The Witch's Taste

Chapter 277 Life and Death

Chapter 277 Life and Death

In Xia Qingyu's apartment.

"Why are you having a meeting at my place again?" Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Is it because federal agents planted a bomb under the floor of your house?"

"It's a very interesting joke." Chen Ziang smiled and said that I don't care about you. Then he looked at Tsukinomiya Suzuna and told him the information he had obtained.

"So that's it." Suzuna Tsukinomiya thought thoughtfully, "The only descendant of the Kikuchi family is the key core of the ritual to awaken the gods..."

"Do you know anything about this information in your previous life?" Chen Ziang asked solemnly.

"No." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied helplessly, "I did not live in Takamagahara in my previous life."

"But now that I know this information, I can use the things Miss Kikuchi often comes into contact with and use mysterious rituals to trace her whereabouts."

"Do you have such power?" Chen Zi'ang said in surprise, "Great, I'll go to her house to look for her. You stay here and wait for me."

He hurried out, leaving Tsukinomiya Suzuna and Xia Qingyu looking at each other.

"So you have made up your mind not to help this time?" Tsukimiya Suzuna sneered.

Before Xia Qingyu could answer, she quickly narrowed her eyes and said sarcastically:
"If you really didn't want to, you wouldn't have let him in from the beginning, so what kind of trick are you playing? Playing hard to get, or trying to resist in return?"

"I'm not in the habit of explaining to apes." Xia Qingyu said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter." Tsukimiya Suzuna said contemptuously, "No matter what your plan is, as long as you don't involve senior, I can pretend to turn a blind eye."

"But if you dare to take advantage of senior, I will never let you go."

"Save it." Xia Qingyu held her chin with one hand and said impatiently, "You don't want to kill me, or you can't kill me. Don't you have any idea? You still pretend to turn a blind eye. This joke is indeed interesting. I didn't expect you. And the talent of being a comedian.”

Tsukimiya Suzuna took a deep breath to suppress the anger and murderous intent in her chest.

Calm down, Suzuna.Unless he finds an opportunity to strike a decisive blow, fighting her now is just a waste of energy and has no meaning.

Wait, this seems to be what she said... Never mind!Don't let me take advantage of you, little bitch, or you'll get the best of me!
She turned her gaze to the window and decided to use the method of "turning a blind eye" now.

Xia Qingyu picked up the tea cup, took a slow sip, and continued to type on the laptop keyboard.

On the other side, Chen Ziang rushed to Juchi Mansion. Since the head of the household was missing, no one came to open the door.

He quickly climbed over the wall, summoned the touch of the abyss from behind through the balcony door, unlocked the lock lightly, and entered the old house smoothly.

Under the power of mysterious power, many security measures in modern society are simply invisible. No wonder Miss Kikuchi was kidnapped so easily by federal agents.

The first floor is still the same as the last time I came here, with tall bookshelves on one side of the wall, but the carpets and furniture have been replaced with a simple style that modern women prefer.

Chen Ziang came to the second floor, found Miss Juchi's bedroom, opened the door and entered.

Items that require long-term contact...that is, underwear?
He took a change of underwear from the laundry basket, carefully wrapped it in a plastic bag, and then left quietly.


"Underwear?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked in shock.

"No?" Chen Zi'ang asked with a frown.

"It's not impossible, rather it's quite appropriate. But do you really feel no guilt at all when you steal other girls' intimate clothes?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked with a sweet smile.

"Why do we have to feel guilty?" Chen Zi'ang asked in confusion, "We are here to save her! It's not to do anything else..."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Tsukimiya Suzuna saw that he seemed a little embarrassed, so she teased him deliberately and maliciously, "If senior has other uses, then it's not impossible to use mine..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Xia Qingyu next to her:
"That's almost it. Are you wasting your time?"

"That's right." Chen Ziang said hastily, "Deputy Section Chief Yuegong, please arrange the ceremony as soon as possible. This is an order from the minister and the section chief. Prioritize work matters, so don't waste any more time!"

Seeing that all the seniors were forced to stand together with Xia Qingyu, Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly put away her prank thoughts and said seriously:

"The ceremony will take about three days. The premise is that the connection between this thing and the target is really close enough." "Three days?" Chen Zi'ang frowned, "The governor general election will be in two days. Can it be brought forward?"

"It's difficult." Tsukimiya Suzuna shook her head, "But at the moment, there is almost no suspense about the election itself, right? Anyway, I'll just try my best."

What she said was not wrong.As the election gets closer and closer, and the federal government has secret control over major public opinion platforms, online speech has become overwhelming.

