The Witch's Taste

Chapter 68 Let's Gather on the Island

Chapter 68 Let's Gather in Qiandao

On the way, Tsukimiya Suzuna casually played with her mobile phone, watching friends in the group discuss with each other.

Now that comprehensive information control has begun on the Internet, if ordinary people have not seen a ghoul with their own eyes, the probability of knowing about the mutation is not high.

But her social circle is almost all the second generation who live together in Guanting Street, so naturally it is impossible to keep in the dark.

Although they still don't know what a ghoul is, they probably understand it as some kind of rabies-like biochemical weapon virus that can turn people into painless, highly aggressive monsters, so they are very careful when traveling , Every day, people send messages in the group that "such and such a place is no longer safe".

[Yutu refuses to admit defeat]: Is the road from Akita to Qiandao safe today?
[Mimijiang]: Be careful, there have been three accident reports, I will send the exact location to the group.

Tsukimiya Suzuna browsed through the news records, looked at the various positions posted by everyone in the group, and thought that it was the right decision to ask senior to go to Qiandao—after all, ghouls can’t swim, so they couldn’t cross the hot lake to go to Qiandao Go up and greet the citizens.

Another message popped up on the screen, but [Mimi Jiang] was chatting with her privately:
"Suzuna, by the way, you are in the Public Security Department of Jibei City, right? Is there any gossip?"

"Well, as far as I know, it's a poor woman whose husband and child were killed by wild wolves, and she wants to carry out large-scale indiscriminate revenge." Suzuna Tsukimiya replied.

"Yeah, it's too bad, so you caught her?"

"No." Yuegong Suzuna sighed, and typed back, "Now the unit is almost in a mess, and everything is handed over to the military. Your Song family should be better informed than I am about this."

"Maybe, but I haven't paid much attention recently. After all, I'm getting married. By the way, did you bring your boyfriend?"

"Reserve, he's not a boyfriend yet."

"No way, no way, is there any man Suzuna-chan can't take down?"

"Yes, you will see you soon."

Suzuna Yuegong chatted casually with her friends, while Chen Ziang couldn't stay idle by the side, and also brushed up the news of the work group.

According to colleagues, the current security situation in the entire Jibei City can be said to be very unoptimistic, and changes are happening everywhere.

Although the military attacked everywhere, on the one hand, the killing efficiency of modern weapons against ghouls was not as high as expected;

Colleagues were all watching the joke, only Chen Ziang was worried, because if this went on, the so-called "hiding the mysterious existence from the public" would soon become a joke.

You must know that as long as anyone realizes that there are monsters in the world, there is a slight risk of spiritual vision, which will increase the possibility of subsequent encounters with weirdness.

It's like becoming some kind of bait, starting to attract the weirdness in the abyss to come to the world.

And if this kind of spiritual pollution spreads among the masses, a large number of "people with low spiritual vision" will soon appear.

Even without Meihui Xichuan's actions in the future, the existence of these people with low spiritual vision will lead to a rapid increase in the frequency of mutations in Extreme North City. What should we do then?

Hand it over to outsourcing... Spiritual pollution can be spread to ten, ten to hundreds, rising at a geometric rate. Can the number of outsourced personnel increase like this?
When the time comes, the manpower will still not be able to keep up!
Chen Ziang had a pessimistic feeling, as if he was sitting on a bus rushing towards the cliff, but the passengers had no right to speak and could only watch the driver slam on the accelerator.

Seeing his irritable expression, Tsukimiya Suzuna immediately guessed that the senior must be worrying about work again, so she secretly took out her phone and sent him a picture.

Chen Ziang clicked on it and saw that it was a selfie taken by Yuegong Lingna pouting cutely... No, this girl doesn't need to try to be cute, her appearance is enough to be called very cute.

"Let's get started." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile, "After all, we are going out to play, senior."

What else could Chen Ziang say, he could only force a smile.

"Senior, look at this!" Tsukimiya Suzuna sent him a few more selfies, "Which one do you think looks better?"

"They're all pretty good-looking." Chen Ziang said frankly.

A pretty girl, whether it's pouting her lips, V-shaped hands, poking her face, or a simple smile, is enough to make people feel pleasing to the eye, not to mention Tsukimiya Suzuna's appearance is at the level that hardly needs retouching.

"Miss, after getting off the expressway ahead, we will arrive at the cruise ship terminal in a few minutes." Emon Goro said suddenly.

"Oh." Tsukimiya Suzuna looked out the window, "It's great to be able to arrive smoothly."

This sentence seemed to mean something, but Chen Ziang didn't realize anything, just followed her gaze and looked out.

Bisha Daiying, lakes and mountains, come into view.


Xichuan Meihui stood on the mountain, looking at the sparkling lake in the distance, her face was expressionless in a daze.

She suddenly recalled that before her tenth birthday, her son once said that his most wanted birthday gift was a trip to Rehu Qiandao Scenic Area in Jinchuan District.

"The squad leader's tenth birthday party was held in the resort area of ​​Qiandao, and almost the whole class was invited." That's what the son said at the time.

Why didn't he invite his son? It seemed that he was too frugal and his family was not well off.After all, for a child of this age, no one wants to be friends with a poor classmate who is usually reluctant to buy orange soda from the canteen.

At that time, Meihui Xichuan didn't speak, but silently cut down her monthly expenses, saved an extra sum of money into an extra account, and planned to take the whole family to Rehu Qiandao after saving enough.

And that money... in the two years after the family was killed by wild dogs, it was all spent in the rush to hire a lawyer to fight the lawsuit.

There was a severe pain in her heart, which caused her face to convulse violently, and her eyebrows and eyes were almost twisted into a ball.

At the same time, some kind of power flooded into her mind.

Tinder, since she became a witch, she naturally knew the term.

Xi Chuan Meihui has not read any system texts, but it does not prevent her from understanding that this fire can be exchanged for the power of revenge - from a god named "King of Ghouls".

Therefore, she has become accustomed to revisiting those warm memories of the past over and over again, just like stabbing a knife in her bruised body, using her own pain to please the god, so as to get more fire .

"You are working too hard." A woman's voice came from behind.

"I don't need your evaluation, Takano." Mie Nishikawa said indifferently, "You can't feel my pain at all."

"Pain will only destroy your sanity." The woman named Gao Ye sighed faintly, "You are indeed getting stronger, but what is the price?"

"The price is to kill myself." Xi Chuan Meihui laughed desperately, showing her white teeth, "For me, the only motivation to keep me alive is to let this world that takes everything I own, Taste the same pain, if not deeper."

"But you are different from us, Seiko Takano. Even after becoming a witch, you still have trust in this world, and you still don't want to trust your power. Instead, you fantasize about continuing to use the rules of a civilized society to solve problems."

"And we look forward to the day when you will be cornered completely by this cruel and merciless world."

(End of this chapter)

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