The Witch's Taste

Chapter 401 Final interpretation right

Chapter 401 Final interpretation right
After controlling the old emperor, the entire plan is equivalent to 90.00% success.

Due to the grand palace and its high degree of isolation, the outside world will not immediately notice that the monarch inside has become more vulnerable.

In the previous life, Xia Qingyu calmly took control of the entire Grand Palace within a few months after killing the old emperor, and then announced the inheritance and transition of imperial power.

The whole process didn't cause much trouble.

The reason why this strange phenomenon occurs in the top-level power struggle of the empire is because the changes in imperial power in history have always followed this mysterious method - the emperor always hides in the palace and does not see the courtiers, and then a certain Tian suddenly secretly recruited a certain prince into the Grand Palace, and then suddenly announced the news of the new emperor's succession without all parties noticing.

According to common sense, it is often difficult for a new emperor who succeeds to the throne in secret to gain the support of all his subjects in the early days of his accession to the throne.

But the reality is that since the establishment of the empire, there have been a total of 143 rebellions during the change of imperial power, and none of them was successful.

Almost all the rebels died from various normal or inexplicable reasons, such as fighting with political opponents and then being assassinated, being poisoned by their wives and adulterers, assassinated by long-term dissatisfied subordinates, and starships. It suddenly exploded while driving, biting your tongue while eating caused it to bleed, causing an acute infection...

It seemed as if after these people publicly declared rebellion, the goddess of fate immediately stood against him, so bad that even drinking water would unfortunately end up in the trachea.

People generally believe that this is because the imperial emperor is a divine emperor with supreme power. The essence of the change of imperial power is that the previous emperor will hand over this great power to the next emperor, and the rebels will be executed by the emperor with great power.

The bureaucrats and aristocrats speculated that the Grand Palace must have a secret, powerful, and large number of espionage forces, dispersed and deployed in every hidden corner of the empire to ensure that any one could be assassinated when necessary. careerist.

In a sense, both guesses are correct.

The empire's espionage technology is the best in the galaxy, such as the infamous clone factory, which can quietly replace anyone without being noticed by his relatives and friends... But the causes of death of many rebels are too It's so weird that it doesn't even look like it can be manipulated manually.

And this secret will finally be revealed today.

As Xia Qingyu killed the old emperor cleanly and neatly, pieces of his body fell to the ground.

Blood seeped out from his body, but more smoke seeped out from his temples until it turned into countless blurry, illusory faces in the air.

"So that's it?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked sarcastically, "The so-called power of the God-Emperor is actually the spiritual aggregation of all emperors?"

"It's a very superficial application of spirituality." Xia Zili commented, "But if it is accumulated enough, it is also rough and effective enough."

"This is the deepest secret of the imperial family." Xia Qingyu replied, "Before each emperor died, he concentrated his spirituality through secret methods, and over time, this bloated, disgusting monster was formed."

"Because they are pure spiritual bodies, they can easily split into large numbers and lurk and parasitize in the consciousness of any royal spy. They can also travel freely in the mysterious world and influence the real world through various secretive methods, eavesdropping, Deceit and even assassination are used to maintain the royal family's rule over the empire."

Chen Ziang was thoughtful, thinking that what had been plotting against him before was this kind of strange thing?
Just as he was thinking silently, the strange smoke composed of humans suddenly let out a shrill scream.

Countless tentacles quickly emerged from the void, and they penetrated into Xia Qingyu's body, seemingly trying to parasitize them silently.But this parasitic process soon turned into reverse plundering and extraction, and those strange faces showed painful and twisted expressions, and Xia Qingyu's translucent body began to gradually solidify.

Many faces began to float in front of Xia Qingyu, giving her expressions of anger, hatred and resentment.

Xia Qingyu responded with unwavering ridicule and sneer:
"A bunch of old and immortal scum, have the nerve to claim to be my ancestors? Although your original intention can be called noble, your methods are despicable and low-level. How can cunning methods last long, and how can you rely on miracles to win and correct? The only way to become emperor is to have the power to crush everything!"

As soon as the words fell, all the faces disappeared into smoke, while Xia Qingyu's body had completely solidified.

Chen Ziang breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a relaxed expression:

"Okay, what's next?"

"What else is there to do next?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said in a frivolous tone, "She managed all of this by herself in the previous life, so we won't need to add superfluous things this time, right?"

"There are still many things to do." Xia Qingyu said calmly, "First, we must completely control the Grand Palace, secondly, we must notify the imperial cabinet, and quickly spread the news of the succession throughout the empire, and finally, we must deal with the rebels who dare to jump out. .”

"Rebellion?" Tsukimiya Suzuna raised an eyebrow and asked, "When you declared yourself emperor in the previous life, I never heard of any rebellion in the empire."