Similarly, according to several polling companies, except for the five iron cores of the Kuomintang Party (civil servants, military personnel, public institutions, citizens of the Far North over 50 years old, and mainland voters), the swing faction occupies the vast majority of the island. Among ethnic voters, as many as 54% said they would choose to vote for the Democratic Party, while the proportions of those who voted for the British Party, gave up voting, and were undecided were about 19%, 13%, and 14%.

It seems that unless there is a black swan event on the day of the general election, the British Party will be powerless.

In Xia Qingyu's apartment, Suzuna Tsukimiya used some dark red unknown dye to paint the entire living room with runes all over. Those who didn't know it thought it had become a sacrificial place for some evil sect.

Facing Xia Qingyu, whose face was almost black, Chen Ziang could only comfort her. At least the furniture had been put away in advance. As for the wallpaper and floor... Anyway, if Gao Tianyuan was really finished, he couldn't take these things with him, right?

On the day of the election, at 9 a.m., Xia Zili, who could not find Trauch, had no choice but to rush back from the federal embassy.

In the living room of Xia Qingyu's apartment, everyone was staring at the TV silently, watching the real-time counting of the vote results.

"Don't watch anymore." Suzuna Tsukimiya suddenly stood up and continued to tinker with her positioning ceremony. "Mikawa District, which has the largest number of people, has collapsed, 46:54. The Kuomintang Party is completely finished."

"Don't worry, Guangyuan District hasn't made a move yet." Chen Ziang said in a deep voice.

"There aren't many people in Guangyuan District." Tsukimiya Suzuna sighed and went to work.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the statistics of Guangyuan District, which has the largest Lu ethnic population, were also completed, 94:6, narrowing the gap for the Kuomintang Party.

"I'm going to cook." Xia Zili stood up uneasily.

"Didn't you just have takeout at noon?" Chen Ziang reminded her.

"I know, I just..." Xia Zili sighed and said, "Oh, find something to do, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable."

She went to the kitchen and started checking the refrigerator. Chen Ziang looked at Xia Qingyu and asked in a low voice:
"Aren't you going to comfort your sister?"

"No need." Xia Qingyu said leisurely, "Rather than this meaningless thing, you might as well continue to care about the election on TV."

"Is it meaningful to care about the election?" Chen Ziang said with a sigh.

Although he was looking at the election statistics, he actually knew in his heart that the overall situation had been decided. He just waited for Suzuna Tsukimiya's positioning ceremony to end, and had nothing to do for the time being, so he stayed in front of the TV to see if there was any miracle.

"Yes." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "I think about it myself."

What's the point of paying attention to the election... Chen Ziang thought carefully.

After a while, he realized what Xia Qingyu meant.

The number of refugees that Tsukimiya Suzuna's ark can carry is limited.And at that time, a large number of manpower will definitely be sent to various urban areas to organize refugees to board ships and evacuate Gaotianyuan as soon as possible.

Of course, even if the military in Takamagahara can be controlled by then and asked to help organize the evacuation of citizens, the manpower in this area will still be stretched thin.Which city has more rescue workers, the survival rate of its residents will greatly increase, which also means that the number of people who can survive in other cities will decrease accordingly.

As Tsukimiya Suzuna said, she is not willing to save those fools who have no brains.However, the island citizens who are easily incited by the Internet public opinion controlled by the Federation and lack the ability to think independently may not be willing to stay on the ship after arriving in the Federation's Aegelaos sector, even if they are subsequently boarded and rescued. , is likely to be more inclined to stay in the Federation.

To put it simply, from the perspective of the ruling level, these people are considered to be difficult to cultivate loyalty, so they will be given up first in the future.

The mainland ethnic group and the personnel within the system must be given priority for rescue. The former are naturally more loyal, while the latter are the screws that maintain the basic structure of starship society.

As for the vast majority of island citizens, except for professionals with vocational skills, the general public in other urban areas can only rely on the current electoral ratio to roughly judge how many "loyal people" there are in this urban area. Corresponding rescue manpower has been allocated.

Chen Ziang stared at the numbers on the TV screen, feeling suddenly uneasy and trembling.

He was subtly aware that these two proportional figures not only represented the vote units obtained by the two parties respectively, but also alluded to the number of people in the urban area who could be rescued in the future, and the number of people who would die without rescue.

It's as if fate is drawing out a list of life and death, precise, fast and cold-blooded.

After all, the power that really decides the life and death of a person will never have the slightest mercy.

 Chen Ziang at this time: Power... what a terrifying thing; Chen Ziang in the future: My power as a starship marshal is unlimited, hahahahahaha! (playing jokes)
(End of this chapter)

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