Chapter 90
The news that Bachang Yongjian and Mashima Masami had left quickly spread in the staff cafeteria at noon.

At noon on Monday, it was supposed to be the time when the social animals were the most numb, tired, and unmotivated, but this news seemed to be a booster mixed with blood, and everyone was so excited that they couldn't stop discussing.

Chen Ziang and Yue Gong Ling Nai, who had returned, sat down at the table with a plate, only to hear Ling Nai ask:

"So, I heard that the new leader is very ruthless, is it true? Baba and Mashima are gone together?"

"Actually, there is Takahashi-kunsuke." Chen Ziang nodded.

"Wow, good job." Suzuna Yuegong curled her lips, "I leave the work to you all day long, and I hate you when I see the racecourse, but I don't dare to protect you, and I'm worried that I will hate you when I'm invited back. , so he is stumbling behind in a dark way... I don't like this person, so it's fine to leave."

Chen Ziang: ...

"So you also know?" He asked in astonishment, "Suzuna, why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, maybe it's because I'm not a good girl who likes to speak ill of others?" Tsukimiya Suzuna said with a smile.

Chen Ziang took a bite of the steaming fried pork chop and said:

"But the new leader is indeed very powerful. Did you know that she already has a way to catch Meihui Xichuan."

After repeating Xia Qingyu's method, Yue Gong Ling Nai sneered and said:

"What is this, if everyone can't figure it out? A trap is set in the downtown area, and innocent people are killed or injured. Is it Mie Nishikawa or the designer? To put it bluntly, it is inconvenient for everyone to say okay, really How smart do you think you are?"

Chen Ziang: ……………

"Suzuna." He asked cautiously, "Do you have any problems with this new leader...?"

"No." Tsukimiya Suzuna showed surprise, and explained, "I just don't like leaders who are too tough, such as leaving the job without handing in the sealed item, or letting people get out of the job after meeting."

"Well, I'm fine." Chen Ziang nodded and said, "After all, it was Bachang Yongjian who got out, and the biggest contribution he can make to the Public Security Department is getting out."

"Indeed." Tsukimiya Suzuna echoed, "So what's the name of this new leader?"

"Xia Qingyu." Chen Ziang replied.

"Sorry, what did you say?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked with a smile.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Chen Zi'ang read the uncontrollable murderous aura from her smile.

"Xia Qingyu."

"Is it the fish from 'Sakana'?"

"No, it's Yu who's flaws don't conceal her beauty."

"Yeah." Tsukimiya Suzuna put down the spoon for drinking miso soup, "I take back what I said before."


"'No'." Suzuna Tsukimiya put back her smile, "I hate this name."

"But this is the leader's name." Chen Ziang said in surprise, "Although she...I won't tell others, I just want to tell you that although she has a vicious tongue, meanness, and arrogance, she always puts on a high air, But after all, he is our future leader, and...he helped us drive away from the racecourse."

"There's no need for her to make a fuss, the racecourse would have left." Tsukimiya Suzuna said coldly.

"How did you leave?" Chen Ziang asked puzzled.

"In the literal sense...forget it, let's not talk about it." Tsukimiya Suzuna pushed the plate away and stood up.

"Lingnai, what are you going to do?" Chen Ziang asked in astonishment.

"Go and meet our new leader." Tsukimiya Suzuna once again showed a brilliant smirk.

It's nice to watch, but... kind of creepy?

Deep underground, a large information base.

Xia Qingyu was sitting on an office chair, taking a nap wearing a blindfold.

Piles of paper materials that have been flipped through are placed on the desk next to them, like a hill.

Suddenly she pulled down the blindfold and opened her eyes, just in time to see Tsukimiya Suzuna pushing the door in.

"What's the matter?" Xia Qingyu asked coldly.

"Yes, I have a question." Yue Gong Suzuna asked with a smile, "Xia Qingyu, why are you here?"

"Speak human." Xia Qingyu said coldly.

"What I mean is." Tsukimiya Suzuna smiled unchanged, "Shouldn't you carry out a massacre in the capital of God at this time?"

"Who do you think I am?" Xia Qingyu said arrogantly, "Or are you dazzled by those memories you shouldn't have?"

"What is a memory that shouldn't be there?" Tsukimiya Suzuna asked.

