The Witch's Taste

Chapter 382 Okay, I’m going to become stronger

Chapter 382 Okay, I’m going to become stronger
"It seems to be just an accident." Chen Ziang sighed.

He had recovered from the negative state of sanity collapse and was currently checking the report in an ill manner.

Reports show that a bomb from the Pirate Army happened to explode in a nearby subway tunnel, causing the load-bearing wall of the underground warehouse to collapse.

A piece of debris that collapsed hit the restraint field shell of the antimatter battery compartment, causing internal energy leakage and triggering a huge explosion.

The pirate who launched the attack has been caught. According to his confession, it was probably in order to block the pursuit of nearby enemies that he placed bombs inside the tunnel in an attempt to block the path of the pursuers.

The staff looked at the subway route map and confirmed their statement. There was no logical problem.

A traceability investigation was also conducted on the underground warehouse. The load-bearing walls in this area are indeed in disrepair and may collapse at any time. After all, you cannot expect pirates to understand civil engineering and regularly maintain the building safety of underground facilities... Even professional developers do Not necessarily doing this kind of thing.

The concrete remains that broke through the shell of the restraint field had melted in the extremely high temperature of the explosion. Therefore, there was basically no evidence of the murder weapon. This conclusion could only be inferred from the damaged shape of the shell of the battery compartment.

"In short." Chen Ziang put the report on the table, "If we look at it from an unexpected perspective, there really is nothing unusual about it..."

"Just because everything is reasonable, it is the most unreasonable." Xia Zili said suddenly.

The ex-wife originally insisted that the "assassination by the Imperials" was a fiction, but she suddenly rebelled after this incident, and her opinions were highly consistent with Tsukimiya Suzuna.

"Wait a minute, I didn't rule out that possibility." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "But there is really no evidence at the moment, and if it is made in a big way..."

Although he didn't finish what he said, both Zili and Suzuna could understand:

No matter who is behind the scenes, if they confirm that they have not died as a result, they will most likely take the next step.Currently treating it as an accident, in order to paralyze the opponent and take the opportunity to look for clues, is undoubtedly a reasonable response strategy.

"No matter who the murderer is," Tsukimiya Suzuna said quietly, "we have to make her pay the price."

"Of course, I won't sit still and wait for death." Chen Zi'ang sighed.

Although there are currently no signs of foul play, it is ultimately about his own life, and he cannot help but be upset about it.

"Look for clues and look for clues. For your safety, you can't stay here any longer." Xia Zili said in a deep voice, "There are many forces on the planet's surface, and it's a mixed bag. It's too easy for the mastermind behind the scenes to do what they want..."

"On the contrary, he should be staying here right now." Tsukimiya Suzuna had a different opinion, "Returning to the Forever is seeking death. Don't forget, someone is on the starship right now."

"Suzuna Tsukinomiya." Xia Zili said irritably, "If the Empire really intends to assassinate him, they will never contact my sister. If there is anyone in the world who least wants him to die, then apart from you and me, they will only is her."

"How funny!" Tsukimiya Suzuna retorted with disgust, "The facts are all on your face, and you still have this inexplicable illusion and trust in her? Let me tell you, the high-level escort team was purged by her before After a while, her people were put in!"

"Perhaps it was the assassin she arranged to suddenly detonate the anti-matter battery compartment while you were not paying attention!"

"I was closest to the antimatter battery compartment!" Xia Zili said angrily, "Can I not know if it was the fault of the members of the escort team?"

"Maybe you know." Tsukimiya Suzuna said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Xia Zili narrowed her eyes.

"I don't think I need to explain." Tsukimiya Suzuna replied.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Although there was no expression on each other's faces, Chen Ziang had already noticed that something was wrong.

Like an overburdened dam, there was a sudden cracking sound from above...

The next second, his vision suddenly changed.

He was transported to a basement.

The reason why it is judged to be a basement is because there are many pillars here, but there are no windows. It is obviously an underground fortress secretly developed by a pirate warlord, used as a temporary refuge in response to riots or orbital bombing.

Because of this, the surrounding decoration can be described as magnificent.There are soft knitted carpets everywhere underfoot, and there are many sofas and cushions around, representing that the pirate warlord once placed his concubines here.

