late at night

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
There are a total of six executive officers in the Yanzhao area of ​​the Justice League, and three executive elders of the Special Operations Team.According to the regulations of the system, they are divided into the first to sixth executive officers.The three elders of the special operations team are Elder Sun, Elder Xie, and Elder Wei.

An Tai was the latest to be promoted among the six executives, so he was the sixth executive.However, among the six executive officers, except for the number one executive officer who has absolute power, the other executive officers perform their duties.Handle government affairs, diplomacy, finance, logistics, recruitment, and operations separately.

Aetna executive, in charge of special operations.

Li Kaitai carefully picked up the phone, and after an hour of deliberation, he finally sent an official message to Antai executive: "Hello, Antai executive, I am your cousin Boerjijin Aruna. Captain of An Dai. There is a particularly important matter today, so I have to take the liberty of bypassing Elder Sun and report directly to you. Recently, the team has carefully studied and understood the content of the speech of the 101 Special Operations Team the day before yesterday, and was deeply inspired. We held meetings overnight, repeatedly learned from the painstaking efforts of the leaders, and according to the spirit of the leaders' meeting, we recruited a new member overnight. Expand the staffing of our team."

"And it's extremely lucky. This new member is an extremely rare profession...a warrior. The name of this warrior is Li Qing. This morning, Aruna conveyed to him the spirit of the leaders' meeting, He is required to work hard, work hard, and make persistent efforts to create the glory of the 101 Special Operations Team."

"He was very moved. It took only three hours, without sleep or food, to successfully rise to the first level. He became a first-level warrior! This created the record for the fastest level-up in our Justice League headquarters. As the captain of Li Qing , I am very comforted that this member can earnestly comprehend the spirit, earnestly perform the assigned tasks, and understand the painstaking efforts of the leaders! Unfortunately..."

Sent successfully!
Li Kaitai sighed, relieved!It is very difficult for the officialdom to understand the words.Writing a message feels like my body has been hollowed out!This captain is really not easy!
One, two, three... ten.

Antai's phone call came.

With trembling hands, Li Kaitai almost dropped the phone.It only took ten seconds to call back, which shows that Antai executives attach great importance to it, so this matter will be handled easily.At least he won't be punished for appealing by leapfrogging his superiors, and Li Qing's matter can basically be resolved!
"Hello, I am……"

"Don't gossip! Captain Li Kaitai!" A middle-aged man's calm and magnetic voice came from the other end of the phone: "I've read what you said. What happened to that new warrior named Li Qing?" ?”

"Yes. He was detained by the Lianshan Town Public Security Department!" Li Kaitai answered briefly.

"I'll deal with it. In addition, Captain Li said that Li Qing was promoted to the first-level warrior in three hours? It sounds like a lot of bragging. Don't exaggerate! Also, ordinary warriors will gather at the foot of the emperor in the capital. The mountain town should be in another province. There has never been a warrior in decades, how could a warrior appear out of nowhere?" An Tai asked methodically.

"This is absolutely true. Li Qing was indeed promoted in three hours. As for why he is a warrior, I don't know."

"Yes. Got it. I will deal with the issue of his being detained." An Tai said calmly: "Captain Li worked hard day and night for 101, and I heard that recently he also worked hard to save several 30-year-olds who stumbled... what kind of hard work. It's hard work." !"

Li Kaitai shook his hand holding the phone, and threw the phone away in fright!The fact that he went out to take care of a woman by himself spread to the leader's ears so quickly!This is a matter of style of life.He hurriedly picked up the phone again: "Executive Antai, I was wrong. I'll cut my roots later!"

"No. You just need to be careful. You have recruited a talented warrior, which is a great achievement! I will submit it to the headquarters and give you a second-class merit!"

"Thank you for the cultivation of Antai executive! Old Li, I am willing to be a leader in the future, and I will die. I will fight for the leader with my death, so that Qianqiu will look up to his name..."

Antai frowned, and said with a sneer, "If you don't know how to flatter, don't learn from it. You must have been taught by that piece of shit, Aruna!"

What Li Kaitai said was indeed taught by Aruna.Aruna said that the cousin of the executive officer loves to be flattered the most, and likes to be flattered by others, welcome!Why does it feel like being photographed on a horse's hoof?
"Leader Antai, there is one more thing. In the past, when new warriors were received from various places, they would be sent to the Land of Absolute Beginning in the capital. Look at this time..." Li Kaitai asked a little embarrassed.

Because all regions have signed paper agreements with the Land of Absolute Beginning, newly promoted warriors from all regions must be sent for key training.

"I'll take care of it. It's fine if Li Qing doesn't want to go to the Land of Absolute Beginning." Antai smiled contemptuously: "I know we signed an agreement with the Land of Absolute Beginning. But the point of the agreement is that I am voluntary. The group of guys from the land of the beginning of the past few years are very uncooperative and arrogant!"

