The Witch's Taste

Chapter 258 Shadow witch, never admit defeat

Chapter 258 Shadow witch, never admit defeat

Chen Ziang didn't know what to say, he felt like the heroine in a strange movie, who somehow was blackmailed by the hero with strange excuses.

It's just that the news Xia Zili gave was too much and too shocking, for example, what kind of "Shadow Witch" is Yuegong Lingna, how could she become a witch?
"Zili." Following Xia Zili for a walk on the grass, Chen Ziang couldn't help but ask, "Did Suzuna...become a witch in her previous life?"

"Yes." Xia Zili was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Why?" Chen Ziang asked in a deep voice.

Xia Zili continued to remain silent, just when Chen Ziang thought she was not going to answer, she finally heard her speak:
"It's too cunning."


"Chen Zi'ang, I treat you as my husband." Xia Zili whispered, "But do you treat me as your wife?"

"Sorry." Chen Ziang said helplessly, "I don't have any memory of my past life."

"Because of this, I can convince myself to accept your indifference and alienation at this time, and even get entangled with other women." Xia Zili stared at him sadly, "But you took advantage of my liking for you. Is it not too much to expect me to answer all your questions when you give me any promise?"

Chen Ziang was speechless.

Of course, he would not ruthlessly abandon Yuegong Suzuna just because of things like "I found out that I had a wife in my previous life", but what Xia Zili said is indeed true-if the gender is reversed, he finds out that his wife in the previous life , In this life, he is actually getting better with others... He himself will definitely explode in mentality.

"You want me to answer your question, fine." Xia Zili paused for a moment, then continued, "As long as you fulfill one of my wishes, I will answer one of your questions, how about it?"

She unlocked the phone screen and handed it to Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang looked carefully, and found that the wish list was filled with trivial things, such as going on a date at a coffee shop, going to an amusement park to ride a ferris wheel, etc... There is no such thing as Tsukimiya Suzuna's game in it.

"But your it convenient for you to show off?" he asked uncertainly.

"It's okay." Xia Zili wiped her face vigorously with her hands, and quickly turned her blond hair into black hair, her pointed ears shrank into round ears, and her facial features also shifted slightly, and she soon looked like the original Xia Zili. very different.

"This is?"

"This is my newly acquired power." Xia Zili whispered, "My mother told you, right? In fact... I am also a witch."

"The more I am tortured, the stronger I will become, and thus gain more powers. Although I would rather not have them, sometimes fate never gives people a chance to choose, right?"

Chen Zi'ang knew what she meant - the closer he was to Yue Gong Ling Nai, the more she felt as if she was the main palace of the previous life, the more his heart was twisted.

He could only nod helplessly, sighed and said:

"Then let's fulfill our wishes above in order."

Although I can't abandon Suzuna because of this, maybe this will make your life easier... sorry.

The first item on the wish list is to go to a local Internet celebrity cafe and enjoy the desserts on the couple set meal together.

Wait, why does this place seem so familiar?

Isn't it the one that Suzuna took me to eat last time yesterday?

Chen Ziang was extremely embarrassed, but he would not be so stupid as to admit to Xia Zili, "I went here with Ling Nai yesterday, why don't we change to another one", so he could only pretend to be nonchalant, and took Xia Zili away from the ranch.

As for Suzuna... He has tried his best, but he really can't get in touch, so he can only start with Xia Zili to make sure that the other party is safe and well.

Taking a taxi back to the city, we quickly arrived at the coffee shop we visited yesterday.

"Welcome." There seemed to be not many customers today, so the lady behind the counter greeted her warmly.

She picked up the glasses on the counter next to her, put them on to enhance her eyesight, and then confirmed Chen Ziang's appearance again.

That's right, he was the handsome guy who came with the sweet girl yesterday - because it was rare to meet a couple with outstanding looks, she couldn't help but take a few more glances, and she had an impression of the two of them.

Unexpectedly, just one day later, another girl was brought over!What a scumbag!

Of course, the owner of the shop is also well-informed, so she knows that she can't jump to conclusions at such a time... For example, is this girl his sister?Or what about senior sister?
"Want to order?" She smiled and pushed the menu over.

"Yes." Xia Zili looked at it carefully, "Zi'ang, do you want to eat something?"

"I can do whatever I want." Chen Ziang tried his best to force a smile, and realized that the lady owner seemed to recognize him.

"Then let's take this No. [-] couple's package, thank you." Xia Zili made a decision.

Now the lady owner looked at Chen Ziang with a look of disdain as if she was staring at a bedbug.

However, a store owner cannot be angry with customers, so she just maintained an elegant fake smile and asked:

"Are you two a couple? If you are a couple, you can get a discount if you buy the couple's package."

"We're not a couple." Xia Zili shook her head.

Yeah?The vigilance and disgust in the shop owner's eyes disappeared, so I misunderstood...

"We are husband and wife." Xia Zili added.

The shop owner's eyes widened, and she almost blurted out the word "derailment". She managed to maintain a smirk on her face and said:

"Sister, you are so young, you should have been married for a few years, right? You should be fine as a couple."

No matter what kind of woman it is, being praised for being young is always a pleasure, Xia Zili laughed and said:
"That's not true, we've been married for almost ten years..."

The shopkeeper lady felt as if she had been struck by thunder, and her expression was almost unbearable.

Wait, you're in your twenties at most, right?Married ten years ago...underage, right?
"Ahem!" Seeing the other party's hand groping under the counter, as if planning to call the police, Chen Ziang coughed quickly and said, "Don't be kidding, I'm a little hungry, let's sit down quickly."

"I'm joking." Xia Zili also realized that she had slipped her mouth, and quickly smoothed things over.


High sky protoplanet, near the equator.

Tsukimiya Suzuna has already released her chaotic form, and is running away quickly at this time.

Xia Zili was chasing her like a shadow, leaving her no time to look at her phone, and she was secretly anxious.

Senior is still waiting for me to go back at the ranch!Suzuna, think of a way!

Damn it, it's just like my sister Jiang said, I've been indulging in the happiness of sticking with seniors for too long, the speed of becoming stronger has been completely left behind by Xia Zili!
Just when she was extremely regretful (resolutely not to change), a thought suddenly popped up in her mind.

Wait, why is Xia Zili willing to leave senior there alone?
I remember that she has the power of a clone... No, with the fighting ability she showed just now, it can't be a clone, it must be the main body chasing me.

But that doesn't mean she won't use her avatar to abduct the senior who stayed in place!

The moment she realized this, there seemed to be some violent pain that gripped Tsukimiya Suzuna's heart violently.

Xia Zili, don't you want to save Gao Tianyuan?
Then go be your savior, why are you still pestering me and seniors?
You can't do two things well at the same time, and the tragedies of past lives prove this.Your stupid kindness and justice will only drag the seniors who accompany you into hell.

If Senior still chooses you this time, how can I prevent him from repeating the same mistakes...

Suddenly a picture flashed before her eyes:

Among the bottomless ruins was a bloody hand.


Honokaze suddenly woke up.

She just fell asleep lying on the desk, until the violent alarm sound of the spiritual pressure divination system woke her up:

A change occurred near Zhongnan City.

Surveillance satellites captured a large area of ​​unknown shadows, moving quickly from Zhongnan City to the north, and then erupted in the equatorial region, first spreading into the atmosphere like a dark cloud, and then contracting downward again, violently impacting the earth's crust.

Before finishing the satellite video, Rio Hokaze felt a violent vibration under his feet.


(End of this chapter)

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