Chapter 44
Bachang Yongjian may seem despicable, but in fact he possesses the two great blood talents of the island bureaucrats.

Meishang can bend to the extreme, and there is even a rumor in the Public Security Department that a certain boss of the Public Security Committee is on a business trip, and his wife wants to go out with a group of girlfriends to travel in Zhongnan City, but she is worried that no one will take care of the children at home.

Here comes the most classic: the horse farm, who was the deputy director at the time, took the initiative to invite Ying, and ran to the boss’s house every night after get off work, cleaning and doing housework, changing diapers and breastfeeding the children, and being a confinement wife for a week.

To some extent, it was not for nothing that this guy was promoted to the Chief of the Public Security Bureau.

Bullying can also be extended to the point of exaggeration. The reason why he is called the big idiot of the racecourse is because this guy lacks understanding of grassroots business, and he doesn't care, or even doesn't care at all.

Playing performance also only depends on the faction, not on qualifications, let alone ability.

Security officers belong to the civil service system. Although the seniority system is used to determine job promotion, the share of the year-end bonus is still evaluated based on job performance. Naturally, the original intention is to prevent everyone from doing badly, so some monetary incentives are specially provided.

But performance is something that the leader has the final say on. When encountering the ultimate idiot who doesn't care about business in the racecourse, the people under him will naturally be out of luck.

For example, Masami Mashima, the chief of the inspection section, is a direct descendant of Baba Nagato who was hand-picked by him, so he is almost always top-notch in the performance appraisal every year, and gets double the year-end bonus.

The most outrageous case was the case of the year before last. Masami Mashima was found to be pregnant in March, and then she left work an hour earlier every day, and her maternity and maternity leave was never missed. As a result, she still got top performance at the end of the year. In private, he jokingly called it "the highlight of his work is helping the racecourse give birth to children".

In the same year, Yanhei Matsumoto, the former head of the first search section, rushed to the forefront every time he was on duty in criminal investigation. , not as good as Mashima Masami.

Section Chief Matsumoto immediately went to Baba Yongjian to ask for an explanation. According to a colleague who was waiting outside to report to the director, he heard that Baba Yongjian only used three sentences in it, which made Matsumoto Yanping speechless. Mouth speechless.

One: "I don't care about the product of your work."

Two: "How can you be sure that Mashima Masami's job is not better than yours?"

Three: "Don't always compare yourself with others. Where are the innovations in your own work? What's the point of simply stacking up hours?"

The three famous quotes, every word was a hit, and every sentence was included in the classics, so that Matsumoto Yanpei hid his face in shame, and resigned naked after winning the year-end award.

It can be seen from this that the director of the racecourse may not be an excellent operator, but he is definitely an excellent bureaucrat.Whether it's licking the superior until his heart is full of joy, or humiliating his subordinates until they completely collapse, nothing can stop him.

Now he's about to move on to another feat: apologizing to subordinates who were bullied.

At the same time, the tourists in Lingyi Town have gradually realized that something is wrong.

Whether it was the owner of the grocery store, the owner of the restaurant, or the wife of the hot spring hotel, they all disappeared at the same time.

The only ones who can grasp the truth are Chen Ziang and Tsukimiya Suzuna who have personally experienced the incident.

Lingyi Town has indeed been abandoned long ago, and the remaining people are the old, weak, sick and disabled.The reason why it can be rejuvenated in a short period of time is all because the witch, Meihui Xichuan, used a large number of ghouls disguised as humans to give Lingyi Town to Jiuzhan magpie's nest.

Chen Ziang and Yuegong Lingnai attracted these ghouls from the skeletal center deep in the mine, and then summoned the Nightmare Clan to kill them all. Therefore, the disguise that was originally covered in the outer layer of Lingyi Town also Completely stopped working.

In the hotel room, Hokaze Rio sneezed violently, and looked at Chen Ziang who was lying unconscious on the bed with some resentment, and Tsukimiya Suzuna who was taking care of him beside him.

When the two returned, they found her passed out on the hotel floor.For unknown reasons, Xi Chuan Meihui didn't kill her, but she didn't have the kindness to turn up the floor heating temperature for her after nightfall, so that she just lay on the ground and caught cold.

Of course, compared to Chen Ziang, who was mentally polluted because of seeing too many mysterious things, he was much luckier to just catch a cold.

