The Witch's Taste

Chapter 294 Necromancer?No, it's the mind flayer.

Chapter 294 Necromancer?No, it's the mind flayer.

Hazy, as if falling into a completely lightless world.

"You did a good job." Quartz's very distinctive voice sounded like metal friction. "As we agreed before, the power of my master witch belongs to you."

Chen Ziang's mind immediately gained a lot of knowledge about power.

[Psychic Torrent]: You can diffuse your own mind through metal and use it to convey messages.

[Execution Crystal Cluster]: Summons huge crystal clusters to cut, tear and crush the victim mercilessly.

The power pool was once again expanded, but Chen Ziang was not in a hurry to digest the new knowledge, but quickly asked the other party:
"How should the awakened gods respond?"

"There is no way to deal with it." Quartz replied, "The only thing you can do is to stay away from that god as soon as possible. Don't contact, don't ask for knowledge, don't think."

This answer was also expected by Chen Ziang. He asked more just to be on the safe side and continued:
"There are volcanoes erupting everywhere in Takamagahara now. Is there any way to delay the coming of natural disasters?"

"Can you stop the sun from rising?" Quartz asked him.

Chen Ziang was speechless, only to hear the other party say again:

"It is impossible to delay the awakening of the gods. If you just want to save your companions, it will be much simpler."

"How to do it?" Chen Ziang's eyes lit up.

"It's very simple. Kill them all." Quartz said matter-of-factly. "Flesh and blood are inherently weak. Every minute and every second of life, there is a risk of suffering great pain. It's better to kill them in advance, then there will be no There is the suffering of being destroyed by natural disasters.”

Chen Ziang: ……………

If your scalp is itchy, you should just behead it, right?Sure enough, you shouldn't ask the metal race for this kind of question. Their thinking is completely incompatible with humans.

"Speaking of which, have you come into contact with Zeta recently?" Quartz said suddenly.

"Zeta? What is it?" Chen Ziang asked with a frown.

"A race that also lives in metal." Quartz replied, "If you want to communicate with them, [Psychic Torrent] is a very useful power, allowing you to talk to them directly regardless of the language barrier."

"Of course, the real power of this power doesn't end there. If you continue to upgrade it, the two-way transmission of messages will evolve into unilateral sensory manipulation, or even direct killing of the soul."

"Sensory manipulation?" Chen Ziang quickly became alert.

"For example, if you use this power on a human being, then as long as the power is activated, all his perceptions of the outside world will not only be felt by you, but also rewritten arbitrarily by your will."

"You can let him see the pictures you weave and hear the sounds you designed, or you can turn him into a waste with no senses. All the information he can get is under your control."

"Manipulation of perception, right?" Chen Ziang could sense the evil in it just by listening to his description.

If the Cold Scythe kills people, the Bloated Touch turns people crazy, and the Song of the Drowned turns people immortal, then the Torrent of the Heart turns people into puppets that can be manipulated at will... No wonder there are people in the mysterious world. There is a classic saying, "Death is the best outcome." There are many powers that are more evil than killing!

No, power itself has no distinction between good and evil, only the user has.

For example, someone like Trauch who is hostile to humanity can murder thousands of people even without using any mysterious powers at all.

In other words, if you use psychic torrents to manipulate them, even if this method sounds evil, it will actually save the lives of countless innocent people, right?

"How do I upgrade this power?" Chen Ziang asked calmly.

"First of all, you need to convert to our mist camp and throw yourself into the embrace of pursuing infinite knowledge." Quartz chanted with a strange electronic sound, "flesh and blood are not enough to rely on, and the body is not enough to rely on. Only knowledge will last forever..." - ———————

After consuming 2000 points of fire, Chen Ziang finally obtained the [Psychic Torrent] that "can perfectly control perception", and also obtained the "Ring of Origin", which is shaped like a sticker depicting the starry sky in the universe... Considering the "Shadow Cloak" It's not a cloak, the "blood spot brooch" is not a brooch, then the "origin ring" is not a ring, which is also a normal thing.

