The Witch's Taste

Chapter 305 Yes, Captain

Chapter 305 Yes, Captain

The star of the Aegelaos galaxy is the A1 main sequence star "Aegela".

There are four planets in the galaxy, of which "Aegelaos" is the fourth planet and is a rocky planet with an atmosphere.

The Bakht family has developed here for more than 150 years, transforming Aegelaos into a city planet.There are row upon row of high-rise buildings, a dazzling array of giant shopping malls, and artificial lakes and forest parks everywhere. It can be called a model model of a modern metropolis.

Of course, the mage tower and alchemy laboratory unique to elven society are also indispensable.

The so-called "alchemy technology" of the elves is generally similar to the "mechanical technology" of humans. They are both developed in the direction of automation, precision and scale, but the underlying structural principles are completely different.

Reverse engineering of elf technology is also the most important task of experts in various fields within the Forever starship.

However, the most troublesome thing at present is the attitude of the entire Starship public towards the elves.

Chen Ziang was originally worried that "after arriving in the Aegelaos sector, people rushed to apply to disembark and immigrate." This did not happen.This is probably due to the imperial history documentary played by Xia Qingyu, which made the public realize that the destruction of Gao Tianyuan was not an accident, but an outright conspiracy.

However, it was also because of that documentary that the overall ideological trend in Starship society began to rapidly develop in a closed, conservative and xenophobic direction.

After learning that the starship had arrived in the Aegelaos sector, the people even took the initiative to initiate a petition to the higher-ups, requesting that the starship not stop at Aegelaos for supplies - everyone was worried that the elves were doing something wrong in the traded supplies. hands and feet.

Regarding this, Chen Ziang's original feeling of relief soon turned into a headache.

It's true that you don't trust elves, but is this... a bit too extreme?

Another problem that arises is the federal human residents on the planet Aegelaos.

Can't save?
If they are not saved, then when the Federation and the Empire start a full-scale war, the human residents within the territory will inevitably be fully persecuted. If they are not saved now, they will die in the future.

If they are rescued, they will face the same problem as Gao Tianyuan did: How to make people believe that the federation will persecute them?
After discussing with everyone in the internal meeting for a while, the final conclusion was "to be rescued". After all, among these human residents of the Federation, there must be experts in various fields, and they are more proficient in the alchemy technology of elves.

With the help of these experts, reverse engineering will be smoother and the combat power of the Forever can be greatly improved.

"In this case, we can also accept the 'refugee boarding invitation' proposed by the Aegiraos Sector Government." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "As long as more than 5000 residents are screened and they stay with the registered federal families, we will be able to accept it." It can make the media make a big fuss and show our 'friendly attitude' towards the Federation."

"Indeed." Tsukimiya Suzuna agreed, "It's just that with the current atmosphere of hostility toward elves within the starship, whether these more than 5000 people can be screened out is still a question."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.This is actually a bit exaggerated. After all, it is a starship society of 1000 million people. If you want to find more than 5000 non-mainstream heterogeneous elements, you can still find them.

Even taking a step back, even if these 5000 people choose to stay in the Federation, it will not cause any damage to the starship society - it is just that it is a bit cruel to these [-] people, but you must also respect their choice of fate.

As for how to find these five thousand people...

Everyone looked at each other.This is not collecting registrations, but collecting fools to die. Everyone does not want to bear that kind of guilt, so they all turn their attention to Xia Qingyu - this girl is probably the only one present who does not care about the condemnation of conscience at all, or in other words, she has Even if you don’t have a conscience, that’s not necessarily the case.

"I'll do it." Yuuki Izumo couldn't stand it anymore and took the initiative to stand up and block the gun for his master.

At this time, the meeting was almost over. Seeing Yuki Izumo taking over the task, Chen Ziang also sighed:
"Why do you bring secretaries to all meetings? It seems I have to cultivate a few confidants."

Xia Zili smiled implicitly next to her.Strictly speaking, Gloria is not her secretary. She just signed an employment agreement with the Klublev family. In addition to Trauch's unfortunate death, she follows Miss Christine as a bodyguard. This way, even if Klublieff family follows, When the Bolifu family came to investigate, she would be able to make a reasonable argument.

"Speaking of which, senior, there is someone you can use." Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly said.


"Song Mingyuan, the former confidential secretary of the Star District." Tsukimiya Suzuna said seriously, "After being a senior civil servant for so many years, my administrative ability is definitely nothing to say. But in terms of personality, he has the typical bad habits of civil servants, conservative and very annoying Change and innovation." "But compared to his work ability, these shortcomings are not intolerable." Chen Ziang understood immediately, "In the final analysis, elected politicians are elected and resigned like water, and they will be manipulated by permanent civil servants. , our starship society is not a democratically elected system, so there is no such problem."

"Okay, let's call him over first and ask him."


In the cabin in the residential area, Song Xi and her mother were lying on the bed side by side, scrolling through their phones boredly.

Song Mingyuan was sitting at the desk reading.

The family of three was only allocated this small room of about [-] square meters, which was undoubtedly a far cry from their luxurious mansion in Takamagahara.

However, compared with the decline in living conditions, the lack of a source of job income is a more troublesome problem.

Today's starship society does not have any economic and trade system. Everyone's three meals a day depend on the food rationing system, whether you are a senior civil servant or a cleaner.

For Song Mingyuan, who once held a high position, this would probably be very uncomfortable. Therefore, his wife and daughter have recently been thinking of ways, such as asking Song Xi to find her best friend Suzuna Tsukimiya to help with the relationship, and see if they can get the old man to do it. My father once again became passionate about starships.

However, Song Mingyuan himself does not seem to have such concerns. Recently, he read half of the books he brought to the starship and took a lot of notes.

The phone suddenly rang.

Song Mingyuan glanced at it, then stood up and said:
"Bring me that formal suit."

"What, someone wants to see you up there?" The wife quickly got out of bed.

"Humph." Song Mingyuan showed a somewhat proud smile, "Put the cone in the bag and you will see its benefits."

"Okay, dad, stop being such a jerk!" Song Xi quickly put on his clothes, "Hurry up and get an official position and come back and bring delicious food to me and my mom!"

After Song Mingyuan finished dressing, he opened the door and went out, walking along the passage toward the bridge.

When I arrived at the command room, I waited for the soldiers at the door to announce, and adjusted my collar based on the reflection of the metal wall.

"Let him in." A young male voice came from inside.

Song Mingyuan entered the command room and saw the majestic and vast planet Aegelaos behind the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The light sources from the modern city were densely dotted on the vast limestone plain.

Chen Ziang stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his hands, his face serious and his brows furrowed - it looked like he was bothered by something.

"Captain, are you looking for me?" Song Mingyuan asked.

Strictly speaking, the captain should be Suzuna Tsukimiya.In today's starship society, the crew members are all from Tsukinomiya Suzuna, while the military is collectively loyal to Xia Qingyu.

However, the title is mainly to express attitude, whether it is accurate or not can be ignored for the time being.

As expected, Chen Ziang didn't dwell on this. He just looked at the surface of the planet in the distance and said:

"Mr. Song Mingyuan, what do you think...what kind of diplomatic attitude should we have towards the Federation's Bakht Group?"

(End of this chapter)

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