The Witch's Taste

Chapter 380 Planet Landing

Chapter 380 Planet Landing
Ophiuchus, the ruined galaxy.

This place is called the Ruins because it was once a rich colonial sector...until the Federation's Third Corporate War completely destroyed it.

Nowadays, on the three planets in the ruined galaxy, there are only large areas of urban ruins, as well as pirates, gangs and wanderers who hate the enterprise.

The reason why I chose this place as my foothold is because although it is within the territory of the Federation, both military fleets and caravans will go around here, so it will be relatively safer - at least they will not just jump over and immediately It was surrounded by a large number of federal fleets.

Of course, long-distance jumps will cause oscillations in the space strings, just like long ripples in a calm lake, and the other party will track them down sooner or later.

Before that, it is necessary to find enough fuel as soon as possible to replenish the fleet.

The supply itself is the biggest difficulty.Although there is no continuous flow of federal fleets waiting for you to enter the urn, there are no neatly arranged energy warehouses on the star port. All supplies must be explored and searched deep into the ruined world, and seized from pirates.

Chen Ziang plans to lead the team down personally.He may not be as good as the witches in terms of combat, but when it comes to casting a wide-area net to search for a specific location, what can compare to the proliferation of ghouls and living dead?

In this regard, he was confident that one man was worth five divisions.

The only problem is who will accompany him to explore the ground. Xia Zili and Tsukimiya Suzuna have different opinions.

Now there are three powerful witches on the starship.The most reasonable configuration is, of course, one witch to explore the surface of the planet to protect the lives of Chen Ziang and other armies; one witch to stay on the starship to protect the safety of humans on the starship; and another witch to roam in nearby space to protect The safety of the fleet fleet.

But the problem is that both Tsukinomiya Suzuna and Xia Zili want to go to the planet's surface, and neither agrees that the other will go on their behalf.

If Xia Qingyu is allowed to go, Tsukimiya Suzuna cannot accept it... So the final result is that Suzuna and Zili go together, while Xia Qingyu stays alone on the starship and is in charge of the fleet outside.

"Actually, it's okay for me to lead the team by myself." Chen Ziang complained.

He stood by the observation porthole of the starship, watching the orbital bombing fleet ravage the surface.

The pirates were not without the ability to fight back, but in the face of nearly saturated orbital bombing firepower, these old air defense facilities could not even break through the lattice defense system on the ship, and countless missiles were destroyed before they were launched into the air.

"Currently, it seems that although these pirates are not weak in fighting will, their equipment and technology are too backward." Chen Ziang continued, "The density of air defense facilities can actually pose a threat to our fleet, but the success of the actual missiles The firing rate is less than 20%, which proves that they are not even self-sufficient in ammunition quantity.”

"You're right, senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna said, "Pirates alone are indeed nothing to worry about, but what if there are other forces hiding among them?"

"For example, federal agents, snipers, and mystical scholars." Xia Zili agreed.

"Another example is the Empire Killer." Tsukimiya Suzuna said.

"If the empire really sends out killers, they should be ambushing humans inside the starship, not on a pirate planet where we may not come." Xia Zili said coldly.

"Perhaps he will be in our army." Tsukimiya Suzuna retorted, "As soon as we are distracted, we will take the opportunity to stab our senior in the back."

"Why do you want to backstab me?" Chen Ziang asked in confusion, "Xia Qingyu is now a witch, and trying so hard to kill me apart from making the starship humans uncomfortable...doesn't it mean anything to the empire?"

"...We have to guard against it anyway!" Tsukimiya Suzuna was a little at a loss for words, but she still insisted on her point of view - the empire must be behind it.

Chen Ziang felt helpless when he saw that she didn't listen.In fact, for starship humans, the best way out is undoubtedly to join the Empire, because once a full-scale war breaks out in the galaxy in the future, and the two behemoths compete with each other, the first to suffer will definitely be the many small countries in the fringe star regions.

Even if the starship humans establish a nation in the edge star region, sooner or later they will have to face the bloody blades of the Federation elves.

Besides, with Xia Qingyu's identity here, there is no need to worry about being ostracized when going to the empire.

But Tsukimiya Suzuna is too hostile to the empire (its source is most likely directed at Xia Qingyu). If she cannot be persuaded in this regard, then the so-called "dedicate to the empire" is just empty talk.

As for the suspicion she raised, although Chen Ziang did not refute it, he couldn't find the logical rationality in it after thinking about it carefully.

Does the Empire have ill intentions towards Starfleet humans?not necessarily.Otherwise, Xia Qingyu would not have been provided with manpower support when he left Gao Tianyuan.

Judging from the information that has been learned so far, the empire's overall attitude towards the starship humans is "indifferent", that is, "you have no value in being rescued now." The reason why it is willing to provide resources is also for Xia Qingyu's face.

Of course, this attitude will change.For example, if the starship humans show strong enough cohesion and resistance under the Federation's high-pressure war situation, they may be valued again by the Empire... When a full-scale war with the Federation is about to break out, a ship full of refugees A fleet that is waiting to be fed and may rebel after submission, and a fleet that is full of soldiers and can fight well and fight against the Federation, the value of the two to the empire is obviously completely different.

But if you think about it from this perspective, there is no need for the empire to plot against itself as the leader of starship humanity.