Across the hall is an indoor bath, made of beautiful Mediterranean mosaic tiles, and the bathing water inside is still steaming.The door in the distance is open to the outside, and you can see the luxuriously decorated large bed inside, as well as the holographic online game console beside the bed.

If it were a resort, this would undoubtedly be an excellent location, but Chen Ziang only pondered for a moment before looking at Suzuna Tsukinomiya, who was pretending to be calm next to him.

"Senior." Tsukimiya Suzuna whispered, "This is a secret stronghold that I accidentally discovered during my sweep yesterday. Knowing that everyone here is dead, there is no safer place than this place on the ruined planet. Shelter."

"Is this house arrest?" Chen Ziang asked in a deep voice.

"No, this is to protect you." Tsukimiya Suzuna bit her lower lip, showing a pleading look, and whispered, "Senior, you have also seen that there is a force behind you who wants to plot against you, and Xia Zili Choose to side with that bitch.”

"Wait a minute." Chen Ziang immediately felt a headache and interrupted her, "There is no evidence yet that Xia Qingyu did it. You can't directly assume that she is the murderer."

"But we can't rule out her suspicion, can we?" Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately shouted, her voice suddenly rising an octave higher, "If she is the murderer, senior will undoubtedly put himself in danger if he continues to be exposed. Only living in this basement is the safest..."

Her words stopped abruptly because Chen Ziang gave her a merciless blow, hitting her forehead.Tsukimiya Suzuna stumbled backwards and sobbed, and heard Chen Ziang say angrily:

"Don't be stupid! Even if this is really the case, there is no reason for me to hide here. Do you think that if you don't find the murderer for a day, I will be locked up here by you for a day?"

"Then, let's stay for half a month." Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately hit the snake on the stick and bargained, "Give me two weeks, and I will clean the starship thoroughly until all dangerous elements are eliminated, and seniors can Go back to the starship."

"That won't work either." Chen Zi'ang waved his hand and said, "After missing for two weeks without any reason, there will definitely be chaos on the starship."

"How about a week?" Tsukimiya Suzuna threw herself into his arms and said with a tearful voice, "Please, senior, don't wander around outside. This happened once, and I almost got scared. My soul is gone, if it happens again, my mind will collapse and I will turn into an inhuman monster!"

These words reminded Chen Ziang.From the witch's point of view, even if he has the ability to protect himself, as long as an attack occurs, everyone will be scared to death... Collapse down.

In other words, if the enemy wants to deal with the witches of the starship humans, they don't need to do anything extra and directly target themselves and attack fiercely. They will have to save themselves at all costs.

Ultimately, it's still not strong enough.If you could possess the power of a witch, why would you need to worry about assassins?

When Chen Ziang thought of this, his expression suddenly froze, as if he heard some kind of secret voice. "What's wrong, senior?" Tsukimiya Suzuna was in his arms, and Rika raised her head like rain.

"I may have to live here for a while." Chen Ziang said concisely, "Of course, the main reason is to avoid getting involved in danger and making you worry."

"Really?!" Tsukimiya Suzuna burst into laughter and wiped away her tears.

"But I have a condition." Chen Ziang continued, "You can seal this place off, but the premise is that you have to stay with Zili Qingyu and the others, and tell them that I am in a very safe and private place, not The two of us were under house arrest by you day and night - otherwise they would never be relieved."

Tsukimiya Suzuna blushed a little, because she brought Chen Ziang to this basement. Apart from safety considerations, she also wanted to take the opportunity to monopolize him.

But since the senior rarely gives in and is willing to stay in this basement to avoid risks temporarily, it seems that she can only make corresponding compromises to prevent the negotiation from returning to the starting point.

"Okay." Tsukimiya Suzuna gritted her teeth and said, "But senior, I also have a condition..."

"No." Chen Zi'ang said decisively, "You can't negotiate terms with me. Go tell Zili right now that I'm fine. Right now, right now!"

"Ugh!" Tsukimiya Suzuna was at her wits' end.

Ever since they established an intimate relationship, she felt like a dried plum soaked in sugar water. The more she indulged in such happiness, the less able she was to be tough on her senior.

Unconsciously, the original bottom line has been compromised by more than half.She had already agreed to share her senior status with Xia Zili, and even played games together. She also convinced herself to temporarily put aside her hatred for Xia Qingyu and stop thinking about killing her... She felt like she was almost not her original self.

