The Witch's Taste

Chapter 399 Still arrogant

Chapter 399 Still arrogant
Imperial investigator Shi Qinglian slowly woke up from a coma.

Her head hurt as if it was about to split open, and she subconsciously wanted to shout, but no sound came out.

"She probably wants to drink water." A voice sounded nearby.

Immediately afterwards, something hard touched her lips. Judging from the touch, it should be the edge of a glass.

The cool water flowed from between his lips and teeth into his throat. Shi Qinglian drank the water greedily until not a drop of it was left.

"Let her have a good sleep," the voice said again.

I don't know how long it took, but Shi Qinglian's consciousness kept wandering back and forth between coma and half-awake.

Until a violent vibration knocked her off the bed.

Shi Qinglian stood up weakly while holding on to the wall, and slowly realized his current situation.

I...should have died under the glacier in the North River region...

No, I was rescued.

Shi Qinglian looked around weakly. This should be the internal cabin of the spacecraft.Not only because of the standardized commercial guest room layout, but also because there are no windows here, only the fresh air system that whines.

From the material point of view, it is not that I am dreaming, because human thinking cannot construct such a clear material, not to mention that I almost had a mental breakdown recently.

Without any hesitation, she quickly got up from the floor and rummaged through the drawers and cabinets around her.

No weapons were found, but a wire clothes hanger was found in the closet.

Shi Qinglian forcefully twisted the clothes hanger open, and then twisted the sharp ends at both ends into a cluster again to form a simple "sharp weapon", which he then inserted into his belt - when necessary, he could pull it out to stab someone.

"I advise you not to do this." A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Shi Qinglian quickly pulled out the steel wire, moved forward, turned around, distanced himself, and assumed a posture as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

However, she only saw a translucent figure, sitting calmly beside her bed and asking:

"What's your name?"

"Shi Qinglian." Shi Qinglian didn't intend to answer, but her mouth opened before her consciousness, so that she immediately fell into a state of inexplicable fear.

"Investigator of the Imperial Command Supervisor... right?" The woman chuckled and said, "I want to make a deal with you. Before that, please allow me to introduce myself..."


Shi Qinglian listened to her words in silence and asked jokingly:
"Really? Just Your Highness? I thought you were going to claim that you were the appointed heir to the emperor. The people of the empire receive more than [-] scam calls every year, and most of them claim to be some kind of prince who got separated from his bodyguards. .”

"In the long history of the empire, there have only been three queens." The female figure said calmly, "If we exclude short-lived ghosts who did not take the throne for more than a hundred days, there is only one."

"But it doesn't matter. Whether you believe me or not, you will choose to cooperate with me."

"Oh, why?" Shi Qinglian asked coldly.

"Because Liu Qing, the deputy chief of the Ming Supervisor." The woman showed a faint smile and said, "He is a secret demon priest."

Shi Qinglian fell silent.

"In the past, you had strong suspicions about him, so much so that you secretly submitted more than 20 anonymous letters of complaint to the Ministry of Rites." The woman continued, "The results were all in vain."

"Are you a secret agent of the Ministry of Rites?" Shi Qinglian suddenly asked.

"No. I've already told you about my identity, right?" The woman chuckled, "In fact, the royal family's spy launched an investigation into Liu Qing ten years ago, but it was suspended due to an accident. .”

"What accident?" Shi Qinglian asked coldly.

"Well, the backer behind him is the Thirteenth Prince Xia Mingjian." The woman replied, "Any investigation against him will be regarded by Xia Mingjian as a provocation to his power, and the royal family's spies do not intend to do so openly. He was involved in the succession competition, so he was forced to give up the investigation of Liu Qing."

"Dirty political deal." Shi Qinglian gritted his teeth, "But if you want to use this to coerce me into submission, I tell you that I..."

"Quiet." The woman interrupted her excited speech. Although her voice was not very loud, it contained an undeniable toughness, which made Shi Qinglian shut up involuntarily. "This is not to coerce you into submission, but to coerce you into submission. I'm showing you the evidence. If you had an IQ even slightly higher than the idiots who get scammed over the phone, you should be able to guess what I mean by this."

Shi Qinglian suppressed his anger and tried to calm down.

After a while, she suddenly asked:

"Why are you seems like you have lost your body."

"It's very simple." The woman said lightly, "I died once."


When Shi Qinglian came out of the cabin, he saw a spacious living room outside.

