The Witch's Taste

Chapter 296 Cut a movie

Chapter 296 Cut a movie
On a new day, the starship landed at the Sheriff's Office Square again.

In addition to the large amount of drinking water Chen Ziang needed, he also brought an unexpected visitor.

Xia Qingyu.

"I heard that you were playing a strategic management game down here, and you had a great time, right?" As soon as she got off the starship, the woman started talking directly, and the taste was still very authentic.

"It's not a strategic management game." Chen Ziang could understand what she was saying sarcastically. "I'm just afraid that these people will be exploited by careerists, and then the blood will flow into rivers."

"Have you forgotten that more than [-]% of these people will die in subsequent natural disasters?" Xia Qingyu said coldly, "If you have the time and energy to play with a group of corpses, why not go back to the main ship to deal with the living people?"

"Sister, how are the secondment of those ships going?" Xia Zili quickly came out to smooth things over.

"It's done." Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "There are only four days left."

"Four days?" Chen Ziang pondered for a moment, "Is the volcanic eruption intensifying? Will it reach its peak in four days?"

"Furong Mountain is expected to erupt today." Xia Qingyu said concisely and to the point, "Within two days, the eruption will cover Jinchuan District and Sanhe District."

"In four days, the entire Far North City will be completely destroyed by magma and ash."

Chen Ziang fell silent.

"If this is the case, then the plan will have to be adjusted accordingly." He said thoughtfully, "I used to let a group of people in at noon every day, but now let's adjust it to..."

"No need to waste time." Xia Qingyu replied, "All urban areas have started to screen and release people. When the number is enough, we will leave."

"People outside now will never lose hope as long as we keep calling numbers every day." Xia Zili said worriedly, "But once we start to continue screening, it will no longer be a random draw, and there will definitely be a big mess. Right?"

"That's natural." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Why don't we leave Chen Ziang here and let him explain to people outside on behalf of the military, and then after the last starship takes off, we can throw a rope down. He grabbed him and flew him back to the main ship."

"Sister, stop joking." Xia Zili said with a wry smile, "Not to mention whether the rope is strong, how can anyone enter space from the surface of the earth with just the body?"

"He once jumped from space to the surface in one breath, so I don't think it will be difficult for him in reverse." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer.

Chen Ziang knew this woman's nature well, so he did not get angry with her venomous words, but quickly gave the plan.

Next, in all urban areas of Jibei City, all entrances to the base will be queued for screening. Those who pass will be allowed in, and those who fail will be "notified and wait for tomorrow."

Just as Xia Zili expected, if the original calling rules can still make people feel like "random drawing, it just didn't happen to be my turn this time, I might get it next time", then the queuing screening is very clear "You don't comply with the rules"... Throughout the day, hundreds of conflicts occurred in various districts.

Directly asking "Why can't I go there?" This kind of horizontal comparison is quite polite.What was even more arrogant were those who rolled on the spot and howled, shouting, "The military is discriminatory and only saves the mainland people but not the island people." This made the soldiers guarding the door look murderous and cast death stares at each other.

Not because the other party spread rumors, but because when the other party spread rumors and caused trouble, he happened to tell the truth.

It's just that the soldiers didn't dare to deal with it without authorization, so they simply reported it first.

"Just shoot him." Xia Qingyu said casually.

"There's no need to shoot him." Xia Zili objected, "Can't we just pull him aside and have a good communication?"

"The main thing is to worry about being imitated." Chen Ziang thought and analyzed, "If there is no cost or penalty for making trouble, then someone will definitely imitate it. Because there will always be people thinking, 'What if it really works?'"

"But shooting is indeed excessive and can easily cause unnecessary fright and panic. It would be more appropriate to expel the other party." "A woman's kindness." Xia Qingyu commented disdainfully.

Chen Ziang didn't take it seriously and just ordered to go down according to his own wishes.

In fact, as Xia Qingyu said before, more than [-]% of the people outside are unable to board the ship, so it doesn't matter whether they are "shot" or "expelled".

In contrast, what Chen Ziang is more concerned about is actually "how the surrounding people will react after he orders the expulsion of the other party."

After all, what he really needs to manage is the group of people who will live on the starship in the future.What should you do if you encounter similar troublemakers?Should he be shot on the spot, or should he be expelled to a nearby planet?Or is it to imprison and indoctrinate?
When leaders issue administrative orders, the premise should be "I already know the consequences of doing this" rather than simply "I want to do this."

Although Chen Ziang had worked as a security officer before and often dealt with various people in the society, he did not have much serious administrative experience, so he could only actively study and accumulate experience from now on.

The next day, there was indeed new news.

The old woman who had been rolling around at the entrance of the base brought a group of neighbors over and tried to storm the entrance of the base. In the end, seven people were killed by sentries who fired, and the remaining 7 or so people fled.

"It seems that I was wrong." Chen Ziang, who knew the news, frankly admitted his error in judgment to Xia Qingyu, "Now it seems that the reason why the troublemaker was wallowing and acting violently was actually to test the bottom line of the military. I ordered to Her expulsion made her mistakenly believe that 'the military did not dare to shoot and kill people', so she had the delusion of 'finding more people and forcing them in'."

Xia Qingyu crossed her arms, noncommittal.Although she did not take this opportunity to spray venom wildly, the disdainful sneer on her face seemed to say everything that needed to be said, causing Chen Ziang's fist to harden uncontrollably.

No, Zi Li is still there, please bear with me for a while.

"Why is this happening?" Xia Zili was also greatly shocked, "I've obviously let her go, why do you still do such a thing?"

"Because there are so many differences between people." Chen Ziang comforted her, "If you have the kind of simple people who support you if you treat me well, then naturally there will be unscrupulous people who will step on you if you treat me well. .”

Xia Zili also understood this, so she didn't say much and just kept sighing.

By the afternoon, the volcanic ash produced by the eruption of Furong Mountain had spread to the sky above Sanhe District, and the visibility in the urban area had begun to decrease significantly.

In order to prevent volcanic ash from affecting the takeoff and landing of starships, Sanhe District needs to be evacuated in advance.

As the sentries at the entrance of the Sheriff's Department retreated, the people lining up outside quickly realized something was wrong...the military was leaving!

The military is leaving us and running away!

At this time, even the most rational people cannot continue to exercise restraint.Everyone frantically crossed the unguarded gate of the Sheriff's Department and rushed into the park as hard as they could. They saw that the last starship had risen to a height of four or five stories.

Some people knelt down and cried for help, even holding up their children, begging the starship to come down and rescue them; others picked up rocks nearby and threw them crazily in the direction of the starship, hoping to destroy the starship. Die together.

There were also some smarter people who rushed to the unattended office building in an attempt to plunder some resources that the military had not taken away.

Looking at the mournful scene below, Xia Zili turned her head away unbearably, not daring to look any further.

Then I discovered that Xia Qingyu was holding her mobile phone and filming the people below who were begging, cursing, and crying.

"What are you filming?" Chen Ziang asked with a sigh.

"Collect materials." Xia Qingyu replied indifferently, "I will edit a film when I get back."

(End of this chapter)

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