The Witch's Taste

Chapter 323 Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Counterattack

Chapter 323 Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Counterattack

"How's it going over there at Zi Li?"

"Hey, senior, in front of the beautiful girl who came to rescue you, the first thing I said was to care about other women. Isn't this bad?"

"Suzuna, is it time to joke now?" Chen Ziang interrupted her.

Tsukimiya Suzuna crossed her arms and replied leisurely:
"She is trying her best to delay taking the stage and let other singers go up and sing first."

"It hasn't started yet." Chen Ziang turned around and pointed into the distance and said quickly, "I haven't found the location of the studio yet, but the huge antenna equipment in front is very suspicious."

"It's a bit suspicious." Suzuna Tsukimiya said thoughtfully, "Have you arrested anyone to torture for confirmation?"


"How to say?"

"He was killed by you before I had time to ask."

Tsukimiya Suzuna was silent for a moment and showed an embarrassed smile:

"I'm sorry, but isn't it possible for seniors to capture the memories of people who have just died?"

"You've reminded me." Chen Ziang reacted immediately, activated [Death Breath] and grabbed Tsukimiya Suzuna's wrist, "Let's go quickly."

This was not the first time for the two of them to come to the Realm of Dying. They quickly found Alpha's memories before his death among the endless decaying spirits.

Then enter the remaining memories before death.

Seeing the scene of the opponent wielding a huge platinum lightsaber and fighting fiercely with his senior using powers, Tsukimiya Suzuna's expression gradually became serious.

Trouble is, he is actually a Templar. He will not be chased and bitten by these mad dogs next...

Chen Ziang noticed that her expression seemed to be different, so he didn't ask any more questions and continued to push the memory forward.

Before the battle, the templar had been standing under the antenna dish, leaning on the cross sword and closing his eyes to rest.

As the dying breath continued to trace forward, the surrounding pictures became more and more fragmented, until a voice sounded next to it:
"... Lord Holy Envoy, please guard the facilities here... The antenna dish above can be abandoned when necessary. The key equipment room is located in the basement 15 meters below you... Therefore, if you are attacked by the enemy, do not let it go Their attacks were directed underground..."

"That's it." Chen Ziang dismissed the power and brought Suzuna Tsukinomiya back to reality, "In other words, just stand at the position of the antenna dish and drill a hole below."

"Now that the location of the studio has been confirmed, it will be much easier to get started." Suzuna Tsukimiya paused for a moment and suddenly said, "Senior."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, there's just one thing I can't figure out." Tsukimiya Suzuna said softly, "When we were in Aegelaos in the previous life, we didn't encounter this thing - that is, the Bakht family wanted to use the gospel , the matter of forcibly changing the faith of the entire star region."

"So, what changed the original timeline?"

"It's a starship human," Chen Ziang replied immediately, "In terms of variables, there shouldn't be so many human refugees arriving in Aegelaos in the previous life, right? This should be the biggest difference between the two timelines."

"In other words, the emergence of starship humans has made the Bakht family feel some kind of...threat." Tsukimiya Suzuna analyzed along this line of thinking, "So they are anxious to unify the entire Aegelaos sector."

"Bakht did not do this in the previous life, which means that once they use the gospel, they will incur some bad consequences. In the absence of the threat of starship humans, the danger of this consequence is far greater than the temptation of using the gospel, so in the previous life They just shelved their gospel plans.”

"Senior, what I'm worried about is, what are the unknown consequences?"

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment and replied: "From my point of view, there is a high probability that it may be... a counterattack from other elf chaebols?"

"It's like the nuclear weapons in the pre-space colonial era, right?" Suzuna Tsukimiya said in a deep voice, "I have nuclear weapons in my hand, and so do you. We all know that the other party has nuclear weapons, and we also know that an attack will inevitably lead to a nuclear counterattack, and aggression will inevitably lead to destroying each other, so they are forced to maintain a delicate nuclear balance of non-aggression.”

"And what we are going to do now is essentially to destroy one of the nuclear weapons. So what will be the result?"

"The nuclear balance has been broken." Chen Ziang replied, "The side that loses nuclear weapons is equivalent to losing its ability to protect itself, which will inevitably lead to an unscrupulous nuclear strike from the other side."

"Suzuna, actually I have noticed that in the Aegelaos sector, the Baht Group and other elven chaebols seem to maintain a fragile balance. Once this balance is broken, it will inevitably bring extremely serious consequences. Serious conflict consequences.”

"But the real problem is that now the balance has been tipped... you understand?"

Tsukimiya Suzuna was dumbfounded for a moment, then suddenly realized, she smiled and said:

"Yes, senior reminded me. No matter how worried I am, there will be no way to restore the balance after Bakht activates the gospel."

"No matter what the 'nuclear weapons' of other elf chaebols are, it was Bakht who activated the 'nuclear weapons' first, so it is only natural to stop them, right?"

"Yes." Chen Zi'ang sighed and said, "And one more thing, Gao Tianyuan was destroyed because of this."

"The operation of the equipment here seems to require a large amount of blood ore as energy, and the artificial mining output of Gao Tianyuan cannot meet the requirements of the Bakht Group, so..."

"A common man is not guilty, he only possesses a treasure." Suzuna Tsukimiya was silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Even if we consider revenge, we still have reasonable and legitimate motives."

"In this case, it should be left to us."

She said in a relieved tone, and the shadow under her body suddenly lengthened, extending rapidly in all directions.

In only about five or six seconds, these shadows extended to nearly a hundred meters, and then began to turn and penetrate underground.

There was a dull whimpering sound under his feet, as if being eroded, and accompanied by constant shuddering like the prelude to an earthquake, Chen Ziang also noticed something was wrong and asked:
"What power did you use?"

This kind of power that is elicited but does not reveal itself, but implies a terrifying power, can only be said to be a witch.If she faced the so-called "templar warrior" from before, she should be able to make him disappear with one big move, right?

"It's a girl's secret." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "However, if senior must ask, I can't explain it to you in detail~"

"Forget it, I'm just asking casually." Chen Ziang waved his hand and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow beneath his feet suddenly collapsed.

To be precise, after these shadows completely covered nearly a thousand cubic spaces underground, they suddenly produced huge pressure like a black hole.

Concrete, steel bars, metal shells and components of instruments, various pipelines, furniture, tables and chairs, as well as technicians, soldiers, automated weapons, military bunkers and micro-fortresses stationed inside, all materials with physical form and quality are all here. Under astronomical pressure like a black hole, it was forcibly collapsed into a point.

Chen Ziang, who lost support under his feet, fell unexpectedly, but Tsukimiya Suzuna just dodged through and caught his body from below, with a little devil-like smile that succeeded in mischief:

"It's done, senior. Let's go back!"

The figures of the two disappeared into the underground space, leaving only the compressed mass point, spinning crazily at an astonishing high speed that could not be captured by the naked eye.

Then, as if it lost control, a large amount of atomic clouds were thrown out again.

(End of this chapter)

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