There was a man and two women in the living room, sitting on the sofa next to them, seeming to be waiting for the outcome of their negotiations.

"How is it?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked, "Do you want to cooperate with us, or do you refuse to communicate?"

"Why are you asking this?" Shi Qinglian asked coldly, "If I refuse to cooperate with you, will you kill me?"

"We didn't say that." Chen Ziang replied, "In fact, we are all sure that you will definitely agree."

"Why?" Shi Qinglian asked with a frown.

"Because you are well aware of the threats in the mysterious world." Xia Zili also said aloud, "You are an investigator and have a very clear understanding of this aspect, but you cannot expect the big shots above to have the same understanding."

"The emperor's life is running out, and the next heir has not been chosen so far. All the princes with basic ambitions are eyeing that position. Now all they can think about is how to unite vertical and horizontal sides, and they don't care about a division. Does the deputy director of the Life Supervisor believe in evil gods, and will he cause huge harm that is difficult to repair and irreversible to the humans of the empire?"

Shi Qinglian was silent for a moment and said:

"But that's not the reason why I put my hope in you."

"You have no choice." Chen Ziang said next to him, "Of course you can refuse to cooperate with us, and then return to the Division of Life to report the investigation results of the Beihe Star District, but what awaits you will inevitably be censorship and imprisonment. You should Understand? There are clones of gods buried deep in the North River Star Region. How did you survive? You can't explain this alone."

"And Liu Qing is waiting for this excuse. He can use this opportunity to frame any suspicion on you, claiming that your reason has been corrupted, and slandering you for taking refuge in the evil god... He has [-] ways to control Si Mingjian to accuse you. You issue a death sentence and dispose of you harmlessly in secret so that no one can continue to stop his conspiracy. This is the crux of the matter - you can choose not to trust us, but you have no other choice now .”

"Ha." Shi Qinglian still wanted to show off, but soon found that he was at a loss for words.

I knew nothing about their intentions, but their insight into the political situation of the empire and their deep understanding of the inside of the Si Mingjian presented a crushing information advantage.Even if another orator were in his place, he would not be able to overwhelm his opponent through verbal arguments.

As the other party said, he actually didn't have much choice.

Shi Qinglian sat down on the sofa in frustration, entered his thought palace again, and began to think about what the situation was like now.

Obviously, these people want something from themselves.

The strength of the two sides is completely unequal. The huge disparity in strength means a lack of opportunities for intersection, just like a billionaire who doesn't care about the homeless man on the roadside.Considering that they have a very detailed grasp of their own intelligence, they may have planned it for a long time and have long wanted to develop informants within the Siming Prison. Even if they don't agree, they can still find other investigators. There will always be someone. Will compromise with them.

What do they have planned by Si Mingjian?Big library?Sealed item?still……

"You are thinking about our intentions." Suzuna Tsukimiya said coldly, "You are cautious, but there is no need. If we want to kill you, you have no chance to speak now."

Shi Qinglian decided to get straight to the point, otherwise there wouldn't be enough clues just by thinking:
"What do you want me to do?"

"We plan to be your colleagues." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "For now."


After Shi Qinglian went back to rest, Xia Qingyu's figure emerged from the bench.

"How do you feel now?" Chen Zi'ang asked with concern, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

"No." Xia Qingyu replied coldly, "I don't have a body, how can I feel uncomfortable?"

"You're good like this." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "It's one of the rare forms that doesn't make me uncomfortable."

Obviously, there is no way for the soul form to compete with her for a man... How can he compete if he can't even touch it with his hands?
Looking at her ethereal and transparent body, Chen Ziang began to meditate alone.

Time flies. After the starship humans settled on the Triumph Star, he was freed from the position of leader and began to wander around many star regions in the empire, looking for various folklore that might be related to the mystery. The purpose is to collect as much fire as possible to replace Xia Qingyu's soul fragments from the Mandala Temple.

After so many years of travel and exploration, there were even countless adventures related to gods, until he finally solved He Yuanling deep in the glacier in the North River region and used the Mandala Sword to swallow the power of the gods he had stolen. , and finally managed to gather enough fire.

But what he got in exchange was a transparent, incomplete and broken soul that could not be seen clearly, touched, and had no life, even though it was indeed Xia Qingyu's memory and personality.

"Is there any way to complete the soul?" Chen Ziang asked in confirmation.

