The Witch's Taste

Chapter 64 The Bloated Touch

Chapter 64 The Bloated Touch
Chen Ziang sent his sister back to the bedroom, and after getting settled, he went back to his own room.

Tonight, he will decide the upgrade direction of the Touch of the Abyss—this is much more important than the adjustment of the organizational structure of any unit.

After all, it took him 100 tinder!

For these 100 fires, I traveled thousands of miles to Lingyi Town, went deep into the mysterious and gloomy corpse, was besieged by a lot of lower races, and was stared at by the gods through thousands of dimensions... If I can't change If a satisfactory result is returned, wouldn't all the hardships and sins I have suffered be all in vain?

Go to the ancient city of Enrank first, and see what you can ask from the priest Nicole.

Using the power of walking in dreams, he quickly descended into the world of the collective subconscious, and Chen Ziang once again set foot in the residence of the Nightmare Clan.

Compared with the last time I came here, the ancient city of Enrank now has no thick throbbing blood vessels, scarlet moss spreading at the base of the wall, and dried blood seeping into the cracks in the stone slabs.

Instead, there were many purple, firefly-like light clusters floating slowly and freely in the air.

Chen Ziang tried his best not to pay attention to these light clusters, and at the same time not to let them touch his body, he quickly walked through the deserted streets and came to the square in the center of the town.

Priest Neeko, holding a scepter, slowly stepped out of the temple to meet him—still with a slim and graceful figure, and a face as smooth as a mask without facial features.

"Welcome, Mr. Asker." Although there is no mouth, Nicole can still make a sexy and mature female voice through some unknown means, "Did you find anything different about our Enrank?"

"To be honest, I don't really care about this." Chen Ziang said cautiously.

In the mystical world, the more you know, the more dangerous you are, which is an unassailable truth.

Of course, ignorance is equally dangerous, so you must carefully choose what you need to know and avoid taboos that you don't need to know.

"Well, since that's the case, I won't say more." Priest Nicole said with a smile, "Exchange power? Or do you need any information?"

"Yes, I want to buy information." Chen Ziang threw out the prepared question, "What are 'matrix', 'concept' and 'spirituality'?"

"Very valuable question." Priest Nicole said slowly, "I have three answers here, worth 20 points, 100 points, and 2000 merit points. Which one do you want to buy?"

"Why are there three prices?" Chen Ziang asked in surprise.

"Because of this question, it actually refers to the essence of the universe." Nicole said in an ethereal and mysterious voice, "The essence of the universe is too high and too great to be fully interpreted. Every individual, no matter great or humble, can only try his own way." To understand, describe, and write your own answers."

"20 points of merit is an answer that you humans can understand; 100 points of merit is what our nightmares have already discovered; 2000 points of merit come from a lower race that is far superior to us. We paid a great price to fight with them In exchange for this valuable, forbidden knowledge."

"I choose 20 points of merit." Chen Ziang replied.

It's not because he can only afford this version of the answer, but because Nicole has hinted very clearly: even if I tell you all the knowledge above 100 points of merit, it is not understandable for you now.

The physical bodies of humans and nightmares are completely different, and the gap in cognitive limits is also huge, perhaps even greater than the gap between ants and humans.

If ants want to exchange information with humans, the most valuable thing is of course "where to find food" rather than "how to use genetic engineering to improve crops". It is also impossible to understand even the slightest information, only to go crazy.

"A wise choice." Nicole said leisurely, "Matrix, concept and spirituality, known as the 'three major elements', together constitute the entire universe we know today."

"The matrix is ​​actually the collection of all matter, energy, time, and space. This should be the most familiar element to you humans."

"Concepts are the collection of all information, data, and laws. They are the embodiment of the existence, movement, change, and destruction of the matrix."

"Spirituality, which is a little closer to what you humans call soul, is a unique reflection projected onto the substrate from distant dimensions."

"If you want to use an analogy to explain, only the substrate is like a corpse, and the substrate and concept are like a vegetable, and only the substrate, concept and spirituality are combined, is a living human being—that is, our current universe. "

Chen Ziang half understood what he heard, and felt that his 20 sparks seemed to be in vain.

"Let me guess." Nicole seemed to see through his mind, and continued, "You should have upgraded the power of exchange, and you are currently considering the direction of evolution, right?"

"Hmm." Judging from the other party's tone, this seemed to be some kind of common basic problem, so Chen Ziang nodded and admitted.

"To put it simply," Nicole said, "If you choose the matrix as the direction of evolution, your power will be more materialistic; if you choose concepts, you will be more spiritual; if you choose spirituality, the direction of evolution is rather strange. It is difficult for me to use language that you can understand. To explain, after all, you humans have too little understanding of spirituality."

"Let me just say this: if you want to deal with the fierce struggle on the frontal battlefield, it is recommended to choose the substrate; if you want to hide in the dark to murder others, you should choose the concept; if you only consider escaping or saving your life, choose spirituality is the most appropriate."

Chen Ziang finally understood.

Substrate is physical attack, such as hitting people with tentacles; concept is mental sneak attack, such as those tentacles that attacked Xia Zili's mental body in her subconscious.

As for spirituality, it is the strangest direction of evolution.It may not be useful in this situation, but it may work wonders in that situation next time.

Considering that he was going to confront Mie Nishikawa head-on, he finally made a decision:

Just choose the substrate!
Standing in front of the altar again, Chen Ziang voted his decision to the altar of chaos.

[Touch of the Abyss], the evolution direction is selected as "substrate".

Advanced available: [Bloated Touch]

Before he had time to think about what [Bloated Touch] was, Chen Ziang's consciousness suddenly fell.

He saw that in the weird and terrifying kingdom of tentacles, surrounded by countless tentacles, was a huge, bloated tentacle.

Its diameter far exceeds that of the ordinary Netherworld's Touch, and each sucker is covered with disgusting granulation, like a cancer cell that proliferates wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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