"That's because these old immortal things did the dirty work for me in my previous life." Xia Qingyu said coldly, "Now they are gone."

"So you need us to clean the toilet instead, right?" Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly realized.

"Indeed." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "It seems that this is the only way to do it."

"Senior!" Tsukimiya Suzuna said angrily immediately.

Why don't you stand on my side!

"Sorry, Suzuna." Chen Ziang waved his hand, "Although it's fun to watch you quarreling, the things we have to do next are not trivial, so it's better not to joke around at this time."

"I'm not joking, I am..." Tsukimiya Suzuna wanted to say, "If you don't suppress her arrogance now, she will ride on us when she truly gains imperial power." But looking at Chen Ziang's serious expression, After all, he still didn't say the second half of the sentence.

In fact, what needs to be done next is indeed crucial, but it is not difficult at all.

In the previous life, Xia Qingyu was able to securely succeed to the throne after suddenly killing the king; in this life, she has the help of two witches, so there is no possibility that "big things will fail"?

But compared to controlling the empire, there are actually more important things to discuss at this time.

"I can help you." Tsukimiya Suzuna suddenly said, "The condition is that for the rest of my life, I want senior to spend half of my time with me."

This girl is very shrewd. Now that Xia Qingyu is about to regain her physical body, it is certain that she will enter the competition.Just like a pot of meat shared by two people is barely enough to satisfy the hunger, sharing it by three people may not quench hunger. It is more important to set the rules and establish an advantage now than anything else.

"Wait a minute." Chen Ziang asked in confusion, "You provided Qingyu with a helping hand, why should the favor she owes you be withheld from me?"

"Because if it weren't for senior, I would never cooperate with her." Tsukimiya Suzuna said plausibly, "Of course this debt must be borne by senior."

"Then I want the other half of the time." Xia Zili said immediately, "And if you want half of the time, Suzuna, I have no objection. But if I need it, I can join in at any time."

"Nonsense, the companionship I am talking about is of course two people alone." Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately emphasized and added.

"Supplements are ineffective." Xia Zili shook her head, "Don't forget, I don't owe you anything. Tsukimiya Suzuna, if you want me to be on your side, you should know how to give in and compromise."

Tsukimiya Suzuna wanted to refute, but realized that Xia Zili and Xia Qingyu were sisters.If the two of them join forces to exclude themselves, it will be difficult for them to defeat them unless they get the preference of their seniors.They say two birds in the bush are worse than one bird in the hand, but what if two birds in the hand?

Well, you can't bet on whether you can win the favor of your seniors. The safest way is to eliminate all interference and leave your seniors with no other choice.

"One-half of the guaranteed companionship time, one-quarter of which must be alone time." Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly said to Xia Zili, "The odd numbers of the nights are mine, the even numbers are yours, and we will share them on Sundays."

"I would like to emphasize again." Chen Ziang said helplessly, "Any distribution agreement you make without my consent is invalid..."

"Deal!" Xia Zili quickly agreed.

She agreed so quickly that Tsukimiya Suzuna was also a little instinctively surprised and doubtful. However, because they both faced the threat of Xia Qingyu, she decided not to create complications and confirm the cooperation first.

Xia Qingyu listened to the conversation between the two in silence, but Xia Zili's secret voice rang in her ears:
"Sister, this mistress is also a witch now, and there is no benefit in intensifying the conflict with her. I will stabilize her here first, and then when her value is exhausted, you and I will work together to push her to the edge."

Xia Qingyu ignored her secret message and suddenly said:
"What odd and even numbers? Zi Li, you are pregnant now, and your life should be controlled. How can you overindulge in pleasure? Chen Ziang will let me watch for you. You can raise the baby with peace of mind. I will not let him It was eaten and taken over by some other wild cat."

These words seemed to be well-intentioned, but in fact they were so evil that Xia Zili's face suddenly froze.The witch is not a human woman, so how can she say that she needs to have an abortion when she is pregnant?

When Xia Qingyu said this, it was actually an obvious conspiracy, because Tsukimiya Suzuna was completely furious on the spot.

The reason why she repeatedly asked for "being fair and equal with Xia Zili" was that she was still not confident enough in her previous life, so all she could think about was "being on an equal footing with her first".

Now she suddenly learned that Xia Zili had already taken a step ahead of her and was pregnant with Liujia. How could she endure it? Her expression turned dark:
"Pregnant? Breeding? What's going on? Why didn't I know that witches can be sown and pregnant by humans... Oh! I understand, flesh and blood is evil, right?"

"Let's not talk about this first." Xia Zili was unusually calm, "The point is..."

