The Witch's Taste

Chapter 76 Your Excellency Governor

Chapter 76 Your Excellency Governor
Advance the time by 10 minutes.

Governor Shi Di, the supreme leader of the Gaotianyuan star region, is also the second son of the third-generation star region governor Shi Boen.

At this time, he was in the high-level box of Qiandao Aquarium, and together with his confidential secretary Song Mingyuan, was preparing to attend the group wedding ceremony in the afternoon.

Shi Di is 55 years old. This age is not bad for the Governor of the Star District. He will not be considered "unreliable" by the masses because he is too young.

But what many people don't know is that Shi Di was originally an artist in the first half of his life.

The former governor, Shi Boen, originally trained his successor to be the eldest son Quartz.

However, Shi Boen underestimated his own lifespan and overestimated the patience of his eldest son Quartz.

Five years ago, after secretly mobilizing the family to seize power and failed, the eldest son Shi Ying committed suicide, and Shi Boen had no choice but to change the family heir to the second son Shi Di. It can be said that Gao Tianyuan is a well-known artist in the art world, so he was forced by fate to turn into a political career.

Under the huge blow of losing his heir, Shi Boen was forced to hold on to his sickness, and trained Shi Di for a year, and then he finally couldn't hold on and passed away.

In the ensuing star region governor election, the National Elite Party won the election again as usual, and Shi Di became the fourth Gao Tianyuan star region governor.

With the full assistance of the civil servant system, Shi Di, who has only one year of political experience, has adopted a steady and favorable development policy, which has deeply consolidated the development achievements left by his ancestors, and his achievements have been widely recognized by all walks of life.

At least that was the case last week.

"Mingyuan." Looking at the accident report submitted by the military, Shi Di rubbed his tense temples, and said in a heavy tone, "The situation is very critical now, we must do something."

"Yes, I agree with your opinion." The confidential secretary Song Mingyuan first echoed, and then added, "But as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation has been stabilized..."

"Wait for the report first." Shi Di has been dealing with this confidential secretary for nearly four years, and he has probably noticed his usual routines. How could he let him fool around like this, and immediately interrupted him seriously, "Ming Yuan, what are you doing?" Can you tell me."

"Why in the past so many years, a planet-level metropolitan area has only less than two digits of security officers dealing with an unknown, unspeakable, and extremely high-security danger?"

"Your question is very sensitive." Song Mingyuan explained calmly, "First of all, I want to correct your statement."

"Currently dealing with mysterious hidden dangers, there are 7 front-line officers from the Sixth Section of Countermeasures of the Jibei City Public Security Department, 20 people from the intelligence team, and 36 people from the military's special countermeasures. If necessary, more can be temporarily mobilized manpower support..."

"More people?" Shi Di quickly asked, "How many?"

"For example, the Public Security Department is currently cooperating with third-party organizations." Song Mingyuan replied, "Through the introduction of professional labor services, the initial manpower is expected to expand to more than [-]."

"It's ridiculous." Shi Di slammed the report on the table in displeasure, and complained, "In the face of such a sudden social crisis, we actually have to join hands with non-governmental organizations. We used to invest in the security system. So much money, was it redundantly wasted by the people below?!"

"With all due respect." Song Mingyuan reminded him, "In the past, our financial investment in the public security system has actually been decreasing year by year."

"Really?" Shi Di was a little uncertain.

"Yes, and you recently thought about laying off some civil servants." Song Mingyuan sighed.

"I want to abolish civil servants in order to better save financial expenses and use them where they should be used." Shi Di felt a little uneasy on his face, and tapped his fingers on the table, "For example, vote for this messy law and order on the system."

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and then reacted abruptly:

"Wait, Mingyuan, 'financial investment has been reduced year by year' doesn't mean that the financial investment is very small? What's more, no matter how much it is reduced, the public security system will not be able to recruit a team of hundreds of people, and it has to go to the civil society cooperate!"

"That's right, Your Excellency Governor." Song Mingyuan replied calmly and fluently, "The risk of the mysterious side is too high, so the Public Security Department has always adopted the strategy of elite soldiers in the past. The cost of training an operator for the sixth countermeasure, and The operatives trained for the search class [-] are completely different, and the prices can be said to be very different."

"As far as I know, just to become a grass-roots operator of Countermeasure Six, one needs to have a deep understanding of mysterious knowledge, and understanding this knowledge itself means risk, and risk represents a high accident rate and high casualty rate , This is only during the training period, and the loss of official duty is not included in it.”

