The Witch's Taste

Chapter 268 Evolve, Chen Ziang

Chapter 268 Evolve, Chen Ziang

"What are you going to do?" asked Chen Ziang, who was driving on the way back to the Intelligence Bureau.

"I want to adopt her." Lu Yunfeng replied.

"Really?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise, "Will your parents agree?"

"I will convince them." Lu Yunfeng replied.

But judging from his unwillingness to say more, it is estimated that this guy has no idea.

As Chen Zi'ang was thinking this, he heard Lu Yunfeng say again:

"You have also seen the situation in the orphanage. It is obviously a typical vicious bullying incident, but everyone is standing on the side of the nursery staff, which means that the whole environment there is rotten. If Ah Xue is allowed to go back, she will They will definitely be regarded as 'the chief culprit who drove away the childcare workers' and continue to be excluded more seriously."

"Indeed." Chen Ziang also had to admit this, and said with emotion, "How could it be like this? I remember the old childcare workers from a few years ago. Aren't they all pretty good? Sigh..."

"Nowadays is not the same as in the past." Lu Yunfeng sighed, "The economy is poor, the unemployment rate is rising, everyone's resentment is intensifying, and some people deliberately draw on ethnic antagonism, so naturally some fools will feel that their failures come from what. 'The Lu people's oppression of the island people', thus venting their grievances on the Lu people around them."

He stared out of the car window and suddenly said:
"Old Chen, sometimes I think that many of the people I'm protecting are these dregs of society... I really wish I could just quit and watch them all die."

Chen Ziang was silent for a long time, and asked:

"Old Lu, are you kidding me?"

"It's not a complete joke." Lu Yunfeng shook his head and said, "I wish they would die... This is a bit too much. But, how should I put it? When I first entered this industry, I always had a sense of mission to 'protect the masses' But in the past few years, I have seen all kinds of ugly things in the world, and my sense of mission has basically been completely wiped out."

"You should feel the same way, right? In fact, changes and weirdness are not worth fearing. As long as you fight with the awareness to risk everything, you won't regret it even if you die on the way to charge."

"But what is more terrifying than the weirdness is the dark side of people's hearts... I can shoot at the weirdness without hesitation, but I can shoot the prejudice and hatred in the hearts of these island people, and I can bring Ashue a safer life." I can't even change such a small orphanage, so I can only rescue Axue from it in embarrassment. What about the other Lu children living in it? What will happen next? What about the treatment? I can't do anything, I don't even dare to think about it, Old Chen, because I'm not a saint, I know I can't save everyone."

Lu Yunfeng seemed to be a little incoherent. After a while, he rubbed his face vigorously and said with a wry smile:

"I lost my composure. I made you laugh. Really, I wasn't so easy to be sad before. Maybe it's because I've been under too much work pressure recently."

"It's okay." Chen Ziang shook his head and said, "You used to be such a mother-in-law."

"It's as if you're not the same." Lu Yunfeng said hehe, pointing to the car behind.Yuegong Lingnai and Xia Zili were both sitting in that car, and they were comforting the bewildered girl Axue, "Except for the deputy head of Yuegong, what happened to the other girl? Don't say that you and her are just Friends, the way she looks at you is not right at all, and the deputy head of Yuegong looks more like an enemy, these things can't be hidden from the eyes of my old criminal investigator."

"Be careful, that's Minister Xia's younger sister." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "If you dare to spread rumors, the minister will find out later and send you to wash the toilet."

"What's the point?" Lu Yunfeng sneered, "Old Chen, if you dare to marry the deputy section chief, the director, and the director's sister... As long as you have the ability, don't ask me to clean the toilet. , you can let me lick the pit clean, but the question is, do you dare? A grown man, being chased by several women, and unable to make a choice for his mother-in-law, are you still single now and you have the nerve to accuse me? I despise you, I I must despise you fiercely.”

"In the past, I really couldn't make a choice and could only be dragged passively." Chen Ziang said with emotion, "But I have experienced so much, and I can't always stay in the past, like a mother-in-law like you said... That's pretty rubbish, isn't it?"