Now he finally took advantage of the opportunity when his senior was attacked and took the opportunity to forcefully walk away alone.But as long as Chen Ziang persisted in his opinion, she still couldn't muster the courage to force her senior to submit.

To put it bluntly, she is still a soft girl after all, and she cannot be completely yandere towards the one she loves...

"Senior, you are really my nemesis." Tsukimiya Suzuna sighed secretly in her heart, then grabbed his belt and showed her last stubborn look:
"Okay, then it's settled. Before I leave here, senior, please pay the deposit."

"What deposit?" Chen Zi'ang asked in surprise.

Tsukimiya Suzuna didn't say anything, she just pushed him down to the edge of the bathtub.


After paying a deposit of several hundred million, Suzuna Tsukimiya was finally satisfied and began to use her shadow power to completely shield the refuge.

Although I promised my senior, precautionary measures must still be taken.Next, whether the senior tries to leave or any force tries to invade here, it will touch the shield and alert her, so that she can rush here as soon as possible.

In a strange whirlwind of chaos, Tsukimiya Suzuna's figure disappeared.

Chen Ziang lay in the bathtub. After slowly washing his body, he changed into the clothes next to him.

Then, he looked at his Mandala Sword.

Putting the Mandala Sword on his knees, Chen Ziang closed his eyes and tried to sink his thoughts into it.

Unconsciously, he suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was in a huge room.

There are many bookshelves in the room.To be precise, almost every wall is occupied by tall bookshelves that reach the ceiling and stand on the floor. Exquisite and gorgeous large crystal chandeliers hang overhead, and the mysterious patterns on the floor below are dizzying.

Nishikawa Mie is sitting on the bench, shaking her legs in boredom; Takano Seiko is sitting on the small coffee table, reading with glasses on and taking notes; Mizuhara Saori is standing on the small ladder, reaching for the books at the top.

"Welcome to the inside of the Mandala Sword." Mihui Nishikawa snapped her fingers, "Look, this is where we live."

Chen Ziang looked around the inside of the room and commented:

"Not bad."

"Indeed." Mizuhara Saori climbed down from the ladder, "Would you like to try to stay here for the rest of your life? Or shorten the period and try to stay for a few years first?"

"Ahem." Chen Ziang said awkwardly, "First of all, I didn't lock you in on purpose; secondly, compared to death, this is at least still alive, isn't it?"

"We don't blame you for this." Takano Seiko looked up from his book, "I just want you to come in and take a look."

"So, what about the 'secret that can make me stronger' that you just mentioned?" Chen Ziang muttered.

"There's no need to worry about that." Mizuhara Saori waved her hand and said, "He will be here soon."

"He?" Chen Ziang asked warily, "Who is it?"

"I don't know." Nishikawa Mie shook her head and said, "He is a cruel, vicious, and inhumane guy. You will know it after you have seen him."

Chen Ziang didn't dare to find a place to sit down. He just stood silently in the corner with his back pressed against the bookshelf.

He found that the three witches were all reading. Even Nishikawa Mie, who was not interested in reading at all, had an impatient expression on her face at this time, turning the pages of the book randomly and taking notes.

What does it mean?Do these books inside the Mandala Sword contain valuable knowledge?
Or is this knowledge the key to making me stronger?
Just as he was thinking this, he saw flowers suddenly growing on the floor.

It was a coquettish and beautiful mandala flower, its vines crawling like snakes, extending towards the three witches.

Takano Seiko did not resist and allowed the vines to wrap around her ankles; Mizuhara Saori hugged her knees and the vines wrapped her up; Nishikawa Mie subconsciously struggled for a moment until the vines strangled her body.

"These disgusting things!" she screamed and complained. "They always force us to absorb knowledge and then absorb it all!"

Chen Ziang was stunned.Facing this weird thing, he subconsciously wanted to take out the Mandala Sword and chop it, and then he realized that this was the inside of the Sword.

The mandala's flower vines tightly bound the three witches, and then stretched out a branch, twisted and walked in front of him. On it, an orange-yellow fruit was growing rapidly until it was the size of a small tomato. Full and crystal clear.

It exudes a certain "eat me" temptation.

(End of this chapter)

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