The Witch's Taste

Chapter 50 Let's Evolve, Tentacles

Chapter 50 Let's Evolve, Tentacles
Back home, Chen Zi'ang saw his younger sister, Xiaozhu, still sitting on the rocking chair in the living room, with a dull expression, without saying a word.

"Xiaozhu, are you going to sleep?" Chen Ziang asked tentatively.

Chen Xiaozhu didn't respond, but this was the best reaction.

If she was really angry, she would turn away from herself in protest.

A girl in her 20s has the same IQ as a five or six-year-old child.If this is not the case, even if you are blind and cannot see things, it is not impossible to find your own love after all.

However, even for such a willful younger sister, Chen Ziang only feels sorry for her, and has no dislike for her.

He took care of his sister to put on her pajamas, helped her to wash in the bathroom, then carried her to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and turned off the lights.

When Chen Ziang returned to his room, he still brought the mandala magic sword, spiritual pressure gauge, and sanity lozenges with him.

Start to activate the power of dream walking.

The preconscious layer and the subconscious layer are the spiritual space that belongs to everyone alone, but the collective subconscious layer is grotesque and grotesque. It is a collection of sporadic thoughts that seep out of everyone's subconscious. Therefore, it is dangerous and unpredictable, so it needs to be extremely careful.

Chen Zi'ang didn't intend to explore the collective subconscious space, but just meditated on the "Ancient City of Enrank" in the subconscious level, and then activated the power again.

This is another characteristic of the dream world: to get from one place to another, one does not need to walk physically, but to transfer mentally.

I think, therefore I come; I think, therefore I come.

When he came to the ancient city of Enrank, Chen Ziang was surprised to find that something had changed here.

The moss spreading around the foot of the house walls has turned dark red, and there are huge, blood-vessel-like veins protruding from it, and they seem to be beating with a certain rhythm.

The doors and windows of every house are closed, and there is no nightmare of flying in the air.The stone-paved streets are empty, and the gaps are soaked with dark red traces, as if something unbearable has happened.

When he came to the town square, Chen Ziang saw that a simple altar had been erected in the center, surrounded by pearls, and three candles were lit.The old book brought by Yasui Naoya was floating above the altar, surrounded by pearl circles and candles, spinning at a speed that fluctuated from time to time.

Even if it was just gazing, it only took two or three seconds before there was a feeling that his heart was being pinched, and Chen Ziang had to move his gaze down to the ground below the altar.

A strange, blood-like viscous liquid continued to flow and seep slowly around the altar, and then sank into the gaps in the paving stones.

Nicole was kneeling in front of the altar at this time, maintaining a weird prayer posture, with her bone wings folded behind her back like a folding fan.

Chen Ziang approached, but the other party didn't respond.

After thinking for a moment, he wisely chose not to disturb, but came to the temple.

The Chaos Altar of the temple, after he put it into consciousness, the pop-up list remained unchanged.

[Touch of the Abyss] requires 100 points to upgrade; [Profane Witchcraft] and [Avatar with Thousand Faces] each require 50 points; the military rank is [Lamb], and promotion requires 100 points.

If Nicole can still communicate, Chen Ziang will definitely ask her what she means, but now he can only make up his own mind about what ceremony this priest is presiding over.

In terms of benefits, although promotion to the military rank can unlock more convertible powers, it does not have any benefits in itself.

When the situation is not urgent, in order to find the power to save his sister, Chen Ziang will of course give priority to promotion to the military rank.

But now that the witch Nishikawa Mie is hanging above Jibei City like the sword of Damocles, she may chop down at any time and turn everyone into corpses everywhere. He also has to give priority to improving his own strength.

[Profane Witchcraft] provides a lot of mystic knowledge, and Chen Ziang is a little moved by it.

The reason is naturally that he was stared at by the king of ghouls and almost died on the spot... No matter how strong the combat power is, he can't resist this kind of dimensionality reduction blow. Only with enough knowledge can he avoid it in advance.

However, if you think about it carefully, didn't Rio Hokaze warn him a long time ago?