"Do you naively think that you have traveled back to the past from the future?" Xia Qingyu sneered and asked, "You should know that any form of time travel will inevitably attract the pursuit of time hounds."

"Of course I know about Time Hounds." Tsukimiya Suzuna's smile quickly faded from her face, turning into a deep, terrifying indifference and cruelty, "But even memories from parallel universes still belong to me."

"From the time I formed memories, they have been a part of my consciousness. Is there any reason for me not to believe them, and why...don't hate you?"

"Hate me?" Xia Qingyu smiled disdainfully, "What did I do to make you hate me so much?"

"Is it because in your memory, I didn't play the role of the savior well and let you take on that stupid responsibility, or is it because you think I didn't..."

Having said this, Xia Qingyu's voice suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, keep talking?" Tsukimiya Suzuna stared at her and said quietly, "The nails have grown back, doesn't it make you very happy?"

Under her feet, the creeping shadows began to spread in all directions.

These shadows sealed the door, climbed up the bookshelf, and spread unscrupulously along the wall, as if to completely turn this place into a spooky ghost.

"I understand." Xia Qingyu got up from the work chair and commented in a cold and arrogant tone as if condescending, "People who have no ability always like to vent their anger on those who can make choices, and put their failures on the table. Blame it on the mistakes they made."

"You actually admit that it was a mistake?" Tsukimiya Suzuna showed a vicious smile, "I thought you would grit your teeth and never repent."

" doesn't matter, Xia Qingyu."

The shadow finally completely sealed the entire room, and all light sources disappeared, leaving only deep and menacing darkness.

"Because you are going to die here today."


In the staff cafeteria, Chen Ziang finished his pork chop rice, looked at Yuegong Suzuna's untouched plate, and frowned in surprise.

The girl said she was going to meet the new leader. Why did she go for so long?Don't even eat rice?

He decided to go and see for clues.

Leaving the cafeteria and taking the elevator to the intelligence team, Chen Ziang was surprised to find that no one was guarding the front desk.

Well, maybe it's all off to lunch.

Arriving at the door of the big information warehouse, Chen Ziang knocked on the door.

"anyone there?"

There was silence behind the door, not even any echo.

"Is anyone there?" Chen Ziang knocked on the door again to confirm.

After a while, Tsukimiya Suzuna's voice suddenly sounded:

"What's the matter, senior? Am I chatting with the new leader?"

"Oh, it's fine." Chen Ziang replied, "I'll come over to check on the situation."

Xia Qingyu's voice came from behind the door again:
"If it's okay, you can leave."

"Okay." Chen Ziang replied, just turned around, but felt something was wrong.

With Xia Qingyu's character, even if she asked me to leave, she should have said coldly, "Why don't you go", "Do you want to be a watchdog", or "Get lost", why would you say "It's okay" and "You can leave" These hypothetical polite statements?

With the previous experience of being assassinated by Xichuan Meihui in Lingyi Town, Chen Ziang was also a little worried, and knocked on the door again and said:

"By the way, I have something to report about the afternoon meeting..."

Before he finished speaking, the door was pushed open, as if someone had turned the doorknob behind him.

Xia Qingyu sat on the work chair with an expressionless face, like a sculpture; Yuegong Suzuna leaned against the wall next to her, her expression seemed a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" Xia Qingyu asked indifferently.

"The meeting in the afternoon, you said it was two o'clock, but you didn't say which meeting room it was in." Chen Ziang said quickly.

"Just make arrangements for you." Xia Qingyu said impatiently, "Now, get out with Yuegong and don't disturb my work anymore!"

"Let's go." Chen Ziang said that Ling Nai had indeed clashed with the new leader again, and quickly gave her a wink.

Yuegong Lingna seemed a little reluctant, but under the urging of Chen Ziang's eyes, she still followed him and left.

After the door was closed, Xia Qingyu was silent for a moment, and then slowly opened her coat.

The blood-soaked abdominal cavity with most of the internal organs destroyed was exposed.

She stretched out the five fingers of her right hand and pressed them on the large wound in the abdominal cavity. She gasped, clenched her teeth, and bent down her four fingers with difficulty, as if she was holding something that didn't exist, and then pulled it out forcefully.

The intact flat abdomen was re-exposed, as if it had never been injured.

(End of this chapter)

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