The Witch's Taste

Chapter 7 Have You Heard of a Witch?

Chapter 7 Have You Heard of a Witch?

After returning home, Chen Ziang went to the balcony on the second floor, looking at the Ligenchuan River outside.

After thinking for a long time, I called Ms. Hokaze Rio, the information officer of Section [-].

It was already 9 o'clock in the evening, but he was sure that Rio Hokaze was definitely still working overtime in the unit.

"Hello." An indifferent female voice sounded from the receiver.

"Li Xu." Chen Ziang organized his thoughts, "Do you have any more detailed information about the Lord of the Great Deep Sea?"

"Chen Jun." Suifeng Lixu said, "Do you want to transfer to the intelligence team to accompany me as a secret keeper?"

"I don't have that idea yet..."

"The more you know, it's only bad for you, not good."

"Lixu." Chen Ziang said with a sigh, "I just want to know some less harmful information, such as what kind of attitude and tendency it will show when someone uses a séance ritual to communicate with it..."

"Chen Jun, I think you should know that it is meaningless to analyze the attitudes and tendencies of the gods." Rio Hoikaze's voice became more indifferent, "Most of them are like urchins with changeable personalities, and they treat us like ants. Maybe today he is still friendly to you, but tomorrow he might trample you to death."

Seeing that Chen Ziang didn't answer, she sighed quietly and said:

"The Lord of the Great Deep Sea is indeed a very rare god who is not so bad to humans, but it is definitely not a good thing to be targeted by him."

"Curry has 1356 records of séances. About 200 of them, the victim of the initiation ceremony was invited to his divine kingdom, thus falling into a permanent, semi-vegetative coma, and about one-tenth of the People wake up in 30 years."

"All those who woke up showed great disappointment, claiming that the kingdom of God of the Lord of the Deep Sea is 'a beautiful ocean like a dream', 'a beautiful existence like the Garden of Eden', but they didn't know what was inside. The details, and why they left the Kingdom of God and woke up, these victims are extremely uniformly silent, and if they ask too much, they will show strong suicidal tendencies.”

"Sounds like serious mental pollution." Chen Ziang said suspiciously.

"Remove 'sounds' and 'like'." Rio Hokaze said solemnly, "Any thoughts related to gods are tantamount to suicide."

"Having said that, I just finished touching the relics of the gods in the morning, and I started to have such thoughts at night. I suspect that you may also be polluted to a certain extent..."

"Li Xu." Chen Ziang said with a smile, "I'm a senior operator..."

"Tomorrow morning, remember to come to the unit and do a sanity check." Said Rio Hokaze.

"But tomorrow I will take a day off..."

"Then you can come here now."

Chen Ziang: ……………

After hanging up the phone, he began to hesitate again.

Reason told him that Rio Hokaze was right.

The best way to deal with gods is not to deal with gods.

However, emotionally speaking, he couldn't bear the fact that his sister would suffer in the dark for the rest of her life.

Ever since she lost her sight, Chen Xiaozhu, who used to be lively and active, seldom spoke. The hospital diagnosed that she had suffered from a serious mental disorder, and almost all famous medical experts were helpless about her situation.

Mental disorders result from the torment of blindness, which itself arises from lesions in the areas of the brain that process vision.At present, the best medical level in Extreme North City has no way to treat this kind of disease. The only hope is to try your luck in the mysterious field.

And to go deep into the mysterious realm, one naturally needs corresponding powerful powers.

Thinking of Xiaozhu, Chen Ziang finally made a decision.

He quickly visualized the ocean, his consciousness began to sink rapidly, and finally came to the lavender ocean under the starry night.

"I want to exchange for the power of 'Dream Walk'." Chen Ziang thought to himself.

The lavender jellyfish clusters that made up the font quickly dispersed, and then formed a staircase leading to the depths of the seabed. Chen Ziang tried it with his feet and found that he could barely stand firm.

He walked down the stairs, and the seductive singing of the siren began to sound around him, as if announcing that he was walking on a road of no return.

But until now, there is no possibility of turning back...


Chen Ziang slowly woke up from his sleep.

He rubbed his eyes, and then suddenly remembered that he had finally made up his mind last night to exchange for the power of "dream walking".

The result is that walking on the stairs made up of jellyfish swarms, the deeper you go, the more exhausted your consciousness will be... until you fall into a deep sleep, and when you wake up, you will find that it is the next morning, and you are already in bed .

As for how he changed out of his pajamas and climbed into bed after finishing, his memory was blank.

Chen Ziang closed his eyes, turned his thoughts slightly, and found that the fire in his body had been cleared, and the knowledge of "dream walking" began to flow into his mind.

Traditional scientific theory holds that dreams are the product of human brain activity during sleep.

However, knowledge from the gods told him that dreams were an independent "spiritual world".

If the depth of the abyss in the present world is constant at 0, then the depth of the dream is probably between 0-300.Among them, the depth of the shallowest preconscious layer is around 2-5, and there is no danger in it, while the deepest is full of dangers...

Regardless of whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, Chen Ziang has made up his mind to go in and explore for his sister.

Of course, before that, you have to check your body.

Taking the section light rail, he arrived in Shinjuku District again, and came to the Jibei City Public Security Department. Chen Ziang walked into the office building dedicated to the Sixth Division of Countermeasures, stepped into a special elevator, and pressed the button on the -6 floor.

The six countermeasures, the large information base, are built on the sixth basement floor, and the security level is comparable to a bank vault.

There are countless cameras all over the passages, and the surveillance equipment even extends to the elevators. If the security officers who are not from the sixth class enter the elevators, even the buttons will not light up.

The six basement floors, where the Intelligence Group is located, are surrounded by a thick layer of concrete.Legend has it that there are tons of explosives hidden behind these concrete walls. Once an irreparable accident occurs, this area that stores a large amount of dangerous knowledge will be buried in the thick depths of the ground.

After Chen Ziang reported at the reception desk at the entrance of the intelligence warehouse, Suifeng Lixu soon came out to lead the people.

The female intelligence officer of Countermeasures Section 30 is a [-]-year-old senior operator.Although she was a rare beauty in terms of facial features, her haggard look and thick dark circles destroyed her own femininity a lot.

Under the white coat is an unusually slender figure, which makes people worry that she might collapse in the wind—maybe this is why she stays underground all year round and refuses to go out.

"Lie down on the operating table." Arriving in her private office, Rio Hokaze sat directly in front of the computer and began typing on the keyboard, "You don't need me to teach you, do you?"

"No need." Chen Ziang lay down on the bed, put on the special helmet again, and closed his eyes.

"The sanity is very stable, there is no fluctuation." After operating the instrument for a while, Honokaze quickly got the result, "There is no sign of contamination."

"I've said it all." Chen Ziang said helplessly, "I'm just curious."

"Who knows, the instrument is not 100% accurate." Rio Hokaze said indifferently, "The spiritual vision has risen to 13, remember to control it."

"Do your best." Chen Ziang said with a wry smile.

But the thing of spiritual vision, as long as it comes into contact with mysterious things, it will continue to rise, and it is not something that can be controlled if you want to control it.

"That's right." Just as he was about to leave, Rio Hokaze, who was staring at the computer screen, said suddenly, "The source of the 'Lord of the Great Deep Sea' statue has been confirmed last time in Ginza Sky."

"Chen Ziang, have you heard of a witch?"

(End of this chapter)

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