It was I who insisted on taking it to Lingyi Town at risk in order to prevent the relics of the gods from causing harm to Jibei City.In fact, if he knew that this thing was related to the king of ghouls, he could directly ask for help from the ancient city of Enrank and eliminate the crisis invisible.

In the mysterious world, intelligence is the most precious resource.But after all, I have an official establishment, and I can ask Miss Intelligence Officer for help if I need any knowledge, so the role of [blasphemy and witchcraft] is not irreplaceable for me.

[Avatar with Thousand Faces] is the same.If you are a commoner spirit remover who needs to walk under the night and not let the authorities know your identity, then this power is necessary.

But as a security officer of Countermeasures Section [-], he can go anywhere in Jibei City, and he doesn't need to disguise himself.

In this way, the answer is ready to come out.

"Upgrade [Touch of the Abyss]." Chen Ziang thought quickly.

The interface blurred again, and then a message came:
"Tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle tentacle..."

Chen Ziang: ……………

Since I didn't take the initiative to die to connect with Suhu's consciousness, but the Chaos Altar conveyed it on my behalf, so I didn't have the feeling of a splitting headache and my spirit being polluted.

At the same time, after the translation by the Chaos Altar, he also roughly understood the meaning of this message.

The upper limit of tentacle summoning is +1, and now two tentacles can be summoned at the same time.

Added tentacle types, please choose the future evolution direction:





What the hell?
Even if it's a skill tip, at least describe it in detail, okay?

Chen Ziang was very helpless.With the lessons learned from last time, he will definitely not go to hell and ask Suhu this time, so he can only plan to ask Honokaze Rio in detail after work next Monday.

After leaving the temple, Nicole was still kneeling in front of the altar in the square, concentrating on presiding over some unknown ceremony, obviously having no time to greet him at all.

Chen Ziang didn't intend to disturb her either, and silently activated the power of dream walking, and began to return to his spiritual world.

Coming out of the preconscious level and returning to reality, outside the bedroom window is the pitch black night and the dim light of street lamps.

After Chen Ziang finished washing, he changed into pajamas and lay on the bed, and began to check the messages on his phone before going to sleep.

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: Senior, I am learning how to cook with my mother!
[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: I'll bring a bento for senior tomorrow!

[Is there any urban legend]: Come on, but don't go to bed too late, you have to get up early tomorrow.

Yue Gong Suzuna's message was replied very quickly. This girl seemed to live in a chat software, and every time she sent a message to her, it would be answered within seconds.

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: That's right, what time will you meet up with your seniors tomorrow?

[Is there any urban legend]: From 08:30 to [-]:[-].

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: Okay, good night~/I want to kiss

Chen Ziang stared at the Q version of "want to kiss" for a moment.

[Is there any urban legend]: Good night.

After closing the chat window and continuing to check other messages, he found that Xia Zili had sent him the QR codes of three electronic tickets.

[Good at singing]: Sorry, I sent it to you so late.The venue of the concert is the Budokan in Jinchuan District. It will open at 10:15 am, and you need to enter the venue [-] minutes in advance.If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

[Is there any urban legend]: Okay, be on time.

Staring at the phone screen again for a while, Chen Ziang suddenly realized that this big star was not Suzuna Tsukimiya—to be exact, most people would not be able to do what Suzuna did, sending her a text message every time. Messages are answered immediately.

So he put the phone on the bedside table to charge, and then began to close his eyes and fall asleep.

At the same time, in the mansion on the top floor of the Hebin Apartment in Sanhe District, Xia Zili was sitting on her bed, hugging a pillow, curling up her slender white legs, like a helpless little girl hugging a doll.

Although there is a concert tomorrow, she still can't fall asleep at this time, and her mind is full of sad melodies.

In the dimly lit room, a faint light suddenly lit up.The phone on the quilt lit up, and a new message popped up:
"Okay, be on time."

She stared blankly at the phone screen.

After a long time, he slowly tilted his body to the side and lay down on the big soft bed.

After a few more minutes, her breath also became longer.

Beneath the disheveled blond hair was a peaceful and beautiful sleeping face.

(End of this chapter)

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