The Witch's Taste

Chapter 385 Gap and Cracks

Chapter 385 Gap and Cracks

"The rebels are in the storage factory! Three people, carry weapons! I repeat, the rebels are in the storage building!"

"You bastards, they took hostages!"

"It's not just a matter of hostages. If they create an explosion inside, a lot of supplies will be destroyed!"

"I need permission to fire...wait, who's in?"

In the security officer's command base, a woman suddenly walked in.

The other person was wearing a white dress, had brilliant blond hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears unique to elves.

Considering that there are basically no foreign races on the starship human race, the identity of the other party is also easy to come out.

Kiritani Maki.

The identities of several high-ranking human beings in Starfleet are not secrets.Compared to Xia Qingyu who has an imperial background, Chen Ziang and Tsukinomiya Suzuna who have worked in the Intelligence Bureau, it is a bit strange that Xia Zili is among them. No one knows why Kiritani Maki, a big star who is active in the singing world, suddenly changed Became a high-ranking member of the starship human race.

However, most Gao Tianyuan people agree with this. After all, she was quite popular when she was a star.Now that she has chosen to enter politics, her former fans are willing to support and even support her.

Although with the political structure of the starship human race, the voice of the people is indeed of little use.

"Leave it to me." Xia Zili looked around at the people around her and said calmly, "The storage area is very important and cannot be lost. Conventional tactics are too risky."

What are conventional tactics?That is, the negotiator stabilizes the opponent's emotions, and the infiltration team sneaks in and gives him a fatal blow at the critical moment. As Xia Zili said, the risk is actually very high. Once the infiltration team is discovered by the opponent, or the fatal blow is not delivered, Kill all the enemies, and the other party will definitely choose to jump over the wall.

Xia Zili left the command base and walked towards the scene blocked by security officers. Relevant information flashed through her mind.

The post-war rebellion - the name given to this rebellion by the starship human leadership, occurred during the fight against the Federation fleet in the ruined galaxy.Some radical elements of the disembarkation faction incited some people to launch this rebellion, aiming to undermine the morale of the entire starship human race, and ultimately choose to negotiate with the Federation or flee.

There is no doubt that these radicals have huge cognitive problems, such as defeatism (thinking that the Federation is invincible), capitulationism (as long as they admit defeat, everything will be fine), etc., which can be regarded as clichés of the disembarkation faction. .But the problem is that extremists want to spread this kind of knowledge through violent activities, which completely touches the red line of the top human beings in Starfleet.

The final decision was to kill them all and leave no one alive.

Xia Zili turned into blood and quickly sneaked in along the ventilation duct.

She quickly locked the location of the rebels. Two men and one woman, both young people in their twenties, took a trembling girl hostage, tied her hands behind her back and threw her in a corner. Bombs are planted around the warehouse.

"no problem?"

"Probably not...even if they didn't blow up the supplies, at least they could pour cold water on their unrealistic ambitions in a timely manner."

"We...should be considered saving people, right?"

"Otherwise? Do you really want to see tens of millions of people being dragged into the Federation by high-level officials, and then completely shattered into pieces? Do you know how many fleets the Federation has?"

"...That's right, you can't win. The only way to survive is to run away."

Xia Zili was in the ventilation duct, watching them quietly.

Then, the blood rain fell silently. ——————————

The internal cleansing of the starship humans took a total of three days, and the number of people secretly executed reached more than [-].

Not only those radicals who rebelled, but also those who were confirmed to be "preparing for rebellion" and "accomplices" who did not participate in the incident but helped them.

Such large-scale purges and unjust, false and wrongful convictions are almost inevitable, but the top management has no choice.

Although the leading force of the Federation was defeated, the cost was that the location, military strength and combat mode of the starship humans were all exposed, and the threat of the second wave of the Federation fleet was bound to be fully maximized.

The real storm has not yet come!If the rebellious sailors on the ship are not cleaned up, we may have to face both external natural disasters and internal man-made disasters.


Kill kill kill kill!

Xia Zili and Tsukimiya Suzuna were responsible for solving the armed rebellion. As for those who were unable to use force, Yuki Izumo led the military police team and secretly executed them after identity verification, trial and registration.

For a time, the internal society was in turmoil.The official media is still publicizing and praising the victory of the "First Self-Defense War against the Federation", but many rumors spread in private also keep the people in a state of nervousness.

In fact, the atmosphere at the top is equally weird.

Tianshangyuan and Hua keenly noticed that after a series of personnel changes, Xia Qingyu's power was being squeezed out and forced to shrink... Of course, on the surface, everyone's promotions and demotions had reasonable reasons, but the result was that Xia Qingyu was When Suzuna Tsukinomiya and Xia Zili jointly launched a sniper attack, the faction's strength suffered heavy losses.

The little girl couldn't figure out the reason at all.In her opinion, Xia Qingyu and Xia Zili are biological sisters after all, and they should be natural allies. The younger sister has no reason to deal with her older sister.

Xia Qingyu was calm about this, and even though Yuuki Izumo was the only subordinate who still held enough real power, she did not show any intention of fighting back.

Therefore, after the meeting, Tianshangyuan and Hua found Chen Ziang.

"Well... I actually don't know much about politics." The little girl said cautiously, "But now we are facing an enemy of the Federation's level. The most important thing is unity, right?"

"I understand." Chen Ziang smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, Xia Qingyu...she will be fine. I will go and talk to her."

Tianshangyuan and Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

She doesn't really care about the strife between political factions. After all, there are only so many positions, and there will always be people coming up and going down.What the little girl is really afraid of is that someone will eventually raise a butcher's knife against Xia Qingyu, and that there will be a life-and-death struggle within the top management that cannot coexist.

Although her tone is very rude and her mouth is merciless, sister Xia Qingyu is actually a very good person - Tianshangyuan and Hua firmly believe this.

After sending the little girl away, Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then turned and walked towards the bridge.

Regarding the current irreparable rift between the three witches, he also learned the cause from Murasaki and Suzuna.

Contrary to their judgment, Chen Ziang didn't think Xia Qingyu had any ill intentions towards him. Maybe there were other reasons.For example, suppose there were two plots to attack her at the same time, and in order to prevent the one that was more threatening to her, she ignored the explosion that occurred underground...

Well, it’s better not to blindly try to excuse the other party.I'll ask her directly for the specific motive.

 Today’s first update is to take a look at the ending of Xia Qingyu’s line
(End of this chapter)

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