The Witch's Taste

Chapter 377 The first descent of the gods

Chapter 377 The first descent of the gods

To the outside world, military parades are often viewed as a show of force.

Especially the military parade within the federal star district will be regarded by the federal elves as an extremely dangerous signal of war.

However, when the starship humans first arrived in this sector, the federal home defense fleet came to intercept them rashly, and then were completely destroyed by Suzuna Tsukinomiya, which directly caused the Garcia sector to completely lose its long-range offensive power, so they could only watch the starships Humanity is showing off its power beyond the attack range of orbital defense facilities.

As the news of the military parade was officially announced, the enthusiasm of the crowd was quickly aroused. Almost everyone was discussing how powerful the human starship is... I use social psychology to explain this, that is, everyone likes to hear it. I don’t like to hear exciting and good news that makes people worried and irritated, so I prefer to pay attention to some fake news that promotes starship humans, even if it is blindly optimistic.

Except for the disembarkation party.

These people firmly believed that there was no chance of winning against the Federation, so they did not want to show off their military power. They started arguing fiercely with the mainstream public on the public LAN inside the starship.

Leaving aside public opinion at the social level, the military is tense for the military parade.

The army's infantry and mechanical corps are urgently training their stances. Although they are not the protagonists of this military parade, the live broadcast will show them on standby in the cabin; the main fleet is also stepping up its time to patrol, practicing various combat formations and cruising formations. The change.

Before the military parade officially begins, a rehearsal preview must be arranged for the leaders to avoid any glitches during the official live broadcast.

Due to the closed nature of human beings in starships, the people living inside have no idea what is happening outside. Therefore, the military's rehearsals did not make any disguise. They directly used the vast and deep space as the background canvas, and countless ships flew majestically. Shuttle back and forth.

"Four battleships, 4 cruisers..." Chen Ziang looked at the live broadcast screen and quietly asked Tsukinomiya Suzuna, "What is our current military strength in the Milky Way?"

"A regular federal fleet usually has one battleship as the main ship, four cruisers for escort, and a sufficient number of frigates." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied.

"In other words, the strength of our fleet is equivalent to four federal fleets?" Chen Ziang asked thoughtfully.

"Of course, combat power cannot be judged based on tonnage." Xia Zili corrected from the side, "The most important thing in fleet battles must be the intensity and scale of firepower. A cruiser loaded with powerful weapons must be far better than a ship with mediocre weapons. Battleship.”

"The other thing is tactics and luck." Tsukimiya Suzuna added, "Even a small torpedo boat is not impossible to sink the aircraft carrier if it drops bombs at the right time and location."

Chen Ziang was thoughtful and said after a while:

"Then let me change the question: In a duel under fair conditions, how many regular fleets of the Federation can we possibly deal with?"

"Four," Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

"2.5." Xia Zili had a different opinion.

"If I were to direct, it would be 4, but if she were to direct, it would be 2.5." Suzuna Tsukimiya said with a sneer.

Xia Zili rolled her eyes.

"How many conventional fleets does the Federation have?" Chen Ziang continued to ask.

"Not counting the private fleets of the chaebols, not considering mobilization and conscription, and excluding the defense fleets stationed in each sector, there should be about 100 on the surface." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied.

"I understand." Chen Ziang suddenly realized.Being outnumbered is impossible to defeat.

"But these fleets are also performing tactical missions all over the galaxy. It is impossible for them to besiege us collectively." Run behind your back."

"Twenty-two fleets?" Chen Ziang clicked his tongue and asked, "Even if each fleet fires a light spear once, if they all come in volley, the Forever will be disintegrated directly on the spot, right?"

"It doesn't matter." Tsukimiya Suzuna waved her hand and said, "Because I will take action."

This is indeed not a big deal.If gods represent irresistible power, then senior witches like Suzuna Murasaki are demigods.If they concentrate on defense, the weapons in the material world will have no effect, which can be called an "impenetrable shield".

And their strange and powerful force is worthy of the title of "Undefendable Spear".If it weren't for the "self-exploding bombardier" technology developed by the temple, no matter how many fleets there were, they would have been killed by the witches in various ways. It was precisely because of these bombardiers that it was necessary to form a mortal fleet to help them share the direction of the curse.

But the mortal fleet needs to resist the attack of the federal fleet, and the federal fleet is restrained by the witch... It feels like a chess game, forming a circular chain of restraint.

After watching the military parade preview, Chen Ziang had no objections.He admitted that he was not proficient in military affairs, and he had no intention of forcibly giving advice to experts. He only asked other people's opinions.

"I think it's okay." Xia Zili agreed.

"It's a bit bland." Tsukimiya Suzuna knows how to play devil's advocate. Since Xia Zili thinks it's okay, it's naturally not okay for her. "Without the majestic volley of thousands of artillery pieces, it's just a simple fleet." If you drive alone, what publicity effect will there be? It’s not a big enough event at all.”

"Besides wasting energy and ammunition, what is the practical significance of firing thousands of guns at once?" Xia Zili was also speechless, "If everyone agrees, I have no objection."

"What do Qingyu think?" Chen Ziang asked. "If we want to fire thousands of artillery pieces, it is better to directly attack Galapasia." Xia Qingyu replied, "Isn't this a big enough scene?"

This answer was even more outrageous, so much so that Chen Ziang couldn't tell for a moment whether she was answering seriously or whether she was mocking Suzuna Tsukimiya.

