The Witch's Taste

Chapter 301 Preparations before leaving

Chapter 301 Preparations before leaving
"So why did the Bakht Group admit its crimes?" Chen Ziang asked shamelessly.

"Think for yourself." Xia Qingyu said impatiently.

"Based on common sense, there are only two possibilities." Chen Ziang analyzed. "First, admitting will bring greater benefits, that is, there are ulterior motives; second, not admitting will bring greater losses, that is, there must be no deny."

"This is correct nonsense." Xia Qingyu said lightly, "Regardless of the specific incident, any behavior of any person may be due to these two motives."

"So you treat me badly every time, is it to seek greater benefits or to avoid greater losses?" Chen Ziang asked casually.

Xia Qingyu:……………………

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and the black eyes staring at Chen Ziang showed a dangerous meaning.

"First of all, eliminate the greater interests." Chen Ziang said in a deep voice, "First of all, insults will only make me disgusted with you, and there are many more labor-saving and more effective ways to make me disgusted with you. There is no need to say dirty words. Necessary. In addition, you have really helped me a lot since we met until now. Unless you have some kind of 'swearing system' loaded into your superior little mind, it is difficult for me to think of any benefits to you. "

"In this way, it is to avoid greater losses. For example, if my relationship with you is too good, it will bring losses to you, so you deliberately use such poisonous tongue..."

"That's ridiculous!" Xia Qingyu suddenly interrupted him rudely, "What qualifications does a mere ape have to put itself in such an important position? Or is it that your walnut-sized brain has nothing more valuable than lust? I can think about things, but in the final analysis, it’s just that my intelligence has not yet fully developed, so I can speak such extremely funny monkey language!”

She didn't look back and left angrily, leaving Chen Zi'ang stunned in place.

He was stunned for a long time, and then slowly gave a weird wry smile.

Well, she was anxious.

Did I hit it off?

Not getting an answer from Xia Qingyu, Chen Ziang had no choice but to find another way. After all, the Aegelaos sector was the next destination of the starship. To rush there without knowing anything about it would undoubtedly be a disservice to the entire crew of the ship. irresponsible.

As for who to ask, of course there is no need to look far away from the near, the two people with whom you have the best relationship are the ones with whom you have the best relationship.

"Aegelaos Star Sector?" Xia Zili thought for a moment and replied, "That's the territory of the Bakht Group."

"As one of the eight giants of the Federation, the Bakht family has many jurisdictions directly under the star sector. Aegelaos is a newly developed urban planet by them, but it seems that they have not yet fully controlled it."

“What does total control mean?”

"Well, how should I put it?" Xia Zili tried hard to explain, "For a company, the prerequisite for completely controlling a star district is that all important political and commercial nodes within the star district are under the control of the company. .”

"For example, if two-thirds of a city's council members are controlled by a company, then the company can pass or veto any bill in the city at will. This is called 'complete control.'"

"Aegelaos was developed under the leadership of the Bakht family. The project is called 'Project Paradise'. The purpose is to create a city planet exclusively for the enjoyment of wealthy people and to improve the success rate of business negotiations."

"Of course, after the development of the star sector is completed, it is inevitable that other companies will try to pick peaches. For example, the Rhine Business Alliance, Soul Mystery Company, and Barr Biotechnology Group all occupy a certain amount of space in the Aegelaos star sector. Share." "In other words, we can take advantage of the conflicts between large companies..." Chen Ziang thought, "What is the relationship between these companies?"

"It's a long story." Xia Zili sighed and said, "The Rhine Alliance and Klublev are mortal enemies. The Bakht family is an ancient branch of the Klublev family and is a long-term ally. Therefore, the Rhine Alliance openly He is hostile to the Bakht family, but secretly he has always wanted to win over the Bakht family and divide the K-Pak alliance.”

"Can it still be like this?" Chen Ziang said in shock, taking a notebook and writing it down silently.

"Bacht is mainly engaged in real estate, mining and energy, and has a very high demand for funds." Xia Zili replied, "The Rhine Chamber of Commerce was originally established by financiers and bankers, so it can slowly corrode Bacht through capital injections. special."

"Soul Mystery is an information technology company supported by the Rhine Alliance to compete with Klublev's high-precision manufacturing industry. It has no long-term relationship with the Bakht family - at least not as far as I know."

"Barr Biological Group, this giant is quite special and generally does not participate in the confrontation between Klublev and Rhine. They are mainly engaged in the food, biological and pharmaceutical industries. There are no other giants trying to get involved in these business fields, so Barr Group basically There is no such thing as an old enemy.”

"That's it." Chen Ziang wrote it down carefully.

"But what I said is just that there is no conflict between them on the surface." Xia Zili finally added, "In fact, no matter which giant they are, they must have the desire to monopolize the Aegelaos star sector. The cost of starting a corporate war is far greater than the benefits, so they can maintain a semblance of peace."

"In other words, as long as we figure out the hidden conflicts within these companies and try to intensify them, these companies will think about how to fight each other and will not care about our refugee ship, right?" Chen Ziang thought thoughtfully. .

"That's right." Xia Zili hesitated, and finally said, "But don't think too simply. There are smart people everywhere in big companies. If they are discovered by the other side, they will face the wrath of the chaebol. It’s going to be us.”

"Of course, I'm just making a plan." Chen Ziang replied, "I don't mean that I will definitely do this."

After saying goodbye to Xia Zili, Chen Ziang found Yuegong Suzuna again and told her his thoughts.

"Oh, this is normal." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "Senior, you don't have to worry so much. There are so many discords between these big companies, and anything can cause a fire."

"But maybe someone will see it, right?" Chen Ziang said worriedly, "What should I do if I get burned?"

"Hahaha." Suzuna Tsukimiya waved her hand and said, "Xia Zili told you, right? She has always stayed within the Krublev family and has never really experienced a business war. How can she know the situation here?"

"Yes, as long as you try to scheme against others, you may be discovered by the other party. However, in these large companies, there are countless calculations of all kinds. There are conflicts within departments, struggles for power between departments, and sub- Even if someone is aware of the rivalry between the company and its parent company, as well as the conspiracies and machinations from other external forces, how will they know who these calculations come from?"

Chen Ziang suddenly realized.

"To put it bluntly," Tsukimiya Suzuna concluded, "There are many smart people in big companies, but these smart people are fighting internally, externally, in groups, and in teams all the time. Each smart person is surrounded by more than ten Their enemies... As long as the calculations don’t come from their enemies, they don’t care about the refugee ships!”

"I did a lot of this kind of thing in my previous life. Otherwise, senior, how would you think I led a large group of people to freely move around the star field within the federation? If senior is worried, leave this matter to me! "

She patted her plump breasts confidently, making Chen Ziang feel the power of trust.

(End of this chapter)

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