The Witch's Taste

Chapter 334 The film I edited is awesome

Chapter 334 The film I edited is awesome

The Forever has started showing free movie documentaries again - this time it's the second "The Catastrophe of Egilaoth".

In the first film, "The Destruction of Takamagahara," the refugees stood in an empty central cabin and watched it. Many of them had even lost their relatives and friends not long ago, so the atmosphere was very depressing and heavy.

After the narrator pointed out in a calm voice that all disasters came from the Bakht mining ship, sadness was quickly replaced by rage, and even a riot broke out because of this.

It is precisely thanks to this collective atmosphere of common hatred and hatred that even after the starship arrived in Aegiraos, most residents did not choose to disembark. They even banded together to attack those who wanted to immigrate to Aegela out of hostility to the Federation and the elves. The people of Laos.

Until recently, many human residents of Aegelaos landed on starships after passing political review and medical examinations, and therefore were ostracized by the refugees from Takamagahara - they called Aegelaos "elf lackeys."

This of course makes no sense.It's enough to blame a generation of immigrants. Many Aegelaos humans have already immigrated to the Federation because their parents have immigrated to the Federation, so they are born with Federation citizenship. They have no choice.

But the Gaotian people don't care about this. The fanatical collective consciousness is usually unreasonable, so that recently there have been many "nationality detectives" inside the starship... When I hear passers-by speaking Lu nationality with a foreign accent, I will go up and violently. It even caused a lot of fights.

This irrational trend of thought continued to spread rapidly until the second part "The Disaster of Aegelaos" was aired.

All exterior advertising screens in the commercial district were bought to broadcast the documentary.Workers in the industrial zone were also given time off, and the team leader was responsible for arranging group viewings.Those in the living area are more troublesome and can only be visited one by one by community personnel. Residents are advised to turn their TVs to special channels.

But the response seems to be pretty good.

After all, some people were clamoring to get off the ship and go to Aegelaos some time ago, which caused an uproar among the people.

Nowadays, a large number of Aegiraos immigrants have come on board. Although most of the residents of Gaotian are not friendly to them, they have probably heard about what happened on the surface of the planet. From the name of this documentary, it is indeed The best way to know the specific details.

Of course, there are also some people who "take pleasure in the suffering of others" and happily wait to see the suffering of Aegelaos. Needless to say, there is no need to say more about these dark psychology.

The main narrative of the documentary is very smooth, and unnecessary "gospel plans" are deleted. There are not many traces and accusations against the Baal Group. It only describes the epidemic in the Aegelaos sector - mutant Japanese encephalitis at the beginning. inflammation, then revealed the price of specific drugs, and finally described how various families struggled to survive during this special period.

There is no deliberate sensationalism, no guidance of public opinion, and no conclusive "conclusion" is even given after playing these plots... As a promotional material, it is actually quite unconventional.

You know, traditional promotional materials often have to be reviewed by superiors before being put into publicity. And superiors don't like to spare their "precious time" to watch the video carefully, so subordinates can only refine the content, delete the foreshadowing, and express their feelings directly. , so that the superior can see it at a glance when pulling up the video bar.

So there are promotional materials such as "The sky is blue, the grass is green, and although it is difficult now, but the future will definitely be better", which is forced to sensationalize without details and is completely designed to cope with the review of superiors.

It was probably because she understood what the civil service team was like that Xia Qingyu asked Chen Ziang to edit it himself, and the final effect was indeed simple.

The word "hell" is not mentioned in the whole film, but anyone who has seen the scenes of beds being set up outside the hospital, the scene of the old man using his last savings to buy medicine for his sick grandson, and the scene of the mother crying bitterly while holding her child's urn. The picture... the word "hell on earth" popped up in the minds of all the viewers.

Compared with Takamagahara who was burned in the fire, Aegelaos is more like a kind of hanging.There was no intense pain, but the feeling of slow death was better than any torture.

At the Starship Council meeting, Song Mingyuan reported on the public comments after the promotional video was played:

47% of the people in Takamagahara expressed sympathy for Aegelaos; 51% of the people thought it was not surprising, after all, the federal chaebol has never been a good thing.

As for the human residents of Aegelaos, more than [-]% of them believe that "the federal government should be responsible for these sufferings." This is still without official guidance to set the tone.If the starship humans go to war with the Federation in the future, the proportion of Aegelaos humans who are distrustful of the elves should be higher than this.

Chen Ziang didn't want to be too complacent, but he had to admit that the film he participated in the production was good, and in the end it had the desired effect.

"What's the reaction from the Barr Group?"

"It is recommended that we try to capture as many harmonious images of the Aegelaos sector as possible."

"Sure enough, reporting good news but not bad news is a common problem among all races in the universe." Everyone sighed with emotion.

Fortunately, Chen Ziang had expected it and did not conduct so-called "tracing" of the epidemic virus in Aegilaos. He simply showed the spirit of the people of Aegilaos. Therefore, the Baal Group had no excuse to launch an attack.

"Hasn't there been any reply from Suzuna Murasaki?"

"No, it's probably out of the range of interstellar communication."

"Then let's jump to the Garcia sector according to the original plan."

The Forever began preparations for the long-distance jump, and Chen Ziang left the bridge and took the elevator to the business district again.

The commercial area inside the ship is very large, almost the same as Shinjuku District in the former Jibei City.The indoor height is about 6 meters, and there are a large number of high-power lights on the ceiling to simulate natural sunlight. They automatically dim at 6 o'clock in the morning and dim at [-] o'clock in the evening.

The reason for this design, in addition to the purpose of telling time, is also because most humans rely on the sun to judge day and night... It seems pretty good so far, although it looks like "there are many small suns in the sky." But the overall situation is not much different from daytime.

In the center of the business district is Starship Suburban Park. Chen Ziang found a chair and sat down, leisurely watching the pedestrians coming and going around him.

If it were in the previous life, these people would most likely have died.

From this point of view, I have indeed fulfilled my duty as a savior...

"The mothership was provided by Suzuna Tsukinomiya, and the rescue team was sent by Xia Qingyu. Did you really play any role?" Nishikawa Mie appeared behind the bench at some point and asked casually.

"Of course it plays a key role." Chen Ziang said seriously, "If I hadn't insisted on it, they wouldn't have saved people."

"That's true." Seiko Takano stood next to the lamppost and agreed, "Without him, Xia Qingyu would probably have gone back to the empire directly, and Suzuna Tsukimiya would not have come to Takamagahara at all."

"For example, it's like a pretty boy clinging to a rich woman, and then using the money from his support to donate to charity." Saori Mizuhara joked, "Just because the money is not earned through his labor, we can't deny that he is helping the poor. Poor people, right?”

"What do you plan to do when you come out?" Chen Ziang interrupted them angrily.

"We just want to hang out outside." Takano Seiko replied, "After all, I haven't felt the lively atmosphere for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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