The secret method to reshape the body is not difficult to find. Even Xia Zili, as a witch, has similar powers at hand, but the soul is a relatively obscure field.

"Yes." Xia Qingyu replied, "But it's not important."

"Are you planning to use this soul form for the rest of your life?" Tsukimiya Suzuna's eyes lit up.

"Because the soul can heal slowly, just like a dead tree will gradually sprout branches." Xia Qingyu replied, "It's natural to wait. There is no need to add branches."

"If there is any way to speed up this recovery," Chen Ziang reminded, "tell us."

"Yeah." Xia Qingyu still didn't look at him, just nodded coldly.

Speaking of which, after this sister-in-law was resurrected, her poisonous tongue disease was indeed cured (after all, it was objective factors that needed to be disguised before, but it doesn't matter now), but her coldness seems to have not changed?
Wait, are you... shy?

Chen Ziang was silent for a moment, then said:

"Zili, Suzuna, can you give me space to talk to her alone?"

"Oh, okay." Xia Zili stood up, and Yuegong Suzuna also left, looking back at Xia Qingyu.

She is very relieved about Xia Qingyu now. After all, on the material level, he is just a magnetic field and has no body. Even if he wants to eat secretly, he is powerless.

After the two people left, Chen Ziang slowly asked:
"Are you OK?"

"Do I look like something is wrong?" Xia Qingyu asked him back.

"You seem to want to ease the relationship now, but you can't let it go because you are arrogant or for some other reason." Chen Ziang pointedly pointed out that she was pretending.

Xia Qingyu was silent for a long time:

"...No tsundere."

"Speak louder." Chen Ziang said deliberately, "I can't hear what you are saying."

"You clearly heard it." Xia Qingyu protested, her expression quickly turning cold.

"Oh?" Chen Ziang raised his eyebrows, "So you still want to treat me with this attitude?"

Xia Qingyu turned her head and ignored him, the illusory side face unique to the soul looming.

"It's so sad." Chen Zi'ang pretended to be sad and said, "I read your diary and originally thought that your cold words to me in the past were all expedient. Now it seems that you really hate me."

"...No." Xia Qingyu said softly immediately.

"What?" Chen Ziang deliberately emphasized again, "Speak louder, I can't hear you."

"I don't hate you!" Xia Qingyu became angry and turned her head to glare at him, "Can you stop being so hateful?"

"I admit that I do have elements of pranks." Chen Ziang said seriously, "But compared to the verbal abuse and mental torture you have given me over the past many years, I can only charge a little interest, right?"

As soon as he mentioned this matter, Xia Qingyu immediately lacked confidence and could only say with difficulty:

"Since you took a peek at my diary, you should know that I had no choice but to do that."

"Well, the injury was unavoidable." Chen Ziang nodded in agreement, "Then can I apply for compensation?"

"You...what compensation do you want?" Xia Qingyu asked with a guilty conscience.

"I don't know. You can't do anything like this right now, right?" Chen Ziang looked at her body, "Our goal now is to get you back to normal as soon as possible, rather than the so-called 'waiting slowly for the dead tree to sprout branches'. You should know what I mean."

"I understand." Xia Qingyu sighed, "Then I'll tell you too."

"There are indeed ways to restore my soul to normal, and there are many. But one of the simplest ways is to continue with our current plan."

"You mean... Shi Qinglian?" Chen Ziang pondered, "She is a key role in your plan, right?"

"That's right." Xia Qingyu replied, "Currently, among the various figures in the empire's top ranks, those who are trustworthy are not easy to get in touch with, those who are easy to get in touch with are often not very capable, and those with strong abilities are difficult to trust. Shi Qinglian was the person I was more fond of in my previous life. Someone we know and can control, whose help we need to gain access to the Grand Palace.”

"As long as we can enter the Grand Palace." Chen Ziang thought thoughtfully, "You can take back what is rightfully yours, just like you did in your previous life."

"Yes." Xia Qingyu nodded and said, "But this time, it is not 'my' thing, but something that belongs to 'ours'."

"Chen Zi'ang, you will stand by my side this time, right?"

Her expression was calm and calm, and she stretched out her illusory hand, although this hand could not be held.

"Yes." Chen Ziang let out a long breath, "Of course. Since you no longer try to carry everything alone like before, of course I will stand by your side."

He also stretched out his hand and held Xia Qingyu's soul palm.

Although the touch from his palm was nothing, it seemed to capture some kind of warm light.

(End of this chapter)

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