The Witch's Taste

Chapter 99 The One Who Knows You Best Is Your Enemy

Chapter 99 The One Who Knows You Best Is Your Enemy

Contrary to Chen Ziang's expectation, the relationship between these two people is not too complicated.

When working in Ashiya Yu's detective agency, Kazuto was out of character and freewheeling, everyone treated him like a child and didn't care too much about him.

Only Ye Ying Qianqiu can treat him like an ordinary friend because of his easy-going temper, and Kazuto is not a very insensitive person, so gradually he has a good impression of Ye Ying Qianqiu.

The follow-up is the story of "I treat you as a younger brother, please don't bother me".

"Can't we just have a showdown with him and make it clear?" Tsukimiya Suzuna suggested.

"Not very good." Ye Ying Qianqiu shook her head, "If he confesses directly, I will definitely make it clear."

"But Kazuto is just a child, and he doesn't even have the courage to confess. I can't just expose him directly. That would be too rude. But no matter what he says, he is so attentive..."

"Is there a possibility that he is actually pretending?" Suzuna Tsukimiya speculated, "He knows that you will directly reject the confession, so he adopts the sausage-cutting tactic and slowly invades the boundary of your heart defense?"

"Well, if you say that, it's not impossible..."

The two girls were whispering, and Chen Ziang suddenly felt as if he had been hit by an arrow for no reason. He lost the interest in listening for a while, and just returned to his station to continue working.

"Come here." Xia Qingyu flicked him in the chat window.

Chen Ziang got up and left, came to the leader's office, knocked on the door and went in, and saw the leader meditating in front of the computer.

Today's Xia Qingyu is still dressed as a working woman in a white shirt, skirt and black stockings. Her legs are elegantly intertwined and turned up. The high heels on her feet have been replaced by sneakers. She is completely different from Tsukimiya Suzuna who wears a set of clothes every day. .

Black silk with sneakers is a bit strange, but people with a good figure really look good with any shoes-so when can you change your mouth?
"Chen Ziang." Xia Qingyu stared at the screen and said suddenly, "Are you going to start working after watching enough?"

"Sorry." Chen Ziang quickly argued, "I was thinking about something just now, I'm sorry."

Xia Qingyu didn't bother to expose him, so she just said:

"Look at the information."

Chen Ziang took the paper document and read it carefully.

The first page of the document recorded the homicide that happened a month ago.

A pet food video host with [-] followers was murdered in his apartment in Sanhe District.

From the analysis of motive and modus operandi, the murderer is highly suspected to be Mie Nishikawa.

Looking down, what follows is not a description of the case, but a series of time nodes.

This video host is doing pet eating and broadcasting, that is, cooking all kinds of expensive food and then feeding them to pet dogs.

This kind of video content is a niche on the platform, and the speed of fan growth itself is not fast, but after a certain point of time, there is an explosive growth.

Looking further down, it turned out that it caused a public opinion crisis: some people thought that the dog was fed too well, and they were banned by the video owner after leaving a message in the comment area, which caused a small-scale scolding war and public opinion turmoil.

The increase in fans also started at this time, and the number of views exceeded [-] after three days.But the video owner obviously didn't have time to be happy for a long time, because seven days later, the catastrophe of death ushered in.

Chen Ziang looked at the second document, which was also another murder case.

A caring mother who lives in Niiguo District made a stray dog ​​feeder outside her yard. As long as the dog goes over and presses the button, dog food will fall in the bamboo tube.

The date of her killing is Saturday, and the first line of the time node below is marked: This caring mother was interviewed by the news last month.

Videos of serious news interviews are obviously not very popular on short video platforms. It was not until the Wednesday of the week she was killed that the number of views reached [-].

"So." Chen Ziang said thoughtfully, "Appearing in a video with [-] views is the key condition for being killed by Xi Chuan Meihui?"

"The pushing rules of the short video platform." Xia Qingyu said indifferently, "First promote it to a small number of 'test groups'. If the playback volume meets the requirements, it will be further pushed to the 'label group'."

"According to the data, Mie Nishikawa must have an account on this short video platform, and she is watching similar short videos intensively every day. Her account is recognized by the platform as a user with the tag 'Loving Cute Pets', so whenever the number of views is There are [-] cute pet videos with a high probability of being pushed to her."

"Awesome!" Chen Ziang said with admiration, "From a series of murder cases, we can find the common point of 'the victims have all been on short videos', and then come to the information that 'Xichuan Meihui is using short videos'... a wonderful idea , why didn't I think of it?"

"Because of your evolutionary path, you still have a long way to go." Xia Qingyu said with a straight face, "This Thursday is the death day of Governor Shi Jintang. In the Gaotianyuan Historical Memorial Hall, it is expected to hold a 'Remembrance of Mr. Shi Jintang' ' festival."

"Speaking of this." Chen Ziang said hesitantly, "I checked after I went back, and I didn't find this activity on the official website and account of the Historical Memorial Museum."

"Because we organized this event." Xia Qingyu said with a sneer, "If the historical memorial hall is really to be held, at least one month in advance of preheating publicity, and Nishikawa Meihui will definitely stop it in advance, how do you estimate when she will hold it destroy?"

"It's really hard to figure it out." Chen Ziang admitted, "Even if it's a video with [-] views, first of all, I can't confirm whether it can be pushed to her account, and second, I don't know that she will take action in a few days."

He thought for a moment again, and suddenly realized:
"If it is held on the same day and the publicity is only carried out on the same day, then Mie Nishikawa has no choice. If she wants to sabotage this operation, she can only choose to appear at the event site on the same day!"

"With your intelligence, can you only think of this?" Xia Qingyu said disappointedly.

Chen Ziang:?

"Is there something wrong with my guess?" He asked with a puzzled expression.

"You can't understand even if I explain to you." Xia Qingyu waved her hand and said, "Go out. There is a tough battle to be fought this Thursday. If you die there without sufficient preparation, I will have to split your ashes in two. .”

So why split it in two...forget it.

Chen Ziang was about to leave when Xia Qingyu said behind him:

"Let Izumo take you to practice swords in the afternoon, hurry up."

Back at the work station, I saw Tsukimiya Suzuna eating a bag of melon seeds, and the morning drama was on the screen... Hey, Suzuna, it's working time!
"What's the matter?" Yue Gong Suzuna said indifferently, "Anyway, there is no case to attend, and no materials to write."

"There is a tough battle to be fought this Thursday." Chen Ziang reminded her.

"What tough battle?"

"That's what I told you last time..."

After explaining Xia Qingyu's account in detail, Yuegong Lingna frowned:
"Since it was the ambushes of Xichuan Meihui, then this battle must be very dangerous."

"Senior, we have to be prepared."

This statement is exactly the same as Xia Qingyu's exhortation, but the way of expressing it is completely different.

Chen Ziang felt a little strange, because the relationship between Yuegong Suzuna and Xia Qingyu was very bad, and they even directly pissed her off in the meeting, but they were surprisingly consistent in certain things.

(End of this chapter)

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