Yuegong Lingna was by Chen Ziang's side, watching him frown slightly in the torment of headache, although she couldn't bear it, she was helpless.

The so-called rising of spiritual vision may be misunderstood by others, but she knows that this is essentially a "higher level of evolution", which is definitely beneficial to seniors.

Among other things, for example, the king of ghouls just glared at this side from a distant dimension, and the senior almost died... If it wasn't for the Lord of the Great Deep Sea to save him, how could he survive so easily? come over?
Now that you have been involved in the mysterious world, you must pursue evolution and detachment, otherwise you will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered sooner or later.

Even those people who don't know the mystery are lucky enough to be able to live safely until now, but it's just that the gods have no time to look at them in the thousands of planes.

In this deep universe, wanting to survive... is not an easy matter.

The evolutionary path that I have walked before must be walked again in this life.

Seeing that the pain on Chen Ziang's face did not subside, Yuegong Lingnai took off the towel covering his forehead, went to the bathroom, washed it with cold water and soaked it, and put it on him again, hoping that he would be more comfortable.

Rio Hokaze watched from the side, feeling that she had eaten a mouthful of cold dog food, and had to turn her head to concentrate and continue writing the report on this incident.

After all, "after the mutation is over, the work has just begun".

Just at this moment, the cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

Yuegong Suzuna looked over, and immediately sneered, and put the phone to her ear to connect.

"Hello, is that Chen Ziang?" Came the enthusiastic voice of Dachang Yongjian from the opposite side.

"It's me." Yue Gong Suzuna said without emotion.

"Oh, Moon Palace." Bachang Yongjian's voice remained the same, and he didn't know how to tense his face. "You and Chen Ziang have rested for two or three days, so you can probably come back to work, right?"

"Huh?" Yue Gong Suzuna asked sarcastically, "Leader, are seniors and I arranged to rest? Why do I remember that it was a suspension?"

"Of course not." Bachang Yongjian smiled immediately, "Suspension, that must be included in the file. There has never been any suspension record in the files of you and Chen Ziang. If you take ten thousand steps back, there must be a suspension The specific reason? You didn’t make any mistakes, and Chen Ziang is still the ace operator in the class, how could the unit really suspend you?”

This was actually a coincidence: Tsukimiya Suzuna rushed into the director's office at the beginning, argued with Baba Yongjian and even scolded him. The latter couldn't get off the stage for a while, so he immediately suspended Tsukimiya Suzuna from his post.

After calming down later, she regretted it a bit: You should know that Yuegong Suzuna is the daughter of Yuegong Kiyomasa. Although the diplomatic system cannot control the security system, if the Yuegong family uses their personal connections to find the big boss of the Public Security Committee to block him, That too was a breeze.

Therefore, he never really approved the suspension procedures for Chen Ziang and Yuegong Lingna, just to give himself a step.If Yuegong Qingzheng really intervened in this matter in person, he could at least have an explanation, so as not to completely offend the other party.

Now that things have changed, Bachang Yongjian concealed all the little thoughts behind it, insisting that "there is no such thing as suspension, just a vacation."

However, although Tsukimiya Suzuna is young, she seems to have a lot of experience in this area, and she was not fooled by him at all, but said coldly:
"No suspension? What are you afraid of, are you afraid that my father will intervene in this matter?"

"Director of the racecourse, I can tell you very clearly that I never told my father about the suspension. You don't have to be paranoid and frightened, let alone worry that your seniors are still holding your grudges."

"After all, you came to the Public Security Department just to get promoted. But senior is to fulfill the duties of a public security officer, to fulfill the oath he made when he joined the job. Even if you suspend him with unwarranted excuses, what he regrets the most is It's not that I lost my job, but that I can't continue to deal with the mysterious incident and can't protect the safety of the people."

"In the end, you don't understand senior at all, and you don't understand what a security officer is!"

"The matter of returning to work in the unit will be considered after the senior wakes up. It's just that even if he is willing to pretend nothing happened, I have to remind you."

"Since you choose to work in the public security system, whether you are a person or a business, you must be worthy of the badge on your uniform shoulder! Because when you become a boss, you feel superior to others. If you don't deepen your business but think about playing power all day long, you will die sooner or later. It's ugly. !"

"If you don't believe me, let's wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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