The Witch's Taste

Chapter 260 Horse Racing

Chapter 260 Horse Racing
When he first saw the wish list, Chen Ziang glanced at it hastily, and didn't think about what "spend a good night together" means - just like the TV station's Lantern Festival party, the host would say "let's spend a good night together", which shows that this word is actually not It is bound to the game.

But Xia Zili, as her wife in her previous life, wrote it down solemnly. There is no need to say whether it has any extended meaning.

Chen Ziang felt a bit difficult, but it wasn't because his body couldn't take it anymore. [Pan Shen's Name] 200 points were not for nothing.

The main reason is that I just fought with Suzuna, and now I want to fight with Zili... Isn't it a bit too much?

Xia Zili didn't give him time to review himself, but just pulled him away from the coffee shop (still unwilling to let go), and immediately asked:

"Which hot spring hotel are you from?"

"Zili." Chen Ziang said worriedly, "There is no need to compare, right? Are you a little too extreme..."

"Actually, there are not many choices." Xia Zili turned on the phone silently, "Yuegong Suzuna is the kind of person who will prepare strategies in advance, so hot spring hotels that are not well-known can be excluded."

"Among the rest of the options, consider the closest distance to the coffee shop and the location with gourmet shops nearby...these three, right?"

She showed the phone screen in front of Chen Zi'ang, and she added asterisks to the locations of the three stores, among which there was indeed the one that had a hearty battle with Yuegong Suzuna.

Chen Ziang looked away guiltily, while Xia Zili stared at him with piercing eyes, and suddenly said:

"So you are really among them?"

"I remember Suzuna Tsukimiya likes curry very much. You shouldn't miss this curry beef brisket restaurant, so this is the nearest one?"

All the guesses were correct... Chen Ziang became more and more convinced that Xia Zili's "previous life" was true, at least she had a very deep understanding of Yuegong Suzuna's habits.

"Well, Zili." He decided to try one last time, "You don't have to compete with her in this aspect..."

"The only reason why she won was because she sneaked away." Xia Zili said expressionlessly, "These days, those who are shameless are full of food and drink, and those who are shameless are pushed back and forth. Do good girls deserve to be laughed at and ridiculed?" ?"

Chen Ziang was speechless. He felt that after Xia Zili's memory awakened, she was very angry, and every sentence she spoke was violent. The housekeeper's temperament of the wife of Zhenggong was vividly reflected.

In my previous life, I wouldn't have been the type to be submissively controlled by my wife...

Xia Zili took Chen Ziang's hand (never let go from the beginning), walked to the reception desk of the hotel, and asked the receptionist:

"My husband opened a room here yesterday, and he will open the same room today."

The receptionist was also well-informed, and replied with a skillful smile:

"Sorry, it's the peak season for room reservations recently, and we don't accept guests' designated room numbers..."

"Hurry up!" Xia Zili slapped Chen Ziang's ID card on the table, and the extremely strong evil spirit seemed to turn into substance, so that the other party was shocked immediately, and the original arrogance was quickly controlled by fear:
"Hi! Right now!"

She frantically operated the computer for a while, then forced a smile and said:
"The room has been found, and someone has booked it after 2 o'clock this afternoon..."

"Since you don't accept the room number designated by the guest, then he doesn't know which room he booked, right?" Xia Zili said murderously, "Change him!"

Taking the room card that the receptionist handed over tremblingly, Xia Zili dragged Chen Ziang into the elevator.

Arriving at the door of the room, Chen Ziang had a premonition that he was doomed and said quickly:
"Wait, didn't you agree to exchange a wish for a question?"

Xia Zili pulled him into the room, locked the door by the way, and then smiled softly:
"What do you want to ask?"

This change of expression was so sudden that Chen Ziang was a little stunned, thinking that his ex-wife had experienced too many emotional ups and downs in a short period of time and was about to lose her mind?

"What I want to ask is how Suzuna became a witch." He asked seriously.

Xia Zili's smile remained unchanged, but her eyes darkened obviously, and she was silent for a while before slowly saying:

"She appeared as your colleague, and first forged a friendship with me, but I didn't know at the time that she deliberately joined your company because she had her eye on you."

"Until one day, she suddenly couldn't help telling me that she has actually been coveting you and my husband..."

"I understand." Chen Ziang said in a deep voice, "Zili, let go of my hand first, the phalanx is about to break."

Xia Zili released him silently, then stepped back half a step as if shy, and said in a low voice:
"So do you understand? She is different from other mistresses. You and her... are things I can't tolerate even more."

Chen Ziang instinctively felt that her "other mistress" seemed to mean something else, but now was not a good time to ask, so he could only try to comfort her and said:

"I'm not trying to shirk responsibility, but I hope you can understand my situation. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Of course I know." Xia Zili stretched out his left index finger, pressed his lips, and just wiped his right hand on his head, and quickly restored the appearance of blond hair, blue eyes and pointed ears, "So how do you make it up to me?"

Before Chen Ziang could answer, she took another sudden step forward, bravely forcing her husband from her previous life to the point where her back was against the wall with no way to escape. She looked up at him and stared into his eyes, and asked coldly:
"So, what exactly did she do with you?"

"Uh..." Chen Ziang was a little mad, what do you want me to say about this kind of thing?Describe in detail?I also want to face it!

"It's okay." Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Xia Zili grabbed his collar and showed a cold smile:

"Didn't you say that there is no memory of the previous life?"

"Then just try everything I know and see which ones you are more proficient in."


In Jibei City on the other side, after the earthquake disaster warning ended, the citizens also returned to their original jobs.

Suikaze Lio reported the alarm truthfully, and as expected, she received a "temporary hold" reply from Xia Qingyu.

Unlike Chen Ziang's sense of professional ethics, she actually has no sense of honor in this job, and is mainly interested in mysterious knowledge.

It doesn't matter how Xia Qingyu handles the change, Suifeng Lixu only needs to get the first-hand monitoring data through the satellite, and then slowly compare it in the big intelligence database later.

After running the comparison program and waiting for the computer to process it, she clicked on the live broadcast of the Central Racecourse by the way.

Rio Hokaze doesn't gamble on horses, nor does she have any interest in making a fortune. Watching horse races is mainly to relieve mental stress.

Some people in the intelligence class like to watch documentaries of carnivorous beasts hunting livestock, or videos of hydraulic devices violently destroying various objects, and it is for the same purpose.

In this competition, she is more optimistic about No. 7 rider Sakurada Xieliang, a female rider with an extremely plump figure.

In the jockey industry, female riders tend to pay great attention to the slender figure. After all, more weight will put more burden on the horses. Competitive competitions need to be thin enough.

However, this female rider with dyed blond hair did the opposite, gaining enough upper body strength at the cost of not losing weight, and helping the horse gallop through the skilled push posture, so it is also called by the horse people. "Evil Sakurada".

In addition, the horse she was riding this time was "Spirit of Fighting", a black deer fur stallion that hadn't debuted for a long time, which undoubtedly made Handicap even more pessimistic about the pair.

Hokaze Rio naturally doesn't care, anyway, she just likes to see the horses galloping on the pasture, full of strength and heroism. Those riders who are slender are more interesting to watch.

As for winning or losing, whatever it is, I don't gamble for money anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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