late at night

Chapter 12 Justice League

Chapter 12 Justice League
Li Qing complained silently in his heart: Yesterday he said that I was rubbish, but today I was selected as one in ten million warriors!
"System, how do warriors practice? What superpowers do I have? How can I solve my poverty problem? Should I continue to fight against poverty or go out to deceive? Can the burn be cured? Does the system manage work assignments? Can the system introduce me to a girlfriend? Just do it..."

Then the system disappeared as if it had never appeared before, making Li Qing feel as if he had entered an illusion again.

"Useless system! Useless!" Li Qing experimented with his body, but there was no change, no difference from usual.

Li Qing is very sick. After the system awakens the warrior, is it of no use?

. . .

101 Special Operations Team.Stone City Headquarters.

Li Kaitai held a small notebook, stood on the podium, and faced the only audience in the audience: Aruna Andai explained his learning experience and assigned tasks during the meeting just now.

"In the past few days, there have been many things. Let me make a long story short. Here are the main points! The evil alliance colluded with the Overseas Freedom Covenant to launch a large-scale attack on our Justice League. All the light messengers suspended work and lived in the office. To prevent the enemy from sneaking attacks. The second is , expand the establishment, and absorb wild night walkers."

"It's over?" Aruna asked.

"The main content is these. Elder Sun specially instructed that our first team needs to expand to prepare for the next possible war with the evil alliance." Li Kaitai continued: "The goal is to have ten light messengers in the first team. Now I am at home Some of them have to return to the headquarters to work. Because the task may be very urgent and manpower is urgently needed. The direct assignment of our team is to concentrate our forces and eliminate all evil forces in Shicheng."

"It's good if we don't get wiped out by others. Daoist Lord was so hung up at the beginning, and the headquarters still counted on us as a few small shrimps. It's really interesting!" Aruna had no hope of eliminating the evil forces in Shicheng.It would be an accident to count on these wonderful captains of 101 not to be wiped out by the group!

"Don't be discouraged." Li Kaitai comforted. "In another moment, you will go to Lianshan Town, and there is something weird down there. You need to deal with it. Also, the last place where the kid disappeared is also near Lianshan Town. According to reliable sources, the Princess Toudaoshan attacked Yu last night. Lord God Horse!"

"Why don't you go?" Aruna asked dissatisfied: "The Lord Toudaoshan was still in Lianshan Town last night. I go by myself. Is it different from sending him to death?"

"There will be no danger. Elder Sun and the other two elders have already gone to round up the head of Toudaoshan County. You can go at ease." Li Kaitai helped his sunglasses, "I have more important tasks. The captain is going to get those few A living treasure team member, please go back to Stone City..."

. . .

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, at the request of the second uncle, Li Qing accompanied Fugui to add some soil to the grave of the third uncle.To be honest, the relationship between Li Qing and his third uncle was very ordinary, especially after his father disappeared, they basically didn't move around.But the third uncle has already returned to his hometown, and many things have passed away with the wind.

On the way back, Li Qing was stopped by several comrades from the Public Security Department.The leader among them was the comrade who received Li Qing's report yesterday morning.

The security officer cut to the chase: "Li Qing, right? Come with us. Someone wants to see you."

"Who wants to see me? What's the matter?" Li Qing asked suspiciously. "I withdrew the case yesterday. I think I'm unlucky, okay?"

The second uncle on the side quickly greeted him with a smile, and apologized: "Several comrades, smoke a cigarette. My nephew is young and ignorant. Please forgive me if I cause trouble to you. His family is difficult, but his nature good……"

"No smoking. We have discipline. Li Qing, let's go. Don't ask anything, and I don't know. I also follow orders. We have to tell you: be sure to bring it. So, don't make things difficult for me!"

"Okay." Li Qing knew he couldn't be tough at this time.If comrades from the Public Security Bureau invite you to drink tea, no one will be hard-pressed.

Looking at the security guard's high-end and elegant m8 commercial vehicle, Li Qing not only sighed: I'm sorry!Yesterday it was still a small eDonkey, but today it has changed from a shotgun to a luxury business car. The grade indicates its status, so the status of those who want to see him is a bit high.

Li Qing comforted the second uncle a few words, followed the security guards into the car and left.

However, the car did not drive to the Lianshan Town Public Security Department, but headed south all the way.

The atmosphere in the car was very oppressive, Li Qing had Zhang San on the left and Li Si on the right.He wanted to speak but didn't dare to open his mouth for fear of capsizing.

Fortunately, Chang'an was peaceful along the way, and several comrades from the Public Security Department did not make things difficult for Li Qing.After about an hour, the car stopped.

"Okay. Get out of the car!" The security officer said: "Those who want to find you, tell us to send you here."

Li Qing glanced through the car window: Summer Resort!I was puzzled but didn't dare to ask, so I had to get out of the car obediently.

Looking at the security guard who turned his head and left, Li Qing had the feeling that he had been tricked into northern Myanmar!This season, the weather is not very hot yet, and there are no tourists in the summer resort, just like the wilderness.

