The Witch's Taste

Chapter 252 Dungeon Demon King

Chapter 252 Dungeon Demon King (optional)
City of Zubasa.

After spending 200 tinder points in exchange for the power of [Pan God's Name], Chen Ziang felt that the weapon seemed much heavier.

He didn't dare to be vague and perfunctory about the matter of weapons. In addition, this power had nothing to do with serious combat, so he found the ghoul priest Sarah Hek and asked about this power.

"[The Name of God Pan]?" Sarah Hek frowned, "That god..."

"Is there a problem?" Chen Ziang turned pale with shock.

"No, there's no problem." Sarah Heke shook her head and said, " you know Mr. Bodybuilder?"

"Bodybuilder? The kind that builds a tanned body, gets oiled up, and poses for the camera?"

"That's right. God Pan is quite... unique. He doesn't like to fight with other gods. Instead, he prefers to show his masculine demeanor. The powers bestowed on believers are mainly to enhance their characteristics." Sarah Hek shook his head. Said, "Of course, gods are unpredictable. I can only say that people who believe in this god are basically weird people."

"Is it just to strengthen the male characteristics?" Chen Ziang asked in thought, "There are no other side effects?"

"Such a rubbish power, what side effects do you need?" Sarah Hek asked in confusion.

"I understand." Chen Ziang heaved a sigh of relief.

Leaving the dying state, he lay on the big bed in the room and began to think seriously again.

The relationship between him and Tsukimiya Suzuna has now reached a new stage.As the intimacy between the two parties deepens, there will inevitably be more contact and friction.

Running away is not going to solve the problem.The game mechanism in the relationship between the sexes determines the position where both parties can get along well, and it must be the final bottom line that the disadvantaged can accept.

If Chen Ziang didn't want to become medicine dregs, then he had to become a strong person.

"Come back to the nest!" Yuegong Lingna finally finished her bath, didn't even wear a bathrobe, and rushed out of the bathroom after drying herself, got into the bed with a whoosh, and then emerged from Chen Zi'ang's arms, her eyes were closed A hot pink flame was ignited, and he said in a greasy voice:

"Senior, come to fight! Today I will let you know how powerful Sakura is!"

Seeing that she still didn't know how to advance or retreat, Chen Ziang cut off the last trace of hesitation in his heart.

Come fight!

The two picked up the game controller and started a duel.

This time I played another old game "Dungeon Demon King": the two sides played the role of the devil controlling the dungeon and the warrior attacking the dungeon respectively.

The Warriors' gameplay is roughly the style of Wushuang Mowing. They rush into the dungeon to harvest monsters, then leave to rest outside to recover their physical strength, and then enter the dungeon... Repeatedly killing monsters and becoming stronger is also a classic fantasy RPG mode.

On the side of the devil, there is another style of play: every time the warrior enters the dungeon, a large number of monsters need to be arranged to besiege the warrior and hinder his penetration as much as possible.

Of course, the combat power of the brave is designed to be equal to a thousand riders. No matter how the devil resists in the first few rounds, the dungeon will still be directly pierced. Besieged and killed by monsters, some of his physical strength will drop.

In order to enhance the balance of the game, the stamina gauge is an invisible value. Only when the brave man is close to exhaustion will there be obvious changes on the screen... So the key is whether the player playing the hero can accurately estimate the remaining physical strength and grasp the overall strength. the rhythm of the game.

When the physical strength is about to be exhausted, the brave must not love to fight, and must leave the dungeon to rest and recover blood, otherwise he will foam at the mouth and fall to the ground.

In the same way, the Demon King should try his best to wear down the brave man's physical strength. When he is about to run out, quickly lock the door to prevent him from escaping, and finally consume him alive in the dungeon. This is considered a victory.

Tsukimiya Suzuna is very confident, because she pestered her senior to play three games today, and it is estimated that the other party's mental state has been sluggish. Wouldn't it be easy to win?
Although the victory is not martial, I'm sorry...Senior, I am a utilitarian girl, and I didn't pester you for so long just to enjoy the fun of the game.

To play games is to win!
Chen Ziang was also calm, he had exchanged the corresponding powers, and he was in a state of full energy at this time, feeling that even if he played with Yue Gong Suzuna all night, he would not show any signs of fatigue.

