in time, the Achilles' heel of Klublef's Ghost Warrior troops should not have been exposed, so that many elf companies are very wary of these troops that can "teleport" and have to use expensive space strings. Jammers to protect important facilities from being stolen or attacked by these elusive guys.

Tsukimiya Suzuna decided to take advantage of her rebirth and give these arrogant elves a little "seer shock".

Soon, the Ghost Warriors arrived in the atrium of the museum.

The front door was firmly guarded by the goat-horned monster, and the Immortal team who tried to break through were all sacrificed, while the troops that bypassed the front door by other means basically lost contact in the atrium.

Therefore, the tactical staff at the rear judged that there must be interceptors on the side of the atrium, so the ghost warriors quickly escaped into the subspace and carefully explored the surroundings.

Whether it is the equipment they wear or the various sealed items implanted in their bodies, only about 10% are used to achieve space jumps, and the remaining 90% are to weaken the space ripples generated by the jumps.

Tsukimiya Suzuna, who was hiding in the dark, showed a cruel smile when she saw their cautious appearance.

She clapped her hands sharply.

A gray whirlwind exuding a sickly color suddenly appeared in the atrium of the museum, startling the surrounding ghost warriors to roll away quickly.

The whirlwind didn't hit any elves, but what made them extremely frightened was that the whirlwind was flashing rapidly and at high frequency on the spot, bringing a large number of subspace ripples, as if they were constantly throwing boulders into the calm lake.

Soon, a strange aura came from the surrounding subspace.Like the rustling sound in the dense forest at night, some kind of frightening existence began to emerge from the tidal depths of space.

"Time Hound!" the Ghost Warriors exclaimed in horror.

These time hounds are not real dogs, but a lower race kept by the demons of the warp.They usually hide in the depths of the ripples of space strings, waiting for any uninvited guests who use space to jump, and then hunt them down like hounds chasing rabbits.

Because of this, the space string transition equipment of the starship is made large and cumbersome, just to avoid the perception of time hounds by using long-wave jumps, and the ghost warriors cover up the ripples of space fluctuations to avoid attracting their attention .

However, that interceptor used a mysterious power similar to a whirlwind to set off a huge commotion in the subspace, so that almost all the time hounds sensed and surrounded them—considering their ubiquitous characteristics and staring The principle of never letting go of the prey, the interceptor who took the initiative to use the power is undoubtedly also in the attack, even in the center of the storm!

That guy actually wants to die with us!

These ghost fighters have no time to think any more, because a large amount of smoke has already gushed out from the gaps in the floor tiles and the corners of the walls, and as their muscles and bones began to deform, they made an overwhelmed crunching sound, as if they had been hit by an invisible force. The beast bites.

Tsukimiya Suzuna watched all this indifferently, until a huge time hound slowly emerged from her side.

"Misha greets you." The time hound sent out a series of spatial fluctuations containing information.

"Are these elves enough to eat?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked with a sneer.

"We have no concept of hunger," replied the Time Hound.

"I know, and it's obvious that you don't understand what a joke is." Tsukimiya Suzuna put back her smile, "There's a man with horns in the vestibule, go and kill her too."

The time hound breathed hard for a moment, and said:

"That's the mother god's choice. Misha has no plans to go to war with the mother god. Unless it's the fog..."

"Mist..." Suzuna Yuegong shook her head, "Forget it, she's not here."

"You guard this place well, and kill all those who use the power of space to infiltrate, is it okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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