The Witch's Taste

Chapter 313 Tailgating and Penetration

Chapter 313 Tailgating and Penetration

It only took Suzuna Tsukimiya 6 minutes to take off her clothes, wash her body and put on clean clothes.

Six minutes is not enough to play a game. The most it can do is to get the senior interested...and hold it back, which will make it even more uncomfortable. Xia Zili will definitely not do that.

Pushing open the bathroom door, I saw two people sitting on the sofa discussing business, with no sign of pulling on their clothes.

"... In this case, we have to find a way to sneak into the headquarters of Aurora Charity and spy on their information." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully.

"Let me help you too." Xia Zili did not hesitate.

"No need." Chen Ziang waved his hand and said, "I have some secret powers, which are more suitable for detection and infiltration. Zili, your powers are related to flesh and blood and regeneration, and are mainly in the direction of combat, right?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna listened silently from behind, wondering when did senior have such power?
Well, with the gradual improvement of spiritual vision, it is possible to awaken some completely unknown abilities, but the price is that you may encounter strange attacks from deeper dimensions... Speaking of this, it seems that the seniors have never been attacked by strange things?
By the way, how old is your spiritual vision?It seems that he has never mentioned this before.

Although the witch can rely on her connection with the gods to naturally deter some low-level weird beings, Chen Ziang who stays with them does not need to worry about these threats.But when she thought about what she didn't know about her senior, Tsukimiya Suzuna couldn't help but feel upset.

"Okay." Although Xia Zili was a little unwilling, she had to admit that in terms of her own style, she was better at breaking into the headquarters of Aurora Charity directly than infiltrating, and packed up all the hard drives that stored information and took them away. "Then when do you plan to take action?"

"Just tonight." Chen Ziang replied.

“There is a problem with the refugee boarding plan, and everyone’s attention is focused on it. Isn’t it a good time to use the strategy of seducing the east and attacking the west?”


Since he decided to investigate late at night, Chen Ziang would not stay at home longer, let alone ask difficult questions to the two of them, such as "Who do you plan to sleep with?"

A mature man should be good at using official matters to resolve private difficulties.

Taking a taxi to the entrance of Aurora Charity Headquarters, Chen Ziang suddenly felt a little confused.

Well, how do you get in?

Pretending to be part of Kiritani Maki's agent team is of course the most convenient way, because Zili will definitely testify for him, but the price is that after the other party discovers that the business information has been stolen, they will immediately suspect Kiritani Maki. .

So I have to think of other strategies...

Chen Ziang was thinking silently, while Yuegong Suzuna was hiding in the distance, watching him quietly.

If I come to help senior, jump directly to the inside of the building, and then hide in the shadows, I can easily get the information... So you should ask me for help for this kind of thing!

However, Tsukimiya Suzuna also knew very well that Chen Ziang had already rejected Xia Zili's help and would definitely not accept her help in the same way.

Regarding such inexplicable little things, the senior insists that a bowl of water should be treated equally.

Forget it, let me see what strange abilities senior has and how he can solve the next problem without my help.

After a while, she saw Chen Ziang walking in swaggeringly wearing a newly purchased electrician maintenance uniform from a nearby grocery store, holding a long ladder in his hand.Tsukimiya Suzuna:? ? ?
What kind of power is this?
"The light on the 17th floor is broken." Chen Ziang said to the orc guard at the gate where he entered by swiping his card, "I'm going to change the light bulb. Please help me turn it on."

The tall orc guard looked him over. After seeing that he was a human, he didn't have much suspicion. He picked up the ID and opened the gate.

Chen Ziang thanked him and walked in with the ladder. Just when the elevator was about to close, the elf female white-collar worker inside thoughtfully stopped the elevator door from closing for him, so that he could drag the ladder into the elevator in time.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was hiding in the shadows, staring dumbfounded at the senior's unobstructed flow, and only heard the elf female office worker laughing:
"Handsome guy, I haven't seen you before. Why are you here to repair this time?"

"Switch." Chen Ziang said casually.

"Oh, switch, that thing is not easy to repair." The female white-collar worker obviously didn't know anything about it. She pretended to say, "Actually, I understand." She smiled and pulled out a business card and wrote her phone number on it. "If I The computer at the workstation is broken, can I ask you to come over and fix it?"

"Computer repair is not my business." Chen Ziang took the business card and said, "I can find colleagues to help you."

"I hope your colleagues are as handsome as you~" The female elf white-collar worker pointed her fingers between her lips and gave him a wink.

Suzuna Tsukimiya stared at her from the shadows expressionlessly, countless thoughts popping up from her mind like mushrooms after the rain.

Electric shock?Sleeping pills?Accidentally fell from a building?Gas explosion?Food poisoning?Which one is more normal?

Chen Ziang said goodbye to the reluctant elf white-collar worker and took the elevator to the 17th floor.

On the 17th floor, the technical maintenance floor, the intranet server of Aurora Charity Company is located here, and it is also the most closely guarded place. It is impossible to sneak in by pretending to be an electrician. After all, most people work on this floor. , basically all are computer hardware engineers.

Chen Ziang placed the ladder in the corner next to him, then activated [Psychic Torrent] and began to walk deeper.

Tsukimiya Suzuna silently followed him in the shadow world and conveniently put away the ladder he had left beside him.

Really, senior!Even if you wear gloves and won't leave fingerprints on the ladder, you will still be in danger of exposing your identity if the other party later traces "which store the ladder was sold from" and "who has recently bought a ladder from the store" La!
I still have to help you deal with the aftermath!
Chen Ziang came to the reception desk, where a male elf engineer was boredly watching a basketball game video on his computer.

From a spiritual perspective, his spiritual body was like duckweed in the rain, being violently washed away by Chen Ziang's [Spiritual Torrent], and had completely lost its color.

Whether it is vision, hearing, smell, taste or touch, they are all quietly isolated from reality and fall into a false world drawn by Chen Ziang's thoughts - in this world, no one comes to disturb him at work. fish.

Chen Ziang took his ID from the table and opened the door openly, but the elf engineer seemed not to notice and was still looking at the computer screen with interest.

...seems to be some kind of spiritual power.Suzuna Tsukimiya, who was following behind, thought to herself that this was Xia Qingyu's area of ​​expertise.

Could it be that the senior and that bitch were secretly colluding?Oh, no, it should be said that the bitch is secretly taking care of her senior, trying to use her power to gain his favor, and finally abducts her innocent and ignorant senior to the empire to be her slave to vent her dirty desires wantonly?

In an instant, two impulses arose in Tsukimiya Suzuna's heart: one was to immediately return to the Ever Given, summon a hundred thousand crew members to kill Xia Qingyu at all costs, and avoid future troubles; the other was to immediately show up in front of his seniors and tell him not to be That bitch was confused, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world!
Wait, if the senior’s power has nothing to do with that bitch, wouldn’t it seem strange for me to do this?Moreover, the truth about stalking seniors at the end of the line will also be exposed, and seniors’ favorability will drop!

Thinking of this, Suzuna Tsukimiya suppressed her anxiety and watched Chen Ziang use [Psychic Torrent] to make the passing engineers turn a blind eye to him, and finally arrived at the hangar where the hard drive host was located.

(End of this chapter)

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