The Witch's Taste

Chapter 329 Two intertwined lines

Chapter 329 Two intersecting lines
got stuck.

There is absolutely no way to break free.

Do you think I will surrender?

Do not make jokes! ! !
How could I accept this kind of thing? ! ! ! !
When she thought of how Xia Zili on the other side of the planet would use her terrifying physical advantages to humiliate and torture her senior while she was being held back by Xia Qingyu... Tsukimiya Suzuna felt as if something was broken in her chest, and she felt endless. The power was like fusion deep inside a star, exploding violently within the body in an instant.

Her avatar began to expand rapidly, and a large amount of chaos surged crazily within it, violently stretching the space bubble created by Xia Qingyu from the inside out.

Xia Qingyu looked at the scene in the distance in silence and did not make any move to strengthen the seal.

Until Suzuna Tsukinomiya finally exploded the bubble ball completely, turning into a shadow and quickly escaping from the gas giant planet, leaving only fragments of starlight scattered all over the sky.

a long time.

Xia Qingyu's star spirit incarnation began to surge and slowly flew outside.

Tsukinomiya Suzuna was traveling rapidly through space. The distant planet Aegelaos was like a full moon. Although it seemed very close, it was actually still very far away.


Tsukimiya Suzuna prayed secretly, although she didn't know who she was praying to.

Senior...Although he doesn't have the memory of his previous life, Xia Zili does...

She is more familiar with her senior's sexual fetishes and preferred positions than anyone else. If I hadn't stopped her on the spot, she would have definitely used this advantage to oppress him, leaving him powerless to fight back, or even being brainwashed into being a slave by her. ah!

The more Tsukimiya Suzuna thought wildly, the more anxious she became. In the end, she didn't care. The shadow incarnation almost stretched into a line and rushed towards Aegelaos.

Because she did not deliberately restrain her momentum, the surface of Aegelaos soon noticed something strange.

Different from the previous Takamagahara, many elven chaebols in Aegelaos use all possible means in business competition. It is common for them to use sealed objects or weird things to attack their opponents. Therefore, each chaebol has secret devices inside. There are monitoring devices for mysterious forces.

Although these gadgets cannot provide early warning and can only send reminders when a disaster breaks out, they can at least avoid being beaten passively without knowing anything about it.

When Suzuna Tsukimiya rushed into the atmosphere, all the monitoring devices within the Zaibatsu began to chirp loudly at almost the same time.

Everyone immediately became a mess.

The Baal Group was the most nervous about this, and the board of directors subconsciously believed that it must be Bakht or other chaebols. In order to prevent Agilaos from completely falling into the control of the Baal Group, they used some kind of "natural disaster level" sealed object. Fighting to die together will blow up the entire planet - especially the Bakht family, who have already done countless bad things in this regard.

Other elven chaebols also quickly entered the top alert state. It is speculated that the Bakht family is most likely to take action in order to maintain relative deterrence with the Baal Group. If you dare to spread Japanese encephalitis again, I will destroy Aegelaos directly. , everyone should stop playing at this table.

Only the Bakht Group branch is really dumb and can't tell the story of its sufferings.Not only did all the elf chaebols send stern public relations inquiries, but even the masters in the distant star regions also received the news, questioning what the branch planned to do.

The gospel plan ultimately failed, and Aegelaos fell into the hands of the Baal Group. These losses were basically doomed.However, the Baal Group has become the target of public criticism in the galaxy in a short period of time, and has been guarded and hostile by other elf plutocrats. Therefore, Bakht has recently been promoting the "Baal Threat Theory" in an attempt to suppress and sanction the Baal Group.

But if the branch insists on destroying Aegelaos, then other elven chaebols who have suffered losses will inevitably turn against each other, and instead let the Bakht family take the blame for the Baal Group. This is something that the main family will never allow to happen.

Naturally, the branch was also vomiting blood. President Valentine reportedly smashed up the conference room and ordered all forces to be mobilized to find out what the "mysterious force" approaching the planet was.

The mysterious force knows nothing of any of this.

A mysterious force returns to the mansion she just bought.

The mysterious power passed through the balcony window and saw Chen Ziang sleeping soundly on the bed. There was no other presence on the messy sheets.

