The Witch's Taste

Chapter 320 Fierce Underground Battle

Chapter 320 Fierce Underground Battle

The Baal Group is very afraid of the starship humans, so they are willing to sign a profit-sharing contract and tie the starship humans to the tanks of their own camp.

But among the entire Aegelaos sector, the one who is most afraid of starship humans is of course the Bakht Group.

There is no other reason than the hatred of destroying the family.

The president of the Aegiraos Sector Group branch, named Aarondin Bakht, is one of the important leaders of the dove faction within the family.

Try to avoid conflicts with the starship humans, be fully friendly and accept refugees, which is also the policy proposed by President Alondine.

However, after the data at the headquarters of Aurora Charity Corporation was stolen, there was a huge "anti-dove" voice within Bakht because the mastermind behind the scenes was most likely to be a human witch from Starship.

You see, you have a peaceful attitude towards human beings, but then someone steals the data. Isn’t it a slap in the face?
Aaron Din also spoke plausibly about this: If we can't beat it, we can't beat it. If we are hostile to the starship humans from the beginning, then in the end it may not be as simple as stolen data.

There was a lot of quarrel within the group, and it was not until the head of the family issued an order that the dispute temporarily calmed down:
The diplomatic attitude towards starship humanity remains unchanged, and the "Gospel Plan" needs to be promoted as soon as possible.

Spreading the glory of Father God throughout Aegelaos is currently the most important task of the Bakht family.After the plan is successful, the number of Old God believers will increase geometrically in a short period of time. The Bakht family will take advantage of the opportunity to set up Old God churches in major urban areas at lightning speed and introduce a large number of regular believers. Stationed as a priest, he achieves full ideological control over the entire star region.

By then, the people's will will be the general trend, and no matter what other chaebols do, they will be in a quagmire and unable to move forward.

Of course, the Bakht family is not ignorant of the countermeasures taken by the Barr Group and other plutocrats.

The studio is located at the site of a colonial ship deep underground - it was a colonial outpost hidden deep underground when the Bakht Group first landed on the planet Aegelaos and the atmosphere had not yet been established. The depth and scope are top secret.

In the deepest part of the colonial outpost, there is a huge equipment "penetrating acoustic radiator" that occupies an extremely large area. It can transcribe and down-convert fixed audio and then spread it through the earth's crust to every area on the surface, forming a "Sound coverage" on a planetary scale.

As for the audio that needs to be disseminated, it is naturally a track sung by five singers of different origins at a charity concert. After being implanted and arranged with the sealed artifact "Gospel", it finally formed the "Gospel of God the Father" with a strong memetic pollution effect. Song".

In order to ensure the smooth execution of the plan, not only a large number of private soldiers of the Bakht Group were deployed inside the underground colonial outpost, there were also many powerful mystical scholars stationed there.

The most powerful among them is Alpha Solomon Dera, who is one of the few templars in the old divine temple who has been granted the "Glory of the Holy Lord".

Under the huge radome, the Templar was holding a cross sword and was sleeping with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion was heard in the distance, and the rising smoke instantly completely enveloped the nearby underground space.

Chen Ziang fell down under the cover of smoke and dust, and summoned the bloated touch from below in mid-air. The fleshy bloated tentacles caught him like a soft cushion, taking away all the force of his fall.

The next second, the three witches landed equally firmly on the ground, forming a triangle exactly at the landing point, guarding the bloated touch in the center.

Nishikawa Mie, who was carrying the Yinhan Scythe, landed in the most direct way. The flesh and blood of her legs instantly burst apart, but she stood up straight as if she felt no pain, with a crazy and excited smile on her face.

Takano Seiko fell lightly, her body was wrapped in the water-like drowning person, and fell to the ground like a ball of slime. Then the drowning person squirmed and dispersed. She reached out and silently pushed the frame of her glasses, Shen Shen He looked around.

Mizuhara Saori's landing method was the weirdest. The moment she hit the ground, she suddenly exploded into countless pieces, like a glass that had been smashed on the ground.But those fragments quickly reunited like iron sand under a magnet at a very fast speed, condensing into their original human form.

"There is actually an underground city." Chen Ziang turned around and looked around, "The Bakht family is quite capable of hiding!"

"Who should we kill first?" Nishikawa Meihui asked impatiently.

"It's better to find the key equipment first and control it." Takano Seiko was obviously more rational, "Don't forget the goal of our trip."

"Look at that, isn't it the blood mine in Gao Tianyuan?" Mizuhara Saori suddenly said.Everyone looked in the direction she pointed, and sure enough they saw a cargo truck, with a truck full of bloody ore in the back.

It is the blood mine mined from the depths of Gaotianyuan!
"Blood ore is an energy ore." Chen Ziang said quickly, "To transport so much blood ore proves that there must be equipment with high energy consumption here."

"We need to track this vehicle." Takano Seiko agreed, "Maybe we can find the 'broadcasting device'."

"What's the point of just following?" Mie Nishikawa expressed her dissatisfaction, "We are witches! We finally got out of that broken sword, and if we don't kill them with blood, what kind of witches are we?"

"You should know that you can't stay too far away from that sword, right?" Mizuhara Saori reminded her.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Zi'ang raised his hand and said, "Xichuan, you can go ahead and kill him, it will just provide us with cover."

"Takano, please create living dead nearby and try to expand the chaos caused by Nishikawa."

"Suwon, you can locate metal, right? Follow that truck!"

After Nishikawa Mihui received the order, she was like a wild horse on the loose, waving the sickle of coldness and killed.

Takano Seiko looked around, and then chose a direction to leave.

Chen Ziang followed the truck... and then found that he couldn't keep up with the truck. He did not have the ability to move at high speed.

"I'll do it." Mizuhara Saori stretched out her hand, "Hold my hand."

Chen Ziang grabbed her palm and felt that the woman's skin was as cold as ice.Almost at the same time, his body felt like it was being rolled over by a steamroller, or roughly stuffed into a fax machine.

When he recovered again, the two of them had teleported to another location, only about 100 meters away from the truck.

"My power can be transferred between nearby metals at will." Mizuhara Saori explained, "It may be uncomfortable to transfer for the first time. If you can't bear it, just tell me."

Chen Ziang was about to ask you what this power is called...then he was caught off guard and was hit head-on by the steamroller again.

The two teleported for the second time and arrived about 50 meters away from the truck, when an earth-shattering sound suddenly sounded from behind.

Chen Ziang quickly looked back and saw Nishikawa Meihui rising into the sky while wielding the Scythe of Yinhan.

There were countless cross swords constructed of light flow in the air, standing in layers like a beheading instrument, and then they all fell down like thunder!

The light and black mist collided crazily, and the air currents and shock waves set off were violently pushed around like a hurricane.Smoke and dust filled the air, and the earth trembled. For a moment, it was not even clear who was winning and who was losing. However, through the induction of the Mandala Sword, Chen Ziang sensed that Nishikawa Meihui had been seriously injured.

"If you can't hold it any longer, come back quickly." He quickly sent the message through the magic sword.

"Fart!" Mihui Nishikawa said fiercely, "I'm not going to die, so it's worth fighting to the death with him!"

The next second, she screamed again:

"This dog elf's lightsaber is poisonous!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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