The Witch's Taste

Chapter 271 New God

Chapter 271 New God
After dinner, Tsukimiya Suzuna bid farewell and left.

It's not that she doesn't want to continue posting with her seniors, but that the current situation outside is becoming more and more tense, and her father, Kiyomasa Yuegong, no longer allows her to stay out at night like before.

After sending Suzuna away, Chen Ziang continued to think alone.

Planning for the future is a relatively unfamiliar term for most people in the system who have no ambitions. If you play the role of a screw in the workplace for a long time, you will naturally get used to a step-by-step life that cannot be shaken.

However, Gao Tianyuan was about to face the danger of destruction, and the "Galaxy War" that would occur in the future forced Chen Ziang's mind to start running at high speed, constantly thinking about various possibilities.

When faced with the threat of death, human beings will burst out of their greatest potential, and he is certainly no exception.

First of all, if Gao Tianyuan finally falls, and the empire refuses to open the border, the surviving refugees can only turn around and go to the federal Aegilaos sector.

Secondly, the "all-out war" on the future timeline will lead to large-scale persecution of humans within 3-5 years in most star areas in the Federation, so refugees cannot stay in the Federation.

Chen Ziang checked the star map, and it was conservatively estimated that it would take at least seven years to travel from the Gaotian Yuan star region through the entire Federation and all the way to the edge star region of the outer arm of the Milky Way.

And these 7 years are not all the way to the end, but need to frequently find the federal starport to stop for maintenance and refueling.

In other words, as time goes by, the federation becomes more hostile to the empire, and it becomes more and more difficult for human refugees to get supplies from starports around the federation... In short, this route is like a road full of hidden reefs. The further the river goes, the narrower and more difficult it is to navigate, and there is always the danger of shipwreck and death.

However, although Xia Qingyu didn't say it explicitly, Chen Ziang had already heard another possibility from her previous sarcasm.

That is to not consider any refugees, just to survive.

If a large number of plateau refugees go to the Temple of Heaven star area, the empire will not open the border to accept them, but what if there is only one person?

With the guarantee of Xia Qingyu, the imperial family, the empire may not be willing to let her go... No, since Xia Qingyu hinted that she "should choose to protect herself", it means that she has great confidence in sending herself to the empire for refuge.

Compared with the previous plan, this route has almost no risk, and you don't even have to wait until Gao Tianyuan is destroyed, you can go directly to the immigrant visa right now.

However, corresponding to the low risk, the upper limit of this line is also very low.

First of all, for public positions in the system such as "security officer" and "intelligence officer", the empire and Gao Tianyuan are independent of each other and do not recognize their resumes (because the social environments of the two sides are completely different). Most likely starting from scratch.

Secondly, although Chen Ziang has never left Gao Tianyuan, he has also heard about the "notoriety" of some empires:
It is said that the degree of introversion in various industries there is horrific. The labor protection law does not have mandatory vacation time. 996 is completely a social norm, and it is common to work more than 10 hours a day...Chen Ziang has no penchant for being abused in this regard.

But if you think about it carefully, that is the dilemma that new immigrants with no background will face: they can’t go back when they return, and they will suffer if they stay. Of course, they can only hold on.

However, with Xia Qingyu's status in the empire, if he is willing to take care of himself, then the immigrant life should not have any pressure... Stop it!
Chen Ziang suddenly realized that this idea was very dangerous: what asked Xia Qingyu to take care of him, wasn't it just a nice way of "begging for support"?

With Xia Qingyu's extremely vile character, even if she really wanted to support her, she would still be ridiculed in her daily conversations.At that time, I will become a son-in-law without dignity, and I can only be humiliated wantonly by her... To be exact, it is even more miserable and humble than my son-in-law, and at least he still has a marriage contract!

All in all, as long as he accepts Xia Qingyu's help to escape to the empire, it is tantamount to throwing away all his capital, even taking Suzuna and Zili's colleagues into account, after all, he is on his territory, and he is not being played by her. How to play with it?

This road must never be taken!

After all, a man's life is earned by himself, not saved by others.Using Xia Qingyu's connection to escape back to the empire can be used as a last resort, but it must not be the top priority.

Chen Ziang continued to study the star chart, and did not go back to the bedroom to sleep with his clothes on until past midnight. —————

In the vague dream, I remembered when I was young.

When he and Chen Xiaozhu were very young, their parents disappeared during a business trip, and they were finally judged as "unaccounted for (death)".

Since elders without any blood relationship can act as guardians, the ownership of the real estate and bank accounts owned by the parents are all transferred to the names of Chen Ziang and Chen Xiaozhu. After review by the Civil Affairs Office, they also gave two solutions:
One is that when the brothers and sisters leave the old house, professionals will come to seal up the property, and the two go to the orphanage to receive social support, and get back the property after they become adults; the other is that the two continue to stay in the old house, but because there are still Due to the large amount of property, he does not meet the conditions of social relief and needs to fend for himself.

Chen Ziang chose the second plan, relying on both studies and part-time jobs, as well as meticulous calculations to get every penny, he took his sister through the most difficult period.

Because of this experience, his experience in making a living independently is actually very rich.For example, the laws of Jibei City do not allow minors to work part-time, and if it is found that there are economic contacts, the merchants will be severely fined.

As a child at the time, he discussed with a nearby restaurant owner that he would "help out without pay" in the back kitchen of the restaurant after school, and then take some "vouchers that the restaurant could not issue", and then find Erdao dealers to exchange the vouchers. Exchange it for cash... Since the vouchers are not for sale promotional items, they will not be included in the books, and generally will not be checked.The businessman agreed to let him work here when he was out of risk.

In short, once people are in order to survive, they can squeeze out endless wisdom and potential.

From this point of view, in the past, I took my sister to live in a strange society; in the future, I took a group of refugees to live in a strange universe... It seems that there is not much difference except for the difficulty.

Just as he was immersed in the fragments of various memories and wandering dreams, he suddenly felt his body falling down quickly.

fell into darkness.

In the darkness that could not be seen by hand, a bright light suddenly lit up.

He subconsciously moved towards the direction of the light source, and finally came to the huge crystal cluster.

The smooth surface of the crystal clusters reflected his own reflection... but it was not a human body, but a strange creature composed of countless tiny crystal clusters that looked exactly like Chen Ziang.

Chen Ziang didn't speak. It felt like his upper and lower lips were stuck with some kind of strong glue. The other party also didn't speak, but the voice rang directly in his mind:
"Human, you killed my lord's witch, are you ready to pay the price?"

what price?Chen Ziang was a little confused.

In the past, after those witches died, the gods behind them all showed a magnanimous attitude, "As long as you work for me, I don't care about what you do." Why did I meet a caring person this time?
Even if you kill me, your witch will never come back!

"Can I use labor to compensate?" Chen Ziang thought hard.

"Yes." The other party replied readily, "You used that mandala magic sword to deprive part of the power my lord bestowed on the witch."

"Complete a task for us, and my lord will not care about your sins of possessing these powers."

"What task?" Chen Ziang continued to think.

"Human, there is an evil god sealed deep in the planet you live on." The other party said in a dull voice, "Now there are people who are beyond their control, trying to wake up that god."

"Don't let him break the seal completely, this is my lord's request."

(End of this chapter)

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