Otherwise, as soon as he dies, the witches will immediately fall apart, and humanity will most likely not be able to save the starship. Then all these previous conjectures can be overturned.

Unless, as Suzuna Tsukinomiya said, it was Xia Qingyu who wanted to deal with herself... that would be even more bizarre.

Chen Ziang didn’t believe it anyway.

After almost half a day, the orbital bombing fleet had bombarded the surface with devastation, and almost no intact defensive military facilities could be seen.

It's now!

Countless landing pods were airdropped from orbit, and parachutes opened one after another in the air, like flying dandelions.

The planetary commandos began to land on Ruin Planet [-].As the commander-in-chief of the frontline assault corps, Chen Ziang certainly did not squat in the landing cabin with the big soldiers.He took the shuttle down with Suzuna, Zili, and the high-level escort team.

Through Suzuna Tsukimiya's [Shadow Obscuration], the shuttle became invisible in terms of optical and radar detection, so the process of passing through the enemy's artillery position was very smooth, and finally landed on the roof of the tallest building in the city. .

The high-level guards on top quickly swarmed out.One part urgently cleared the building to ensure safety; the other part began to arrange bunkers, intending to set up this high-rise building as a frontline command center.

Chen Ziang walked around the floor and found that it had probably been ruined beyond recognition by scavengers, and almost no complete furniture could be found.

"Next, let's use this as the center to attack the three airports nearby." He told everyone.

The original space starport in the ruined sector has been destroyed, and the pirates will definitely not repair the starport, so the ships take off and land at various airports on the planet's surface.

Considering the convenience of energy supply, the most likely places to store energy are naturally the many facilities near the airport.

As the signal was sent out, the surrounding planetary commandos that had landed quickly rushed towards the command center.

At the command center, the staff were quickly modeling the maps and marking the positions where enemy troops were stationed.

Judging from the resistance encountered by the planetary commandos along the way, Chen Ziang's original prediction was completely correct: these pirates had extremely high will to fight, but their technical level was too low. They were like barbarians and did not bring any impact to the commando members. What a difficulty.

The only problem was probably that there were too many people, and each of them was good at taking advantage of the environment to lay ambushes and plot against each other, which still caused a certain amount of casualties to the commandos.

Tsukimiya Suzuna was bored and offered to lead a team to attack and sweep all the surrounding airport facilities.

Naturally, Chen Ziang had no reason to refuse. Zili was by his side anyway, so there was no problem in letting Suzuna go out to relax.

The vanguard set off under the leadership of the witch.It was already approaching evening, and Chen Ziang took out a few cans from his backpack, planning to have a simple dinner.

"I'll heat it up for you." Xia Zili took the can and left.

Chen Ziang watched her leave. At this time, he was the only one left in the temporary command room. Suzuna's words suddenly came to his mind for no reason.

Will there be killers planted by the empire in the army?

At present, the military manpower basically comes from the original team of Gao Tianyuan, and of course some of them are Lu officers arranged by Xia Qingyu.But if anyone among them really had a problem, she wouldn't put them in her senior guard.

However, just in case, Chen Ziang activated the Mandala Sword and summoned the other three witches.

Due to the previous creation of the living dead, a large amount of fire was purchased. The power of the previous witches damaged by the self-destruction curse has now been restored.

Although they are not as strong as Suzuna and the others, their advantage is that they live in the sword and have become heroic spirits, so they will not die in the true sense.

Chen Ziang told them the current situation and finally concluded:

"Although the pirates here are not our opponents, considering that the federal fleet will arrive at any time, it is better to find the location of the energy storage as soon as possible."

"This is easy to handle." Nishikawa Mie said impatiently, "I will arrange the ghoul secret ritual and create more ghouls. They are best at shuttling and hiding in this complex urban environment, so they should be able to help. Find the location of any warehouse."

"Let my servants of the living dead collect the sacrifices for the Ghoul Mystery." Takano Seiko also suggested.

"Since it is an energy storage point, there must be vehicles transporting energy." Mizuhara Saori thought, "I can track the suspicious vehicles and see if I can find similar clues."

"Then I'll trouble you." Chen Ziang nodded and said.

So Mie Nishikawa and Saori Mizuhara went out to perform the mission, and Seiko Takano himself stayed here as his bodyguard.

Through the dusty floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the deserted and desolate steel jungle in the distance, Chen Ziang asked casually:
"Takano, tell me... are there spies planted by other forces among my men?"

"There must be some." Takano Seiko said bluntly, "In fact, once any organization has a large number of people, there will definitely be people with ulterior motives living in it."

"The real problem is that you cannot expose your flaws due to underestimating the enemy or being negligent. Otherwise, even if you are not plotted by a traitor, you will be used by the enemy sooner or later... This is what I realized before I died."

"Indeed." Chen Ziang knew her tragedy clearly, "Now I am about to face the situation you were in. There are too many people in the organization that I have organized to manage, so I can only entrust others to manage it, and everyone Their thoughts and ideas are different, which will eventually cause hidden dangers in the long run."

"You?" Takano Seiko looked at him, "Don't worry."

"How?" Chen Ziang asked curiously.

"Those witches who like you are all existences with terrifying strength and no flaws." Takano Seiko said, "No matter what kind of traitor they are, can't they just be destroyed?"

Chen Ziang was speechless and embarrassed to say, "Their weakness is probably me," so he could only change the topic casually.

(End of this chapter)

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