late at night

Chapter 23 Level 2 in a row

Chapter 23
Li Qing looked at the words: Inheritance of Incense, Power of All Living Beings, Flying Immortals, Eternal Eternity.

What does it mean?This should be left behind by Qingshui Dao Junlin before his death, but these words seem to have no necessary connection, Taoism may pay attention to a pun!Anyway, specifically to say some ambiguous things that normal people can't understand!Only then highlights their profundity!

I don't know how this Qingshui Taoist got into such a miserable situation, and was thrown in the cowshed!

It has also become a mummy, I don't know if it's because of my own cultivation or because of this coffin!

He said it was a coffin, because Li Qing just looked at his feet, and there was indeed a black cover, which was laid on the ground, and it should have been used for the cows and sheep to sleep in!
Li Qing smiled awkwardly. If he is lucky enough to meet the Taoists of Luofu Mountain in the future, tell them that your former Taoist Qingshui Taoist died in a foreign country, and his body was pulled out as straw to feed the cows... I don’t know if they will beat you up. I eat!
Li Qing thought that Daoist Qingshui's cultivation base was average, otherwise he wouldn't play himself to death, and he was still an angry youth!Little cynics of the Ming Dynasty!

But thinking about the history of Blue Star, there were many trolls in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that in the Ming Dynasty, there were more small trolls than the entire 5000 years!And most of what they learned was the culture of the Southern Song Dynasty before the Yuan Dynasty perished.

It was an era of rubbish, and all kinds of weird theories were born.Confucian orthodoxy was also destroyed in the Southern Song Dynasty.From the six virtues (wisdom, trust, sincerity, benevolence, righteousness, and loyalty), the six lines (filial piety, friendship, harmony, marriage, responsibilities, compassion), and the six arts (rituals, music, archery, imperialism, books, and numbers), directly give Castration has become... the strange idea that the king makes the ministers die, the ministers have to die, and the father makes the son die, and the son has to die!

This reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty!Love Daming if you have nothing to do, you are right!You are against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty, you are still right!The emperor's garbage can be said to be a natural disaster and man-made disaster, and the minister's garbage can be said to be the golden mean!General garbage can be said to be loyal and honest, army garbage can be said to be stable...

Li Qing thought about it and forgot it, Daming not only got a lot of trolls there, but now he also has a lot of trolls!
Didn't the group of scholar-bureaucrats shout every day: The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country!All kinds of memories, all kinds of heroes!
When Li Qing occasionally reads a book, he always wants to ask those trolls, what is there to praise about a feudal dynasty?Singing praises to Emperor Qin, Han, Wu, Tang, Zong and Song Zu, those emperors who can rewrite the history of the Great Rabbit Kingdom are worthy of praise.Are those who defend feudal rule worthy of praise?
Li Qing felt that it was not worth it. If it was worth it, the feudal dynasty would not have collapsed, and the Jiang family dynasty would not have collapsed.

The people are worthy of praise.

Li Qing shook his head, his mental state is not very good recently... He picked up the purple bead.

Suddenly, the bead turned into a cloud of gas and floated into Li Qing's mouth and nose. Immediately afterwards, Li Qing felt a puff of unimaginable prehistoric power emerge from his body!

That force quickly spread to every cell in his body, growing crazily... The pores all over Li Qing's body were excreting the impurities in his body.Li Qing felt as if he had entered a steamer, he was so hot that he was going to die!

After a while, Li Qing was wet all over, his whole body was covered with black oil stains and toxins in his body, as if this bead had forcibly expelled all harmful substances in his body.And it's crazy about remodeling cells!

Li Qing could visibly feel that all the burns on his body had healed, and the feeling of physical discomfort before was also gone.

Not only that, Li Qing found that he seems to have become handsome... the current self, if he cleans himself up, he will definitely become Wu Yanzu, the son of Lianshanbao!

"The system congratulates you, you have successfully upgraded to the second level!"

"The system congratulates you, you have successfully reached the third level!"

【Occupation introduction: Warriors are physically strong, and you will gain 140% of your potential.The vitality and self-healing power will also increase accordingly! 】

[Acquired skill: Prehistoric Starfall]

[By accumulating power for a long time, you can make your strongest punch! 】

Remark 1: The longer the charge time, the greater the power you get.

Remark 2: If you can live long enough, your power storage can also grow infinitely. Assuming that your power storage time is longer than the existence of the solar system, you can smash a solar system with one punch.

Remark 3: The action of force is mutual.You can knock your enemy away with one punch, or you can finish it off and fly yourself...

【Occupation introduction: Warriors are physically strong, and you will gain 160% of your potential.The vitality and self-healing power will also increase accordingly! 】

[Acquired skill: Surprised by the Great Gap]

【UI.As long as your fist gets faster and faster, your shadow can't catch up with you. 】

Remark 1: Not everything is faster.

Remark 2: It comes at a price.

. . .

After listening to the system report, Li Qing instantly felt that his fists were getting stronger and stronger!
These two skills are very powerful.