"So, this time we have to give them some color. We can't just accommodate them!"

Li Kaitai deserves to be an old fritter, and immediately asked: "Leader, please give instructions!"

"Money can turn ghosts around!" An Tai said calmly:

"Immediately become a full-time member! Sign a contract with liquidated damages attached! And show him affection and reason! I hope you won't let me down!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Li Kaitai said respectfully to the air.

. . .

Near noon.

Li Qing had already been untied of the small bracelet, and was invited to the living room on the fourth floor of the Public Security Department.

He crossed his legs and looked at the various fruits, dried fruits and a pot of Pu'er tea on the table.Beside her was a clean and beautiful female security officer serving tea and water.

This treatment, Li Qing tsk tsk!It seems that the Director has been strongly criticized by his superiors.

"I just had a misunderstanding! I also acted according to the rules! Please don't take offense!" The old director smiled apologetically.

"Oh, it's a trivial matter!" Li Qing took a sip of tea and ate a banana. "Comfortable!"


"By the way, I don't know the director's name, Gao!" Li Qing asked.

"My lord, Zhao Changhe!" The old director replied.

"Well, Xiao Zhao..."

Zhao Changhe: . . .

The female security officer looked at Li Qing in surprise...

Li Qing didn't care about it: "Xiao Zhao, I found out the traitors from your Public Security Department. But we always need to keep things secret! Now immediately destroy all the surveillance videos just now."

The video must be destroyed, otherwise, if someone tracks it down in the future, that weird girl will be a big suspect.If others help themselves, they must not harm others!

"Okay, okay!" Zhao Changhe nodded awkwardly.

"Do it now!" Li Qing knew that the director must be asked to accompany him by his superiors, so now he can definitely play tricks on others.

"Go ask someone to bring all the videos and backups of today, and delete them in front of this person!" Zhao Changhe ordered.

The female security officer ran out, and after a while, took the video and the backup, and deleted it completely in front of Li Qing.No trace is left.

Li Qing nodded.

"Xiao Zhao!"

"Say it!" Zhao Changhe felt a little bit off, but he couldn't attack it!
"The roads in our village are too broken, and the law and order are poor..."

"We will send people to the village to install warning surveillance at noon today! Install it for free in every household! Make sure that no evil mosquito can fly in! Regarding the road repair, I will ask the leader to solve it for you immediately!"

"My third uncle died yesterday..."

"Let's send someone to repair his grave right away! Build roads! I'll make no grass grow 50 meters away from his grave!" Zhao Changhe vowed.

"Uh." Li Qing scratched his head in embarrassment: "There is no grass in the 50 meters nearby, and you have to dig up my ancestral grave! I mean he has a daughter who is lonely..."

"I'll immediately introduce Zhang San, the most handsome, honest and promising security officer from the Public Security Department to her..."

Li Qing: Your awareness is quite high, but your IQ is lacking.

"Xiao Zhao!"

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange a job for her tomorrow, and she will become a regular directly! The salary is the same as mine! What do you think? How about promoting her directly after three months?" Zhao Changhe asked tentatively.

"Yeah." Li Qing nodded, "Don't exaggerate."


Li Qing wanted to say a few words, but suddenly the door was kicked open... Looking carefully, it turned out to be the glamorous beauty Aruna!

Li Qing was so frightened that he quickly stood up, walked over, and whispered, "Sister, why are you here? I'm bragging here..."

"I won't disturb you!" Aruna whispered, "I heard it outside the door just now. I'm a third-level walker!"

Li Qing's embarrassing old face flushed.

Aruna walked up to Zhao Changhe and handed out a document: "Man, I took it away. Captain Zhao enforced the law impartially, fair and just. It's Bao Qingtian from Lianshan Town! I hope you protect the people who should be protected! Immediately delete all files and information about Li Qing. A hypnotist will do all of this later. I hope you will cooperate well!"

"Understand, understand!" It was not the first time Zhao Changhe had experienced this kind of thing, and he knew the way very well.

"Your position will not change. But we have already won double salary for you!" Aruna said: "There is also a video of what happened just now, I want to take it away!"

Zhao Changhe was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Qing: Did you destroy the video?What the hell is she now.

"The video is broken!" Li Qing chuckled. "there is none left!"

"It's really timely! Who did it?" Aruna looked at Li Qing angrily.

"Temporary worker!" Li Qing chuckled.

"Okay." Aruna was also dumbfounded by Li Qing's words.

"Let's go! Back to the headquarters now!"

"I want to go home and have a look? Is that okay?" Li Qing asked tentatively.

(End of this chapter)

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