Go to war!
Chen Ziang resolutely chose the hero of the gun, preferring a career that takes the initiative to attack.

Suzuna Tsukimiya also finished her choice, this time the monster she chose is... slime!

Slime, a slimy and slippery monster, has very weak combat ability alone, but will leave a puddle of slime in place after death.

When passing through the slime grid, the hero's movement speed will slow down, and his energy consumption will also increase.

... So he planned to play a protracted war, and he knew it immediately.

As soon as the game started, Chen Ziang manipulated the brave man and charged directly into the dungeon.


Looking at the large amount of slime in the dark corridor, he suddenly became vigilant.

I just came in, why is there so much water here?

Obviously, Tsukimiya Suzuna let a large number of slimes kill each other at the beginning of the game, creating an environment unfavorable to the brave in advance.

It's all here, and Chen Zi'ang will not retreat here, he decisively chooses to let the brave move on.

The more you go deep into it, the passages on both sides gradually become narrower. This design obviously compresses the range of action of the brave man, preventing him from moving between monsters, and he can only face the enemy head-on and take damage.

Chen Ziang manipulated the brave man to go to the deepest place, and sure enough, he saw a large number of slimes squirming violently, rushing out like a tide.


In a narrow environment, warriors can inflict the most effective damage on monsters, but their own physical loss is also the greatest, so standing still and working hard is the most stupid strategy.

Sometimes you go deep into the fight, harvesting monsters and spoils with all your strength; sometimes you retreat and swim, using the spacious surroundings to recover your strength.The correct way to play this game is to grasp the rhythm of advance and retreat throughout the process.

It's like a marathon. Those who run wildly in the front and escape all the way at the beginning will often stall due to exhaustion in the end.

Chen Ziang quickly retreated to the periphery, regained his physical strength for a while, grabbed his weapon, and rushed in again quickly, quite like Changshan Zhao Zilong.

Although there are a large number of slimes, the brave man's physical strength is at its peak at this time, and it is estimated that at least 90% of them are over. How can mere low-level monsters fight against them?He was killed immediately.

Chen Ziang manipulated the brave man, and drove straight in neatly. Once he rushed to the bottom, he found that all the slimes around him had already lay down, turned into slime, and stopped moving.

The aisles here are narrow and the temperature is hot. Even staying in place is exhausting, so he hurriedly turned around and evacuated. When he returned to the entrance, the next wave of monsters spawned just in time, and the timing was perfectly mastered.

Compared with Chen Ziang's calmness, Yue Gong Ling Nai looked quite embarrassed.

In order to fight against the hero's charge, she not only gathered all the slimes just now, but even used all her strength to micro-manage, and almost scattered the slimes that reported the group into flowers, so as not to be swept away by the hero. It's all seconds.

However, no matter how the slimes squirmed, shrunk, squeezed, sucked, and tried to trap the hero, they failed to block the opponent's attack, and were killed directly in the end, which made her feel strongly frustrated and powerless.

The mechanism of this game is like this: the brave cannot be killed, but can only be consumed. It is obviously impossible to win the first round.

Suzuna Yuegong quickly restrained herself, and with a few operations on the handle, the organs on the two wings of the Demon Palace quickly closed.

Chen Ziang was about to manipulate the brave man to continue retreating, when he realized that his retreat was locked.

The two-wing lock, one of the organs of the dungeon, is used to prevent the brave from exiting the dungeon, thereby delaying his physical recovery speed.

But the maintenance of the two-wing lock itself needs to consume the energy of the dungeon, and the energy reserve determines how many monsters the devil can summon, so it is equivalent to a double-edged sword, and it is very particular about when to use it.

In most cases, the devil should activate this mechanism to keep the hero when he is about to run out of energy and intends to escape from the dungeon and return to the small town. The strong will to fight is in it, but from the perspective of game competition, it is actually a loss.

Chen Zi'ang secretly laughed at Ling Nai's bravery and lack of plan, and soon manipulated the brave man to rush to the depths of the dungeon again.

The physical strength is still full, why should we hesitate to fight?
(End of this chapter)

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