Feeling uneasy, Li Qing called out cautiously: "Which great god is looking for me?"

"Me." Came a cold voice.

Such a familiar voice, as if I heard it somewhere.Li Qing looked up, and it was the woman who had saved him in the illusion that day walking towards him.The same western cowboy outfit, with the sniper rifle on his back.Holding a parasol in his hand.

"It's you. Are you hot?" Li Qing chuckled.

Seeing Li Qing's charming smile, Aruna felt an indescribable nausea in her heart. "Little punk!"

"What is my sister looking for? You don't miss me!"

"Shut up your laughing laughter. I'm not afraid of heat, but the strong ultraviolet rays affect my skin." Aruna said, "I'm looking for you to understand a few small things. After you understand, you can go away."

"Okay. You are good-looking, and you are right. Ask any question, and I will answer everything."

"Well, be serious." Aruna said seriously: "The fact that you were selected by the system has now been announced by the system. I was the first person to find you. You have a few choices, join us, or join the evil alliance."

"Who are you?" Li Qing asked.

"The Justice League. It symbolizes light and justice. It is an official organization recognized by the government. The Evil League is an illegal cult. Of course, you also have a third choice, joining a small organization or sect." Aruna said coldly.After all, for her, recruiting a wild night walker was all about fate, and although she didn't dislike Li Qing, she didn't have a good impression.

"Before answering your question, can I ask a few questions of concern?" Li Qing had many doubts that he hadn't resolved.


"What is the system? What is a night walker?"

"The system is like an app for a certain group of people. It selects some people with special talents every year according to its own ideas. The people who are selected are the late night walkers. Then cultivate them. Let their talents become stronger and stronger. Similar to ancient cultivators, you were chosen, which means you have spiritual roots. That’s what it means. Can you understand it?”

"I understand. How does the system train them?" Li Qing asked the second question.

"Well, it seems that your book is not in vain. You still have the ability to understand." Aruna relaxed a little, and continued to answer: "Cultivation is also very simple. Survival of the fittest, savage growth. To put it simply, you need to kill each other , to achieve the purpose of upgrading."

"Damn!" Li Qing's head was filled with a series of nima national quintessence. "Are you going to kill me to upgrade?"

"The system has its own rules for upgrading. For example, if you want to upgrade now, you need to kill ten people who were just selected by the system. Only then can you be promoted to the first level. The system will replace the ten people you killed All of the accumulated experience will be given to you. Suppose there is a same night walker who killed nine people. When he assassinated you, you killed him with a backhand. His experience is also given to you. In this way, you can directly upgrade to a level."

"Similarly, this is suitable for all upgrade processes. I am now at level [-], and I need to kill three late night walkers who are also at level [-] before I can rise to level [-]. Also, if you leapfrog and slaughter lower-level people, you will lose experience. It depends on the specific situation Specific analysis. For example, suppose you are level [-], and I kill you. If you cross two levels, I need to kill four levels [-] again. Assuming that level [-] wants to kill you, you need to kill nine of the same level [-] .”

"So in general, it is rare for a high-level kill to a low-level situation. Except for participating in activities designated by the system."

Aruna explained.

Li Qing thought for a while: "It's similar to the novice protection mechanism."

Aruna's eyes lit up, she nodded, "Young children can be taught."

"However, I think that you must have a way to avoid being relegated. Otherwise, the streets will be full of superpowers." Li Qing guessed.

"Yes. There are many ways to avoid relegation. For example, do good deeds, donate money, and show love. This is a way. There is also a group to kill. The more people involved, the smaller the loss. Then wait until the time of the system task or event, and kill it."

"Understood. Although there are still a lot of things that are not particularly clear, I generally understand. May I ask why the system organizes activities? What kind of activities are organized." Li Qing continued to ask.

"The system organizes upgrade activities. Because of the usual protection mechanism, most of the time, all late-night walkers are very cautious. They rarely fight or kill. As you said, everyone is low-level, and the more people in the system The more, the more difficult it seems to be to operate. It will regularly organize activities to lift this restriction and achieve the desired purpose of the system." Aruna explained.

"I'm done asking. What are the benefits of joining you, and what are the disadvantages of not joining you." Li Qing finally asked, "I want to weigh it."

"Information sharing. Relatively protect your safety. The downside is that if you don't join us, the evil alliance may develop you into an offline, or eliminate you and make you a fertilizer." Aruna answered frankly.

"Is there any salary?" Li Qing was actually more concerned about income. "Joining you, you must also work."

"Yes. The probationary period of your level is [-] yuan a month, and three months to become a regular. There will be higher treatment for becoming a regular! But few people live to become a regular..."

"Okay. I'll join!" Li Qing expressed that he likes this challenging job very much. "Can you advance the wages in advance? I'm in some trouble physically and I need medical treatment."

"Hehe. The guy who wants money but doesn't care about life!" Aruna narrowed her eyes and said with a smile: "You are welcome to join."

(End of this chapter)

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