The mysterious force breathed a sigh of relief, but soon smelled a hint of heather before it could be ventilated.

The mysterious power was frightened, wept bitterly, and was so distraught that life was worse than death.

The mysterious power gave up on itself!
But he said that a few minutes ago, he worked until two o'clock in the morning and was tortured for more than an hour without being able to fall asleep. Chen Ziang was already very sleepy.

Fortunately, the phone downstairs rang (it was a secret communication line specially established with the starship humans), and Xia Zili, who was satisfied, let him go, put on her clothes and went downstairs to answer the phone.

Chen Ziang quickly took the opportunity to sleep... Although he didn't know what happened and asked Starship to make a special call, it would be too late if he didn't sleep.He didn't even bother to wipe his body, he just lay motionless on the bed, his consciousness quickly falling into sleep——

He must have fallen asleep, but not completely, because something seemed to be crawling on him again.

Chen Ziang couldn't bear it any longer, and could only barely hold on to his remaining conscious consciousness, and begged:
"Zili, are you okay yet? Can you let me sleep first..."

It was better not to say this. As soon as he said it, the other party immediately sped up his actions and had no intention of letting him go.

Chen Ziang was so sleepy that he simply gave up control of his body.

Just take it, I really want to sleep...

In the living room, Xia Zili ended her conversation with Yuki Izumo and frowned slightly.

There is a mysterious force approaching Aegelaos. Is it suspected to be the Bakht family's means of destroying the star?

What is the point of Bakht doing this? After all, the gospel plan has completely failed, and even if they die together, it will only hurt both sides.

However, the thinking of the elven nobles is different from that of the capital plutocrats. The latter are purely profit-seeking, while the former pay more attention to the so-called face and dignity.In addition, Bakht does have a criminal record. It is not impossible to say that he is unwilling to fail and would rather die together...

Wait, a mysterious force approaching from space?
Suddenly thinking of a certain possibility, Xia Zili immediately jumped up and flew straight to the second floor, leaving a tiny hole in the floor when she stepped on it.

The moment he opened the bedroom door and saw the scene inside, the half-elf's blue eyes seemed to have lost their highlights...


The next day, at 12 noon.

Chen Ziang woke up slowly from his deep sleep, feeling pain everywhere in his body, as if he had been rubbed to pieces.

...What happened last night?
He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw splatters of blood and flesh everywhere on the walls and ceiling, as if an extremely brutal fight and killing had taken place here last night.


Chen Ziang suddenly became excited, and most of his sleepiness immediately dissipated, and he quickly got up.

Only then did he realize that the bed beneath him had collapsed.

Holding on to the collapsed bed frame and standing up with difficulty, Chen Ziang saw Tsukigomi Suzuna sitting on the bay window, with only a blanket covering her whole body, hugging her knees and falling into a sluggish state.

"Suzuna, are you... okay?" Chen Ziang asked worriedly.

Although there was blood and flesh everywhere in the room, Suzuna seemed to have no traces of injury. Her limbs and head were all where they should be, and there was no dirt on the blanket she was wearing. She should be fine.

"...Hehe, hehehe." Tsukimiya Suzuna made a sound that sounded like something was broken, and murmured with tears streaming down her face, "I'm a waste, I'm a waste... I can't beat you, I can't compete with you, From now on, I can only eat secretly when no one is around and live a relatively failed life..."

Chen Ziang: ……………

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like everything is okay!Wait, where is Zili?

Xia Zili walked out of the bathroom, wiping her wet hair with a towel, her eyes full of numbness - although there were no signs of injury on her body, she seemed mentally exhausted.

"You're awake." She said in a low voice, her voice completely hoarse. "I can't work with you today. I'm so tired... I have to sleep well all day to recover..."

"What happened last night?" Chen Ziang asked in shock, "What happened to your voice? What happened to Suzuna?"

"Ah, it's okay." Xia Zili staggered to the dressing table like a zombie, tremblingly picked up the hair dryer and started to dry her hair, "She is the same as me, she just needs a good rest."

So what happened!Chen Ziang shouted silently in his heart.

Why do both of them look like they have been severely ravaged by the big boss until they are left withered and exhausted!
(End of this chapter)

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