Lu Yunfeng had been joking with him before, but his mood had improved a lot. He seemed to be serious now, and couldn't help asking:
"What do you mean? You are finally going to confess your love to the deputy head of Yuegong?"

"It's not interesting." Chen Ziang said lightly, "Just after hearing what you said, I suddenly realized one thing: my personality is different from that of a mother-in-law like you."

"I don't understand." Lu Yunfeng said depressedly, "Why, mothers-in-law and mothers are divided into three, six or five?" "You said just now that you are not a saint, and it is impossible to save everyone, right?" Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, and said, "I He's not a saint either, and he won't try to save the whole world."

"But as long as I'm sure who I should save, I won't give up before I try because I'm powerless."

"Don't change the subject with me." Lu Yunfeng waved his hand and interrupted him, "We are discussing your love story, Comrade Chen, what are you talking about?"

"I'm explaining this to you by analogy! For example, you wanted to save other Lu children in the orphanage, but you felt that you couldn't do it, so you only saved Axue." Chen Ziang said seriously, "But if I want to save For other children, whether I think I can do it or not, I will try my best to save them all."

"The same goes for love. As long as I confirm that I like someone, even if it is unreasonable, inappropriate, immoral, socially unacceptable, or even impossible to succeed... I will try my best to do it. Do it, that’s the difference between me and you.”

"You've said it!" Lu Yunfeng exclaimed in shock, "What an unabashed scumbag speaks! You have to catch up with what you like, right! It doesn't matter if it's singular or plural, right?!"

"First of all, let's define what a scumbag is..."

"You don't have to say it. When the court is hearing whether you have committed bigamy, I will definitely attend the hearing." Lu Yunfeng said solemnly, "When your ex-wives bring their children and come to you to ask for alimony , I will lend you if I don’t have enough money.”

"Hehe." Chen Ziang squinted his eyes to look at the rearview mirror, but his mouth began to growl, "You are too naive, Lao Lu."

"I used to believe in law and morality just like you, and believed that everything in this world has right and wrong. But now I understand that there are always things in this world that cannot be restrained by law, morality and right and wrong. The only thing you have What you have and will never change is the justice in your heart."

"As long as what I do is worthy of my conscience, that's enough, isn't it?"

"So what happened to change you from lawful justice to chaotic justice?" Lu Yunfeng said in surprise, "You are not spiritually polluted, are you? Parasitized by weirdness? Are you still Lao Chen himself? "

"Stop arguing." Chen Ziang took out his phone and threw it over, "Take a look."

"Where's the lock screen password?" Lu Yunfeng asked.

"My birthday."

Lu Yunfeng unlocked the screen and saw the message record from Xia Qingyu to Chen Ziang. Judging from the time, it should have been sent shortly after leaving the welfare home.

[Is there any urban legend]: Qing Yu, there was a vicious bullying incident in an orphanage. It is not safe for the children of the Lu ethnic group to live there. Can you find a way to relocate them?
[Xia Qingyu]: Are you aware of your lack of ability, and are planning to completely change careers to work with children?Found that only kindergarten jobs are a perfect match for your talents?
[Is there any urban legend]: It is true that I am kind-hearted for a while, but of course it is not unconditional. How about I owe you a favor?
[Xia Qingyu]: Send me the address.

Lu Yunfeng: ……………

"How is it?" Chen Ziang looked ahead and asked calmly.

"Okay." Lu Yunfeng sighed, but soon showed a relieved smile, "I thought you had changed a lot, but after thinking about it carefully, you should not have changed. You are still the same old Chen who has always seen rough things in the road."

"Nonsense, do you think I'm you?" Chen Ziang said with a sneer, "I'm not becoming scum, but becoming stronger. Those things that you can't do, even if I can't do it now, I might be able to do it someday in the future arrive."

"For example, marry several wives?" Lu Yunfeng said happily.

"You fucking only pay attention to this!"

(End of this chapter)

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