"If the model of extensive training is adopted, the number of casualties will inevitably increase, which will further increase the difficulty of keeping secrets at the social level; on the contrary, the strategy of elite soldiers can reduce the casualty rate and control the risk of losing confidentiality. The only thing that needs to be paid is relatively high The cost of personnel training is the optimal solution after weighing a lot of pros and cons.”

"Strategy of elite soldiers." Shi Di complained impatiently, "I haven't seen where the elites have gone. Now the whole city has blossomed everywhere, and the people are living in dire straits, and our elite security officers are unable to solve the situation. Civil society is here to help."

"Do you know what those people in the Democratic First Party said? They said that we have diverted all the financial investment that should have been given to the security system to propaganda and falsehood!"

"Heck, last year their slogan was 'You're living under surveillance', and they said the good and the bad of the relationship."

"The people of the Democratic First Party are nothing but clowns." Song Mingyuan said with a smile, "Some down-and-out speculators of the island people are used to creating, inciting, and stirring up all kinds of unnecessary panic to intimidate our easily deceived masses. But this is doomed to be futile, because the eyes of most people are discerning..."

"Okay, stop singing your praises." Shi Di interrupted him irritably, "Speak business."

"Yes, Your Excellency Governor." Song Mingyuan said seriously, "In fact, the strategy of elite soldiers has always worked. This system started from Mr. Shi Zhiqing, the first governor of the star region, and has been developed steadily for so many years. It has always been, it has always been There were no major disturbances."

"Until this time." Shi Di corrected him displeased.

"Yes, but you can't deny the fruitful achievements of so many years because of a special accident, right?" Song Mingyuan showed a surprised look of incomprehension, "And our strategy of elite troops is against natural disasters, but this time it is real Man-made disasters. Just like the best flood defense dikes, they are aimed at the natural rise in water levels, and they certainly cannot prevent someone from deliberately opening the gates to release water from the upstream reservoir... No matter how good the flood defense dikes are, it will not work."

"Speaking of man-made disasters, the culprit." Shi Di said weakly, "What is the situation of that Xi Chuan Meihui?"

"As far as I know, they are the family members of the victims of the Sumida Town massacre a few years ago." Song Mingyuan replied, "His husband and children were attacked by wild wolves on their way home from the town, and there were no bones left."

"Oh, how pitiful." Shi Di was an artist after all, showing his emotional side at this time, and asked with concern, "Did the Sumida Town Hall not compensate her?"

"Compensation." Song Mingyuan sighed, "But Xi Chuan Meihui doesn't want compensation, she wants to kill these wild wolves to avenge her husband and children."

"Then kill these beasts as soon as possible!" Shi Di said immediately, "Then reconcile with Meihui Xichuan, and let her be appeased first!"

"Unfortunately, we can't do it." Song Mingyuan was silent for a moment, then said, "First of all, according to the current "Ecological Protection Law", any organization or individual is prohibited from slaughtering animals; If you are disgusted, it will inevitably affect your reputation and support rate in the future."

"Let's not mention the animal protection agency, what's the matter with the Ecological Protection Law?" Shi Di showed an extremely shocked expression, "Then the meat we usually eat is..."

"Synthetic meat." Song Mingyuan replied, "The pork, chicken, beef and mutton we usually eat are all synthetic meat produced in factories. This bill was created by your grandfather, Mr. Shi Jintang, in order to allow the Gaotianyuan star area to join the federation's interstellar trade." One of the package agreements signed by the Alliance with these nature-loving elves-it clearly stipulates that all mammals, birds, and some reptiles, amphibians, and fish have the rights that their lives are not deprived. that power."

"Oh! Oh, oh..." Shi Di muttered in embarrassment, "The bill signed with the elves, so..."

"There is no way to violate it." Song Mingyuan said with a sigh, "The Federation has set up inspectors here. Once we are found to have violated the agreement, it will affect our membership of Star Trade."

"Our High Sky Plains star region is a mining planet after all, and the export of ore to the Federation Star Trade Organization accounts for an absolute majority of our foreign exchange income, so we must abide by the elves' regulations, otherwise it will seriously affect the national economy, and the income will drop precipitously, and the people will die. Falling into dire straits..."

"Forget it." Shi Di interrupted him helplessly, trying to find something to cover up his embarrassment, and suddenly looked outside the box, his eyes lit up:
"Is that Tsukimiya Suzuna?"

"Yes." Song Mingyuan glanced out of the window, and quickly remembered that Shi Di admired Yue Gong's upright daughter, "Governor, do you want to meet her?"

"Yes." Shi Di smiled and nodded, "Ask her how she is doing recently."

(End of this chapter)

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