But I don't know what I look like now, the third-level warrior must be much stronger than the original self.

With a whoosh, Li Qing moved a step... so fast, what the hell is it to take a step out?

That strange girl in the morning disappeared in a whoosh...even the security guard who hadn't reached the first level, also disappeared in a whoosh!Why do I obviously feel that the speed is faster, and I only go out one step!
Li Qing tried again, but the result was still the same.The pace became faster, but the frequency did not change, it was still one step.

How about trying this black stone coffin?Li Qing held his breath, concentrated his energy for ten seconds, and then punched the coffin down with a bang!
The coffin did not move at all!

Li Qing bared his teeth in pain!Nima, my hand is broken...

Li Qing saw the white stubble on his wrist piercing his skin, it was very scary!The severe pain made Li Qing squat down in pain!

"What kind of rubbish system is this damn! It hurts me to death!"

Li Qing covered his severed hand with his left hand to prevent too much bleeding!But the feeling of pain to the top of the sky made Li Qing's tears fall down uncontrollably!
Boys don't cry easily!
Li Qing touched his tears!I was about to tear off a piece of cloth to wrap it, only to realize that I was wearing the clothes I changed at the Public Security Department in the morning.

I don't know how many bacteria are in the clothes worn by others!Or go home and change clothes, find a piece of gauze to wrap it up!
Damn, the system says I've become stronger, that's how it works!
Li Qing covered his hands, put the Taoist mind method in his arms, and left the house without looking back.

Do you want to visit that ancient well?

Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere: "Don't go to Gujing!"

Li Qing froze for a moment, who is talking?Remind me not to go to Gujing?Yes!What's the use of me going to the ancient well, that well has no water!

Li Qing thought about it, ever since he entered the backyard and saw the ancient well, he couldn't help but want to see it, although it wasn't too strong, but he always wanted to see the ancient well in his mind!
Why do you have such an idea!
Who reminded me just now?

"Who is talking?" Li Qing asked.

After a while, no one answered.

Li Qing just heard someone reminding him, but everything became quiet again, without a single sound!
But now he had given up on the idea of ​​going to the ancient well, trotted along the path, and returned to the front yard.

Princess Toudaoshan is slowly pacing back and forth in the yard, her gait is light, as if floating in the air, matching Zhao Qiangli's slender and tall figure, that back is really beautiful!
"Qiangli!" Li Qing shouted loudly.

Princess Toudaoshan turned her head, glanced at Li Qing, and frowned.After a while, he turned his head again, continued to look at Li Qing, waved his hand, and signaled him to go over.

Li Qing was unhappy: If he is not doing well, someone must be making him carry on! ! !

This woman who hurt herself and made herself carry forward with a heavy load actually let herself pass with a wave of her little hand!Could it be that you are calling for your little milk dog!

Li Qing cursed in his heart.

Afterwards, he trotted all the way and came to the head of Princess Toudaoshan.

The princess of Toudaoshan said indifferently: "I got the thing. Give it to me!"

Li Qing took out the Daoist Mind Method from his bosom and handed it over.With a broken mouth, he said: "I'm hurt! Ma'am, you have to remember me! I'm the man who shed blood and tears for you..."

Princess Toudaoshan was shocked!Almost a mouthful of old blood spewed out. "Xiao Lizi, there are many ways to die, and the one you chose may be a special way of no return!"

"Pay attention to your identity! Don't pretend to be hypocritical! I crush you to death, as easy as crushing an ant! In the future, don't say such things! Don't make an example!"

"Oh." Li Qing paused: "But my arm is broken! Ma'am, do you have any panacea?"

"Go to the hospital..."

"Ma'am, are you so unfeeling?"

"Stop it! I've already done it for your merits, and don't care about your cheap talk! But you can't push yourself!" Princess Toudaoshan put away her Daomen mentality.

Then he turned his hands away: "I know how to look at the incense in the world, but I can't treat real diseases! To use your modern people's words: I am a mage, not a chief surgeon!"

"And my elixir has been used up long ago! If there is any, I would have taken it long ago when I was injured, why would I go to hide XZ! Therefore, what I told you, going to the hospital is the only correct way Road."

"Okay." Li Qing nodded helplessly. "I'm going to change clothes! Take a shower!"

"Hmm." Princess Toudaoshan nodded.

Then whoosh, it was gone.

Li Qing: Nima, this old lamp obviously has medicine and doesn't want to give it to me!Running so fast, even the shadow can't catch up with her!

Li Qing went back to his room, endured the pain, and changed into his own clothes!Then wipe the whole body clean.

Fugui hasn't been a guest at home yet, it's not elegant to take a shower at this time!
What if this idiot sneaks in and takes a peek, and then the whole world says: Three centimeters!

What a shame!
Li Qing felt that it was not only embarrassing, but embarrassing, so he wanted to find a way to get in...

Huh!Li Qing suddenly exclaimed, why did his thoughts become so dirty!
Could it be that after three years of not knowing the taste of meat, the ground seam is as good as a sow, and a sow is as good as Diaochan!
(End of this chapter)

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