Chapter 354
On the Eternal starship, Suzuna Tsukinomiya summoned a shadow vortex and continuously spit out the contents stored in it.

Soon, all kinds of shipboard equipment almost piled up in the warehouse.

Xia Qingyu watched her performance from the side. After all the vortexes were vomited, she said calmly:

"Has your brain deteriorated to the point where you cannot understand that some precision equipment cannot withstand external impacts? Or is it because your head often suffers similar impacts, so the brain inside is in a mess?"

"If there is any impact, why don't you give a warning?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "Either you have periodic mute syndrome, or it doesn't matter if these devices fall to the ground. The two will eventually come together. Choose one.”

"Because I didn't expect that your brain was empty and you didn't even know this basic common sense." Xia Qingyu said sarcastically.

"It's not empty, it's filled with the love of senior." Suzuna Tsukimiya said with a smile, "I'm so focused on how to be with senior now that I no longer have time to think about these details."

"Oh, it seems that the brain is soaked in amniotic fluid, which is worse than nothing." Xia Qingyu was silent for a while and said indifferently, "Leave the things behind and you can get out."

"I don't want to stay with you for a long time, goodbye~" Tsukimiya Suzuna threw a malicious smile at her, and then disappeared into the chaotic hurricane of collapse.

Xia Qingyu looked at the hill of shipboard equipment, was stunned for a long time, and then ordered:

"I'm here, Your Highness." A voice came from the communicator on his collar.

"Have someone come over."

Under Yuuki Izumo's arrangement, the starship engineers quickly arrived at the warehouse.

The engineer who entered the door first was still chatting with his colleagues. When his eyes fell on the equipment hill in the center of the warehouse, he couldn't take his eyes away immediately.

"That's... a kinetic cannon?"

"And torpedoes! Damn it, how dare you put fish and ammunition together!"

"Plasma arc generator? Where did it come from... Wait, don't move! Do you want to blow up the entire starship!"

Everyone was noisy, scrambling to identify the equipment, and arguing fiercely over the "order of moving the equipment."

Only Mr. Jiang, the expert from the empire, stared at the equipment hill alone for a long time and suddenly said:
"You robbed the arsenal of Klublev?"

Xia Qingyu didn't answer.

"The ship-based equipment produced by Bakht and other military-industrial enterprises matches the federal universal control system." Mr. Jiang continued, "But Klublev has their own unique operating system, which is not compatible with other ship-based equipment. .”

"There is no other choice now." Xia Qingyu said concisely and concisely, "Is there a solution to Klublev's system?"

"There is a simulation system." Mr. Jiang replied, "But it is not as good as the genuine one and the processing efficiency is slower."

"Just use this." Xia Qingyu said decisively.

"Then I'll get the information." Mr. Jiang acted resolutely, turned around and left.

Xia Qingyu stared at his back and silently narrowed her eyes.


Chen Ziang and Xia Zili took Lao Qiu back to his apartment.

It was already 5 o'clock in the morning. Everyone felt extremely tired due to overnight shopping, so Lao Qiu arranged for the two of them to go to the guest room while he went back to his room to sleep.

I didn't sleep long after I got to bed when I was pushed awake by my wife next to me.

"Where did you go tonight?" his wife asked him sternly. "Out drinking? Who were you with?"

When Lao Qiu was in a daze, he said perfunctorily: "Those people I met yesterday are important people, and they introduced me to the Klublev Group for an interview."

"Ah?" The wife was surprised at first, and then she was happy and suspicious. What she was happy about was that if she could join the Klublief Group, the treatment would be much better than that of a federal research institute.

Naturally, I was suspicious because there was no one who came to the interview in the middle of the night?Don’t interviewers want to sleep?
"Where should I go to get a job?" She decided to press the question.

"Arms factory." Lao Qiu said vaguely.

"Why did it show that the signal was not in the service area when I called you?" the wife asked relentlessly.

"Because it's deep underground." Lao Qiu became a little irritable.I risked my life in order to submit certificates to these people, but you, an ignorant person, are still asking, "Deep underground, there is a secret military factory, do you understand?"

Naturally, the wife didn’t understand. After all, she was just a clerk in an ordinary company, but she also guessed that the salary in the “confidential unit” must be higher, so she quickly asked:

"What about the benefits and benefits? What about commuting deep underground? Will commuting be inconvenient?"

"The results of the interview haven't been decided yet, so you're just thinking about this?" Lao Qiu yawned impatiently, "Go to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

In the guest room on the other side, Chen Ziang looked down from the window. The traffic on the road was still dense, but few pedestrians were seen. There were vague and indistinct gunshots in the distance.

In Galapacia, prosperity and crime may only be separated by a few blocks, and local residents are probably accustomed to it.

He lay on the bed fully clothed and saw Xia Zili beside him, who was browsing short video news.

The news broadcast was naturally in Elvish. Chen Ziang couldn't understand it, but Xia Zili certainly had no problem.

“Now the public opinion on the Internet is attacking Klublev and Bakht.” She explained to Chen Ziang, “It is suspected that the source of the unknown disease spreading in the slums is the sewage discharged by the factories in the northern urban area-so the criticism of the industrial aristocrats and plutocrats Take the first responsibility.”

"At least half of it is right." Chen Ziang sighed, "It is indeed caused by sewage... Wait, so they found that the problem came from sewage?"

"I found it," Xia Zili replied, "The water plant stopped supplying water directly. The Baer Group transferred a large amount of drinking water from surrounding towns. It seems that there is no problem with the supply for the time being."

"Where is the northern urban area?" Chen Ziang continued to ask.

"Still in a state of chaos." Xia Zili checked and the translator said, "The news said that the sick poor were competing for medical resources, and then Klublev and Beheter sent a large number of mechanical security forces to make up for their mistakes. Used to maintain order.”

After Chen Ziang listened silently, he realized that although the living dead could not be killed completely, their movements were too slow and lumbering. Unless the number reached a certain base, the other side would only need to use mechanical troops to kill the living dead and then take them away one by one. It ends when you are locked up somewhere.

Fortunately, the metal fragments on the quartz side have also been implanted.With a two-pronged approach, let’s see how long Galapasia can last.

"Do you want to go here tomorrow?" Xia Zili said suddenly.

Chen Ziang leaned over and saw the location of the "Imperial Embassy" on the map.

"You want to take me there?" he asked in surprise.

Needless to say, they knew that their own death in the previous life was a poisonous thorn in their hearts.

Even if the thorn has been pulled out now, the wound is still there, and the slightest touch will cause excruciating pain, so much so that even Suzuna with a strong character will show a pleading look every time she mentions this matter, not wanting to say more. Come.

Xia Zili, are you really okay?
Chen Ziang tried very hard to find any strange color on his ex-wife's face, but unfortunately he didn't find anything strange. Xia Zili just stared at the phone and replied in a low voice:


"If you want to go."

 Start filling the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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