The Witch's Taste

Chapter 316 It should have been double happiness

Chapter 316 It should have been double happiness
It is undoubtedly a happy thing to lie on a soft and warm bed with a beautiful woman who loves you deeply.

If there are two such women, the sum of them will be double happiness, that is, the blessing of all people.

But why did it become like this...

Chen Ziang was lying on the bed, falling into a state of being unable to move - not physically unable to move, but even if he moved, he would attract disturbing looks from around him.

For example, if you move your left hand slightly, there will be a spying hidden sight from the direction of Suzuna Tsukimiya on the right; if you move your right leg slightly for a moment, there will also be a strong oppressive momentum coming from the direction of Xia Zili on the left.

Chen Ziang felt like he was caught in a disputed territory between two big countries. No matter how close he got to either side, he would be attacked by the other side without mercy.'s not that I'm afraid of them, but it's almost two o'clock in the morning. It's not appropriate to have any more noisy fights. Go to sleep if you can.

He closed his eyes silently and decided to stay in this position and fall asleep.

However, as many unfortunate people have learned firsthand, many times crises cannot be avoided by avoiding them.

As if she was a little dissatisfied with this vague sense of distance, Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly mumbled something in her sleep, turned around and hugged Chen Ziang's right arm.

The power of D!
Chen Ziang only felt that his right arm seemed to have fallen into some kind of quagmire. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not find the point to use his strength, and could only indulge in that warm embrace.

However, just as he feared, Xia Zili could not remain indifferent to this.

As if tit for tat, his wife from the previous life, who was lying on his left side, also put his arm into her arms.

G's dominance!
If Suzuna Tsukinomiya is like a quagmire, then Xia Zili is like a vast ocean, with obvious differences in volume and softness.It can only be said that Suzuna has worked very hard to develop within the scope of the island gene, but Xia Zili has foreign genes that she does not have at all.

Not only that, with the idea of ​​​​defeating the mistress, Xia Zili took advantage of the situation and hung her legs up.

Although it is plump, it is not heavy, and at the same time it has amazing softness and heat, which makes Chen Ziang's original sleepiness disappear immediately.

To make matters worse, Tsukimiya Suzuna also pressed her legs up.

The two women's legs were pressed against each other, as if they were wrestling quietly, each trying to push the other's leg off of their man.

Although they seemed to be evenly matched, Chen Ziang had noticed something was wrong from their tense muscles, not to mention that the bed beneath him had begun to creak and shake.

"Can't you guys sleep well?" He pinched their thighs angrily.

"I don't know what senior is talking about." Tsukimiya Suzuna yawned, "Ah, I'm so sleepy."

Although he was yawning, the strength on his legs refused to stop at all, and he had to push Xia Zili away before he would give up.

Although Xia Zili did not respond, seeing that Yuegong Suzuna was still unable to fully occupy the "Chen Zi'ang Heights", it was known that she had not fallen asleep either.

Chen Ziang's arms were hugged by two people at the same time. There was actually nothing he could do at this time, and they refused to admit it... forget it.

Go to sleep first!As long as you wake up tomorrow, everything will be fine.

After retreating, sleepiness quickly followed, and Chen Ziang fell asleep slowly in the warm embrace on both sides.

He was sleeping soundly here, but the two girls stopped wrestling at the same time, for fear that they would wake him up if they moved any louder.

This man had just returned from gathering intelligence at the Aurora Charity Headquarters and had been working until 1 a.m., so he should have slept well.

No matter how jealous he is, it shouldn't affect his rest.

Xia Zili gently let go of his arm, and tucked the corners of the quilt for him, and then gave Tsukimiya Suzuna a provocative look:
Do you dare to go out and fight?Tsukimiya Suzuna will naturally not be shy about taking on the challenge. Although she really wants to admire her senior's sleeping face here, it is more important now for him to have a good rest.

The two quietly left the bedroom and closed the door.

Tonight is another sleepless night.

The witches competing for love began to fight each other again with the determination to deprive each other of their lives.


The data theft from the Aurora Charity Headquarters quickly spread to the Bakht Group.

The board of directors was immediately held overnight, and all family members looked solemn.

As Suzuna Tsukimiya said, it is not that there are no witches in other parts of the galaxy, but these witches often do not live long and will choose to commit suicide due to unbearable pain and torture. Therefore, they cannot pose a long-term threat to the elf chaebols - so that everyone The threat of witches has always been underestimated.

It is an undisclosed secret that there are multiple witches on the human starship.

At first, a few people killed the Bakht mining ship and even killed Trauch Klublev. However, the Klublev family was uncharacteristic and did not announce retaliation for a long time. It was probably because they were afraid of a star. The ship humans were wiped out, but they failed to kill these witches. Then they would be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes, and they would break into pieces and attack the Klublev family's corporate assets... Thinking about it makes people feel desperate.

This time, they invaded the headquarters of Aurora Charity Company and stole data as if they were in a no-man's land, which is enough to prove that the comprehensive strength of these witches is not comparable to that of ordinary mystical scholars.

Even if everyone has no grudges against the starship humans, they are still worried that competitors will hire these witches to deal with their own companies.

As for the Bakht Group that destroyed Takamagahara, their fear of starship humans has escalated... That night, the board of directors quickly passed two corporate resolutions.

First, study the mysterious methods of these witches as soon as possible and develop corresponding countermeasures.

Second, win over human refugees in an all-round way, show a friendly attitude towards these witches, and try to avoid breaking up with them.

Make Aegelaos a "refugee-friendly" sector!

We love peace and we love humanity!
The next morning, when Chen Ziang woke up from his sleep, he received news that caught him off guard.

All the news stations in Aegelaos began to report on the news that had previously discriminated against human refugees, and the public opinion position was like a barrage of fire:

"...We can't help but reflect on what is the soil that produces this kind of discriminatory behavior..."

"...The refugees from Takamagahara fled here from their destroyed hometown. What greeted them was not towels and bread, but ridicule and ridicule..."

“…When will we learn to be respectful and kind, and when will we stop taking pleasure in the suffering of others?”

Since the Aegelaos sector has a large urban population and left-wing ideas are extremely popular, with the help of the media, the matter of "discrimination against refugees" quickly fermented and even became a household hot news.

The vast majority of public opinion criticized the behavior of that human family, and some radical elf residents even went to the door of the other party's house to demonstrate, throwing tomatoes and eggs inside... The situation has developed to such an extent that Chen Ziang has begun to understand. .

"Looking at this propaganda trend, protecting refugees is about to become politically correct." Tsukimiya Suzuna was also a little confused, "What tricks are the Bakht family playing?"

"It must be to paralyze us." Xia Zili took out a beer from the refrigerator, "As long as more human refugees believe it and choose to stay in the Aegelaos sector, more people will be harmed in the future. .”

What a trick to play hard to get!Chen Ziang suddenly realized.

The elf chaebol is really vicious!

(End of this chapter)

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