The Witch's Taste

Chapter 81 The Witch's Creed

Chapter 81 The Witch's Creed
At the wedding scene at this time, there were obviously two hot spots.

One of them was Song Mingyuan, who was chatting and laughing with everyone with a wine glass.Through Yuegong Suzuna's science popularization, Chen Ziang also knew that those around him were almost all big bosses.

The other one was Qin Senhe, who was pulling his son Qin Song to toast the nearby guests.

Compared with the quality of the guests around Song Mingyuan, the quality around Qin Senhe is obviously not high enough... In the words of Yuegong Lingnai, it is actually a microcosm of the current situation of the Qin family and the Song family.

The ancestors of the Song family and the Qin family were first imperial adjutants who followed the first governor Shi Zhiqing.The Song family is in charge of the fleet command, while the Qin family is in charge of leading the planetary commando.

After pacifying Gaotianyuan planet, Shi Zhiqing officially took office as the governor of the star region and became a vassal. However, he didn't have many people available, so besides the Shi family's own talents, he also promoted a large number of people from the Song family and the Qin family.

The division between the two families has also been formed since then: the Song family began to shift to the administrative direction, while the Qin family still chose to take root in the military.

Leaving aside the largest Shi family, the Qin family was far more powerful than the Song family during Shi Zhiqing's military management era; but when Shi Jintang began peaceful reforms, the Song family's strength began to rise rapidly, and Song Mingyuan had completely overtaken the Qin family. , became Gao Tianyuan's second bureaucratic clan.

The reason why the Qin family chose to bet on the rookie congressman Qin Senhe was actually a sign of weakness... Song Mingyuan stayed in the position of the confidential secretary of the star area, and it would be useless to take the civil servant route.He has already reached the finish line, do you still want to overtake him?Your promotion is in the hands of others!
It can only develop towards the line of parliamentarians.

Of course, none of these had anything to do with the current Chen Ziang, but he still wrote them down one by one, planning to brag about them with Lu Yunfeng when he returned.

Old Lu, you know shitty politics, I'm the one who has seen big scenes, okay?
While he was still observing Song Mingyuan, he suddenly noticed that Yue Gong Ling Nai's eyes stopped in a certain direction.

Following her line of sight, Chen Ziang's heartbeat almost stopped suddenly:
That is……

He saw Meihui Xichuan, who was wearing the clothes of an aquarium attendant and holding a plate in her hand, quickly bypassed the guests blocking the way, and quickly approached Qin Senhe's position.

"Be careful!" Chen Ziang yelled, and subconsciously reached out to draw his gun from his waist.

Then I realized that I didn't bring a gun at all, not even a mandala sword.

His shout immediately attracted the attention of many guests.

Qin Song subconsciously turned his head, and then his head flew out first.

What beheaded him was a huge sickle made of black mist. After cutting off Qin Song's neck, it remained undiminished and plunged into Qin Senhe's chest next to him.

Before Qin Senhe even noticed his son's death, he felt a sudden chill in his chest—the cold damaged the nerves near the wound. He didn't feel any pain. Satire:

"You can't even save your son's life. Do you still want to protect the beast?"

These were the last words he heard before he was alive, because Qin Senhe's body quickly became cold, and all the heat was greedily absorbed by the black mist sickle.

His skin and flesh shriveled, his blood froze into ice, his bones decayed and decayed, and all life was wiped out in an instant.

The guests fled in all directions like a frightened flock of sheep. Xi Chuan Meihui raised her head with a sneer, and saw the huge tentacles slamming down on her head.

The touch of the abyss, the power of the whip is extremely amazing, and it can appear in any position flexibly. The only problem is that it takes a little time to get out of the hole in the space.

Otherwise, if they were quicker, Qin Senhe and his son could be saved.

Xi Chuan Meihui stepped back half a step, and raised the black fog sickle in her hand again.

While waving the sickle, ripples like water mist were pulled out, and countless tiny ice crystals floated away with the wind—obviously, the power held by the witch Mie Nishikawa was related to elements such as "death" and "cold".

During the violent impact, the black mist and mucus exploded and splashed at the same time, and Mie Nishikawa retreated again, but she didn't know whether it was a tactical distance, or was knocked out by the force of the tentacle.

Immediately afterwards, a flower of blood suddenly pulled out from her throat.

From the shadow behind her, a black shadow holding a sword suddenly emerged. The speed of that shadow was so fast that the moment he appeared and stood still, he stabbed the blade out, tearing open Xi Chuan Meihui's throat.

If it were an ordinary person, after this fatal injury, he would immediately lose his ability to move.

But Xi Chuan Meihui just grabbed her throat with her left hand, as if she wanted to pinch the wound, and threw the black mist sickle with her right hand, which was in Chen Ziang's direction.

She has long understood that even if she kills all the guests, Yuegong Lingna will not frown, but as long as she attacks her man, she will definitely do her best to save him.

Sure enough, the shadow warrior who had blocked her way collapsed like water in an instant, and reappeared in the shadow under Chen Ziang's feet, trying to block the blow for him.

But faster than the shadow warrior is a huge and bloated tentacle.

The bloated touch looks like an oversized touch of the abyss, but it is actually something completely different.

The Tentacle of Netherworld, which was slashed by the black mist sickle before, had nearly half its diameter cut open, making it impossible to continue attacking. Therefore, Chen Ziang decisively canceled the summoning and sent the injured tentacle back to the Kingdom of God.

It's not that the god Suhu is inferior to the king of ghouls, but that Chen Ziang doesn't have enough power and the tentacles he summons are too weak.

However, it was also hit by the black mist sickle head-on, but the bloated touch took the blow head-on.

In Chen Ziang's spiritual perception, a strange power spread along the cut wound, like a nomad who went deep into the hinterland of civilization, frantically plundering and killing everything he could touch.

Then came great resistance.

The reproductive ability of the bloated touch——Chen Ziang couldn't be sure whether it counted as reproduction. In short, countless granulation sprouts quickly grew from the cut wound. Their growth and reproduction speed even surpassed the power of death, and they were quickly eliminated abruptly. clean.

Immediately afterwards, the out-of-control crazily growing granulation once again proliferated another thick branched tentacles, engulfing the figure of Xi Chuan Meihui like a roaring dragon, blasting her directly into Dolphin Bay.

Chen Ziang failed to confirm the life and death of Xi Chuan Meihui, but soon realized that he must cancel the call of the bloated touch immediately.

Because there is not only one branch tentacle.

Even though Chen Ziang didn't use his consciousness to direct, the bloated touch had already stretched out uncontrollably growing tentacles in other be exact, all the surrounding directions.

This thing probably doesn't have the concept of "friendly target" and "hostile target", so Chen Ziang can only send it back to Tentacle Kingdom before it devours other guests.

At this time, Meihui Xichuan had fallen into the lake, her life and death were unknown, and the scene was completely chaotic and out of control, with fleeing crowd everywhere.

Chen Ziang quickly came to Qin Senhe's side to check the situation of the father and son.

It's a pity that both of them are dead and can't die anymore.Qin Song is due to the separation of the skull and trunk, while Qin Senhe seems to have suffered from severe hypothermia... But there is no doubt that neither of them can be saved.

"How is it?" Tsukimiya Suzuna quickly came to his side, looked at the two corpses on the ground, "Well, it's over."

"What, what should we do?" Song Xi followed cautiously, holding Yuegong Lingnai's arm tightly, "Us, do we want to report the crime?"

"Mimi, we are security officers." Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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