Chapter 357

Starship Forever.

When it was time to get off work, Lu Yunfeng left the unit and walked slowly along the indoor corridor.

After so long, he has become accustomed to the living environment on the starship.Artificial gravity, ubiquitous lighting, public areas deliberately designed to be extremely spacious to simulate the outdoor environment, and a large number of dense fresh air systems often gave him a subtle illusion, as if he had just moved from Takamagahara to another planet, instead of Living in a huge steel structure.

But sometimes, some special details would still bring him back to reality, such as the ship-wide radio broadcasting the time regularly, or the weather news broadcasting the temperature on the ship, etc.

Speaking of news, his parents recently arranged a blind date for him, with the female news anchor of Starship CCTV. The immigrant had previously worked at a TV station in the Aegelaos sector.

Although they are all humans in the Milky Way, in terms of popular stereotypes, Federation humans usually look down on the "hillbillies" in the fringe sector, and humans in the fringe sector feel that Federation humans are "self-proclaimed superiors" and "elven slaves", while Imperial humans Ignore all compatriots outside the Empire equally.

In addition, the cost of interstellar travel is so expensive that cross-sector marriages are a very rare phenomenon - until the emergence of starship humans, shouting "human beings across the galaxy unite", these humans who originally lived in the north and south Only then did we have the opportunity to get together and get to know each other.

Lu Yunfeng arrived at the designated hotel and saw his blind date sitting at the table.

The other party's eyes also caught his appearance, and he quickly showed a bright smile.

A common problem among humans in the Federation is that they like to smile when meeting strangers, and the corners of their mouths will grin widely.This kind of smile is more out of etiquette than expression of emotion, which makes the human groups in other star regions who advocate reserved culture very uncomfortable.

But the female anchor's smile was quite refreshing, so much so that Lu Yunfeng originally planned to pay the bill after chatting for a few words, but now he felt that there was nothing wrong with sitting down and having a light meal to pass the time.

After the two sat down, they exchanged names and chatted casually for a few words. They didn't mention the blind date and soon talked about work matters.

"Yunfeng, you work in the Intelligence Bureau, right?" The other party gently played with his hair with his fingers, "Are you very busy at work?"

As soon as he heard the other party asking about work, Lu Yunfeng was secretly wary and changed the subject and said:
"After all, it's within the system, and you have to look at the tasks above when you're busy. Of course, it's definitely not as easy as your TV anchors, who work nine to five."

"No." The other party quickly complained after hearing this, "In Aegelaos, the content is given by the above, and we just read the manuscript. Here, the content is not given by the above, but the card is reviewed and does not meet the requirements. Don’t let it pass.”

Lu Yunfeng was happy when he heard this and said with a smile:

"What are the requirements?"

"We need positive energy," the other party replied immediately.

“Then do you have the positive energy to write?”

The other party was silent for a while and then replied:
"That depends on what you compare yourself to."

"If we compare it vertically, the standard of living now is definitely not as good as it was on the planet before, right?"

"But if we compare it horizontally, the humans who are still in Aegelaos are not even guaranteed their life and health. They must be more envious of those of us who escaped... The Gaotian people should be the same, right?"

"Maybe." Lu Yunfeng said with a bitter smile, "I don't know what the humans who stayed in Gao Tianyuan think, because most of them should be dead."

"……Feel sorry."

"This has nothing to do with you, there is no need to apologize." "Actually..." the other party hesitated, and then said after a while, "There are still many people who want to get off the ship. Even if we insist on doing publicity, we can't change their minds. .”

"But they don't hate starship humans, they just long for a better life. Everyone can endure the darkness, but only if they are sure that they can survive until dawn... The higher-ups must know where this giant ship will sail, but we have no idea about it. Who can feel at ease if they don’t know anything?”

Lu Yunfeng thought for a moment and suddenly smiled:
"I don't have much anxiety about this, because I happen to have a friend who is a high-level leader. With his character and willpower, he will never lead us to a dead end."

The other party fell silent upon hearing this.Although she subconsciously didn't believe it, she suddenly became shaken when she thought that although this person was very young, he had already entered the bureaucratic class in starship society.

"So you are very confident?" Finally, she decided to use her feminine charm and continue chatting with the other party.

"It's not that I have confidence, it's that I have confidence in him." Lu Yunfeng whispered, "Any suffering will eventually come to an end."

"If only I could be as optimistic as you..." The other party smiled bitterly and lowered his head, stirring the coffee in the cup.

In Galapasia City, Bank Street has been tightly sealed off. Any living dead or out-of-control machinery approaching here will be destroyed immediately.

At the top of the Rhine Bank, the old elf financier looked through the bulletproof glass at the smoke rising in the distance - the security forces lit a blazing barrier at the intersection there, using the flames to destroy those who tried to cross the barrier. Living death people.

"When will this farce end?" the young elf secretary complained, throwing his shirt on the carpet and hugging his body from behind.

"End?" The financier smiled disapprovingly, "My dear, this is not a farce."

"What's this if it's not a farce?" the secretary asked with just the right tone of question. This coquettish attitude of "please help me solve my doubts" is her only way to amplify the allure of the opposite sex.

The elf financier was indeed tricked. He hugged her hard, pressed her against the bulletproof glass, and said with a smile:
"Dear, look at the intersection over there...what do you see?"

"I saw a group of disgusting living corpses." The secretary's body was shaking a little, and she suppressed her fear and said, "Will they destroy Galapasia?"

"You see in them the risk of Galapasia being destroyed." The financier said with a smile, "But in our eyes, they are new hope... igniting a new dawn for the super soldier program."

"Super Soldier Project? Isn't that project for selling medicine?" the elf secretary asked in surprise.

The so-called super soldier project refers to the fact that the Rheinland Business Alliance once led the federal military in an attempt to jointly develop with the Barr Group to design a new drug that would allow soldiers to be unafraid of pain and fear, in order to compete with Klublev's cold-blooded and efficient machinery. The transformation of the Legion resulted in the birth of the notorious super narcotic drug "Paradise Powder" in the galaxy, which created a large number of addicts.

"The Barr Group's interest lies in selling drugs, so they value drug dependence more than the effects of anesthesia and sedation." The financier replied calmly, "In the end, it is stupid to place hopes on other chaebols. matter."

"However, when it comes to drug research and development, we cannot avoid the Barr Group; if we want to take the path of prosthetics, we cannot catch up with Klublev."

"So we have to find another way." The elf secretary suddenly understood and looked at the financier with admiring eyes. This "you know a lot" unique admiring look of a little woman is also a tried and tested routine she uses to maintain the other person's relationship.

"Not bad." The financier buried his face in her delicate neck and let out a low laugh. "We must also thank the starship humans for sending us precious research materials."

"Compared to the new technological routes behind these living corpses, it's just Galapasia... so what does it count?"

 I only got the computer at 11:[-] in the evening. I owe you an update first. I will go back to China tomorrow and I will probably make up for it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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