After all, it is normal for Mr. Masamiya's eldest son to line up behind his concubine. Even if the fact of sneaking away in this regard is exposed by her sister, and Tsukimiya Suzuna is unable to destroy her child, what is there to be afraid of?Just deal with it properly.

She was about to fool him, but she saw Xia Qingyu grabbing Chen Ziang's hand. Their figures dimmed at the same time and soon disappeared.

Xia Zili hurriedly wanted to chase after her, but she was clinging to Tsukimiya Suzuna, who had lost her mind. She sneered:

"Since we have the power to have children, you and I share the same husband and love as sisters. We should help each other and benefit from this, right?"

"Suzuna Tsukimiya, calm down, let's work together to find him first!"

"Hehehe, I also want to be a mother..."

But Chen Ziang was caught off guard and was suddenly teleported to another place.Fortunately, this was not the first time he had experienced this kind of thing. He just sighed helplessly and said calmly:
"Qingyu, let me make it clear to you first. No matter what agreement they make with each other or any distribution agreement they reach with you, it will be ineffective without my consent. Do you understand? Don't even think about imitating them. Strong, I can run to other abyss planes at any time, I have many mysterious powers in this area... Why are you taking off your clothes so fast!"

"I didn't mean to use force." Xia Qingyu lifted her legs across the clothes on the ground and came to Chen Ziang, with the calm and calm expression on her face, "I was just trying to seduce you."

Chen Ziang: ……………

"Will it be effective if I do this?" Xia Qingyu crossed her arms and asked with raised eyebrows.

"I admit a little." Chen Ziang said calmly, "But is now the time to do such a thing?"

"Isn't it?" Xia Qingyu asked in surprise, "Or do you prefer to be divided between them, doing this and that every week on odd and even numbers?"

These words reminded Chen Ziang.If Xia Zili and Suzuna Tsukimiya really reached that ridiculous sharing agreement, even if they don't use force on themselves later, it will be very annoying for the two wives to join forces to pester themselves... The beatings don't hurt, and the scoldings don't listen. What to do with them?

"If you still remember and are willing to abide by the promise you made to me earlier: you will always stand by my side." Xia Qingyu said leisurely, "Of course I will also stand with you in this regard."

"There won't be any ridiculous possession agreement. I will fully respect your wishes. If you want to accompany me from now on, then stay with me. If you want to be alone, I will leave temporarily and give you full independent personal space. If you want to return to them There’s no problem around you, if they make unreasonable demands, I can even block them for you.”

"And the price you need to pay is just a small and insignificant request." She sat down next to Chen Ziang and gently held his hand. "I want you to let go of any reserve, resistance, and any desire. How about putting off the idea of ​​procrastinating and facing the feelings between us now?"

"Sounds like a very tempting offer." Chen Ziang had to admit that Xia Qingyu was really annoying when she didn't speak human words in the past, but now she is very powerful when she speaks human words gently, "But now Before I think about this, I want to ask a more important question."

"Why did you say Zili is pregnant? Since you said you would fully respect my wishes, you wouldn't lie to me or show off about this matter, right?"

Xia Qingyu looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled and said:
"Do you have a psychological shadow on me in this regard? Well, this is not a very complicated matter. I can tell you now."

"Okay, tell me... wait! What are you doing?"

"I'm explaining it to you, don't you understand yet?"

Xia Qingyu explained for several hours, but Chen Ziang still didn't understand.Until Xia Zili and Yuegong Suzuna follow the mysterious path to find this place and start fighting with Xia Qingyu for the right to explain, it will be another long, irritating and sultry late night.

At the same time, turning the perspective back to the Triumph planet, the colonization process of starship humans is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Due to the media's recent vigorous promotion of "we have a new home", everyone has some kind of positive, optimistic, and even unrealistic hope for future life, so that the birth rate has increased sharply in recent years. A few points.

Yuuki Izumo is responsible for the escort of immigrants, Tenjoin and Hana learn internal affairs management skills from Song Mingyuan, Gloria concentrates on trade in the Triumph Galaxy and other imperial star regions, and Lu Yunfeng leads intelligence agents on the surface of the planet to confirm that there is no early colonization here. Leave any "dangerous bed and breakfast legends" behind.

Only Chen Xiaozhu still lives a leisurely life in a daze every day.Even though in the past few years, Chen Ziang traveled around the empire in order to resurrect her sister-in-law and only came back to see her once a year, she did not show any dissatisfaction.

Just when Suzuna, Zili and Qingyu were working together to explain to Chen Ziang, Chen Xiaozhu, who was far away on the Triumph Planet, suddenly sighed softly:


"...What an idiot."

(End of the article)

 The title of this chapter is "The Right of Final Interpretation", "final" is a pun, and "the right of interpretation" is also a pun.I will post my final thoughts on this book later.

(End of this chapter)

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