At this moment, he suddenly received an urgent call from Lu Yunfeng:
A powerful mysterious change occurred on the surface of Planet Garcia. The signal was so violent that even in outer space tens of thousands of meters away, the spiritual pressure divination array began to alarm frantically.


To the elven tycoons, what does a colonial star mean?

The answer closest to reality may be "chess pieces".

For chess players, chess pieces are not indestructible, as long as their destruction can be exchanged for sufficient value.

The Garcia sector is clearly on the verge of destruction. The number of people sick and comatose due to the "Plague Walker" is increasing sharply. However, the chaebols have not paid protection fees to the Baal Group like they did in Aegelaos. In exchange for special medicine.

This is not a simple battle of will, but a cold and rigorous value calculation.

The Baal Group's bid this time was much higher than the last price offered in Aegelaos.The reason is that the Garcia sector, as an older colonial sector, has a much higher level of development and population than Aegelaos, so allowing the plague here to spread will cause the plutocrats to suffer greater losses.

If considered from a pure profit perspective, it is obviously more cost-effective to pay "specific drug purchase fees" to avoid losses to local industries. However, the Barr Group has obviously ignored the Klublev family. This old-line industrial aristocratic plutocrat seems to have less thinking than capitalists. Closer to impatient tyrants - they value face more than money.

The spokesperson of his family soon publicly declared at a consultation meeting organized by the sector government that "the only way to save Galapasia is for the Barr Group to immediately hand over the formula of the specific medicine so that our soldiers can concentrate on Deal with those evil humans instead of lying in the barracks groaning and waiting in line to get antipyretics."

The representatives of the Barr Group left the meeting immediately. They would never let go of their core interests, otherwise the company's control of Aegelaos would also suffer heavy losses.

The government-enterprise consultation meeting broke up unhappy.The sector government is still trying to mediate, but they don't know that financiers have quietly begun to reduce their holdings or even short the assets of the Garcia sector.

From the tough statements of the industrial aristocrats, these vampires sensed their vague intention to cash in on their son-Klublev had decided to give up all his properties in Galapasia in exchange for the destruction of the entire Garcia. to let other chaebols suffer the same level of losses.

As long as everyone loses money together, then my loss is acceptable. This is the redemption tactic.

As for why Klublev decisively decided to "exchange the money", the financiers have no definite evidence. They only suspect that the secret military factory they set up somewhere has been seriously penetrated and violated based on some sporadic intelligence. Destruction, so that production activities were completely paralyzed.

The reason for such a generous exchange of chess pieces was because the value of the chess pieces used for exchange had suffered great damage - of course, they hid this matter.

Considering the de facto control of the entire sector, once they decide to use counter-attack tactics, the cost of stopping them will be very huge, and the financiers naturally have no intention of coexisting with Garcia at all costs, so they quickly Shift focus to stop loss...

As a result, the Garcia sector, which was abandoned by both camps at the same time, was irreversibly hurtling towards hell.

The number of sick citizens increased sharply every day, hospitals were completely paralyzed, pharmacies were sold out, and the district government failed to take effective measures (in fact, there was nothing they could do), so the social order soon collapsed. Lost.

The rioting crowd first looted all the shops that had not been looted, and then began to target the surrounding neighbors.

Among the numerous vicious and senseless large-scale violence incidents, the human race, which has been publicly slandered by the public media, has undoubtedly become the biggest victim.

These human citizens who were unwilling to unite and speak out to defend the interests of the ethnic group, and who did not smell danger and run away in time, originally relied only on the federal "lawful society" and "racial equality". However, with the unexpected collapse of social order, most of them Everyone acted unprepared.

Many families couldn't even find a gun. Faced with attacks driven by racial hatred, they could only seal the doors and windows in vain, and then desperately call the Sheriff's Department for help.

The manpower of the Sheriff's Department was already stretched thin, and there was no way to provide timely assistance. Therefore, these federal humans were dragged out of their homes by criminals, and were beaten, tortured, abused, and brutally killed. Naturally, all their hard-earned family wealth was robbed.

The imperial business group disguised by Gloria is still carrying out the work of smuggling human residents.With the major changes in the situation, this kind of stowaway quickly turned into a substantial rescue. Many Federation humans were even willing to part with their wealth just to get a stowaway ticket for their children.

As for citizens who have not been able to get the qualifications to smuggle people into the country, there are naturally some bad guys who, with the attitude of "If I die, you won't be able to live," frantically call the Public Security Department to report them - who has anyone in the Public Security Department to take care of illegal immigrants?Even community order cannot be managed.

After a few days of delay, a security officer finally noticed something was wrong and forwarded the news to the Federal Intelligence Agency.

Agents of the Intelligence Bureau attacked the port of the Imperial Merchant Group, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides.Gloria worked as a space mercenary after all, and soon used her superficial mysterious power to completely annihilate these agents.

She ordered her men to quickly collect the bodies, and at the same time she quickly contacted the starship. Before the communication was fully connected, she suddenly felt a strong sense of danger.

Some kind of dark green, boundless and thick fog rose from the southeastern suburbs, almost dyeing the entire sky with a miserable and strange color, like the thick mucus of a fat caterpillar being crushed.

If she remembered correctly, in that direction was the largest cemetery in Galapasia, and it was also the temporary accumulation place for a large number of corpses caused by various recent disasters.

 The status is already recovering!
(End of this chapter)

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