In addition to being a symbol of "joining the mist camp", the origin ring also has an additional function, which is "identification".

It's not the kind of appraisal that "answers everything you ask", but the appraisal that "answers everything you ask".

For example, if you want to identify whether there is poison in a bowl of water, more than 99% of the identification results are "poisonous", because the definition of "toxic" is "substances harmful to the human body", and this bowl of water will definitely contain bacteria - even if With just one bacterium, its harm to humans is almost minimal, and it theoretically meets the definition of "harmful to the human body."

Chen Ziang tried it casually for a while, and found that in order to fully utilize this ability, he had to ask very precise questions - it had to be 100% without any ambiguity, even 99.99% of it would not work, so that he couldn't think of it for a while. No use.

And in his sleep, he vaguely recalled that he seemed to be doing something important before going to bed...

Forget it, let’s wake up first.

Chen Ziang lowered his consciousness and quickly broke away from the "Lightless Shura" and returned to the real world.

When I regained consciousness, there was a soft touch on the back of my head; when I opened my eyes, there was only yellow in front of me.

Chen Ziang quickly realized that he was lying on Xia Zili's thigh, which was the so-called knee pillow.The large area of ​​yellow covering her eyes was actually the color of the T-shirt she was wearing.

"You're awake." Xia Zili lowered her head and said, then realized that she couldn't see her husband's face at all.

"Well." Chen Ziang sat up with difficulty, "How long have I slept?"

"It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon." Xia Zili replied.

So I slept for 13 hours... Chen Ziang looked out the window. The weather was still gray, but the rain seemed to have stopped.

"Where's the troopship?"

"We've already been here. We just picked up the last batch of people." Xia Zili replied, "Sister praised you for coming up with great ideas! She has arranged for manpower to be deployed at the Public Security Bureaus of Ping'an, Sanhe and Jinchuan Districts. The same registration office has been set up so that citizens who apply to be rescued can come and register on their own initiative."

"How is it possible?" Chen Ziang shook his head, "How is it possible for Xia Qingyu to praise others?"

"Well, although she didn't say that, my sister must have thought so in her heart." Xia Zili said seriously, "Otherwise, how could I carry out your plan?"

"Actually, she is just too lazy to use her brain." Chen Ziang imitated Xia Qingyu's indifferent tone and said vividly, "Although it is a stupid plan full of flaws that can only score 60 points, but considering that passing this exam is enough, it is not It cannot be applied.”

Xia Zili laughed dryly, obviously not agreeing with Chen Ziang's statement, but she would not argue with him.

"In short." She changed the topic and said, "The experts on the list have basically been evacuated, and there are still a lot of positions on the Forever. The next step is to select ordinary citizens for rescue."

"Chen Ziang, what do you think about the screening conditions?"

Chen Ziang thought about it.

First of all, the Continental people give priority. This definitely does not need to be discussed, because the Continental people are the basic base for consolidating their rule;
The second priority is to have a family. After all, if your parents and children are on the boat, the probability of you running away after getting off the boat is relatively low.

Finally, the priority is to vote for the British Party. In theory, they are more willing to obey authority than resist.However, these citizens are very smart and know that the military who came to rescue are mainly from the Mainland ethnic group. They all claimed that they voted for the British Party... In fact, the two-party vote in Sanhe District was 46:54, but the registration office The statistics actually reached an outrageous 97:3, which shows that once people need to survive, all political opinions are false and can be flexibly changed according to needs.

Chen Ziang feels that if it really doesn't work, this aspect can be relaxed appropriately.However, Suzuna Tsukimiya strongly disagreed, saying that the ballots and voter IDs corresponded one-to-one, and signature matching would be verified during vote counting, so not only was there data to be checked in this regard, but the data records had been brought to the Ever Given flagship.

Since the data is available, why not match it?If you choose to lie in this regard, it means that you have no principles at all and will be rejected!
(End of this chapter)

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