late at night

Chapter 4 Encirclement and Suppression Operation

Chapter 4 Encirclement and Suppression Operation
In the temple of Lingjing Mountain.

Several captains of the 101 Special Operations Team sat together seriously.

The 101 Special Operations Team is an organization in the Secret Realm Walker, which belongs to the official Blue Star!

In the middle is Li Kaitai, the captain of the first team.At the moment he is bowing his head in thought.

Next to him is the captain of the second team, who is so burly and ugly that he is wearing a pair of jeans. People in the rivers and lakes call him: the reckless He Kui.

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit and wearing sunglasses to pretend to be cool, the team leader of the third team: Fang Yongxin.

And the captain of the fourth team who was wounded and was binding the wound on his arm: the white beauty Lu Erhua.

There is also a leader of the fifth team who can't see people but sees shadows: Shi Xiaolan.

"The real body of that old guy is not in Lingjing Mountain! The ones who were eliminated just now are just young people!" Li Kaitai said with some regret.Although Li Kaitai's tone was regretful, he didn't regret it at all in his heart.Even a little gloating!
It's okay if you can't complete the task!If that old guy was really in Lingjing Mountain, the entire 101 Special Operations Team wouldn't be enough to fill her teeth!
Even so, these pigs are like the captain, and someone was injured.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Li Kaitai would really want to laugh.

"If you want me to say, burn this ruined temple first, and then go back to find that old bastard, and I will kill him with one punch!" The reckless He Kui was furious.

Fang Yongxin, the third team leader, said in a strange manner: "Don't talk nonsense in broad daylight. Captain He Kui, you should pay attention to your status, don't beat and kill at every turn. You need to use your brain! This is not a few little red guys going out to kill people, this is 101, you set fire to Toudao Mountain, not to mention that the place will trouble you because of the fire, even the elders will punish you."

"You have no brains! Believe it or not, I will send you to the elders first!" He Kui resented people saying that he had no brains.

"It's for your own good too!"

"Don't think that you just hid behind and let Captain Lu block the fatal wound for you and no one saw you. You greedy guy who is afraid of death!" He Kui's voice was loud, as if the louder the voice, the more reasonable it was.

"Don't spout blood! I was forced to stop because I was afraid of stepping on Captain Shi Xiaolan! If you don't believe me, you can ask Captain Shi!"

The shadow moved, indicating that Fang Yongxin was right.

"Even if the shadow is blocking you, you should react, don't let a woman block the knife for you!" He Kui was very angry: "Are you still a man?"

Fang Zhongxin was furious and stood up abruptly, just about to explode.

The reckless He Kui also stood up aggressively, sneered and stretched out his fists: "Don't accept? You want to fight!"

"Brainless savage." Fang Yongxin was not to be outdone.

Just as the two of them were at war, the white beauty Lu Erhua said bitterly and helplessly: "Okay, you two, don't play tricks like children. I just got stabbed a few times, and I can't die. Don't hurt your kindness. "

Li Kaitai also stood up, patted He Kui and Fang Yongxin on the shoulders, and said with a smile, "They are all our own. When performing tasks, it is inevitable that you will be injured occasionally. How can you get the medal if you are not injured?"

"Gaoli Bangzi, I suspect that you are teasing me? Did I get hurt on purpose to get the medal?" Lu Erhua said displeasedly, frowning.

You are Goryeo!Your whole family are Korean sticks!I'm not, I'm a cold noodle stick!
Li Kaitai was deeply dissatisfied, but he still smiled and said: "Captain Lu, don't think wildly. We are all colleagues. If colleagues are injured, they should care for each other, take care of each other, and encourage each other. Are you right?"

The other captains didn't answer.

"Captain Shi Xiaolan, what do you think?"

. . .

"Have you ever seen a talking shadow?" The shadow thought for a while, then turned around and slipped out through the crack of the door.Shadow's voice came from outside the door: "Shadow must have the consciousness of shadow! Be dumb!"

Ha ha.

Li Kaitai smiled embarrassingly.

"Okay. We should discuss what to do next. We can't go back and deal with the elders by catching a few soldiers and generals. Besides, let this old demon of the Ming Dynasty go out to make trouble and do something big." When the news comes out, we’ll all be left with nothing to eat. Don’t turn the credit you get into accountability. At that time, I won’t be able to protect myself, but I can’t protect you.”

"Hehe. Captain Li is really good at excuses. Shouldn't the five of us besiege the Princess of Lingjing Mountain together? All four of us have arrived, and you are late. I think you are the one who can't protect yourself!" Lu Erhua said, rolling her eyes. .

Li Kaitai: "Captain Lu don't want to spout blood! Elder Sun wants me to arrive later."

"Oh. Elder Sun, do you want to suppress the four of us?" The implication is that no matter how reasonable Li Kaitai is, as long as he and the other three captains insist that Li Kaitai was late and caused the mission to fail, then Li Kaitai will really have a hard time. debate.

"I think what Captain Lu said is also very reasonable. If there is a scapegoat, I think Lao Li is the most suitable." Fang Yongxin wrote Yin Yang.

Li Kaitai pushed his sunglasses and rubbed his temples: "The top priority is not to shirk responsibility. We should work together to catch the princess of Lingjing Mountain. This is the key point. If we can't catch it, the five of us will be criticized. If it’s more serious, go home and farm! You don’t want to disarm and go back to the fields, go back and farm!”

"Captain Li, I suspect that you discriminate against farmer uncles!" Lu Erhua raised her phone. "Believe it or not, I'm going to expose what you said on the Internet now! I don't believe that the majority of netizens don't spray you to death!"

The shadow didn't know when it came back through the crack of the door again, and a dark voice came: "It's noon on the day of hoeing, and sweat drips down the soil. Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard..."

He Kui: "I am a farmer and I am proud. I spray pesticides on melons and fruits! The poison will kill you people who eat rice!"

"Captain He has never been a farmer before, white rice does not use pesticides!" Fang Yongxin continued to be angry.

"Aren't herbicides pesticides?" He Kui retorted angrily.

"Anyway, what I eat is special, organic food and vegetables!" Fang Yongxin looked proud.

"Captain Fang specialize! Expose him!" Lu Erhua raised her phone and started shooting videos.

Fang Yongxin quickly covered his face with his hands, "Lu Erhua, I am talking to you! We are on the same front! Don't try to frame me!"

"Partisan struggle harmed the country, that's how Daming perished..." Shadow burrowed under the table again, and the voice came out with resentment.

"Everyone, everyone! I'm wrong, okay? It's all my fault! It's me, Li, who has blind eyes and can't see Taishan, and delays your future. What we have to do now is not to argue, but to find a way to get rid of it. The princess of the mountain is captured! As for me, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and I will retire in two years."

"Ouch, Captain Li discriminated against farmers and uncle started to discriminate against pigs again! Pigs are white and fat, why did you provoke you!" Lu Erhua sneered.

"At noon on the day of hoeing, the sweat dripped down to the soil. Who knows that the food on the plate is hard-working..." Shadow got under the teapot again, and poured himself a glass of water.

. . .

Aruna Andai, who was listening to several captains discussing plans outside the door, had a frosty face full of disdain and disgust. 101 dispatched three elders, five captains, and dozens of emissaries of light to encircle and wipe out a Toudaoshan Princess.

The world is really big, there are no wonders.


Aruna Andai finally couldn't bear it any longer, and broke into the door: "Masters, if you can't come up with an idea or find a solution, I'll complain to the Internet about your forced labor, race Exterminate!"

After finishing speaking, Aruna Andai took out a sniper rifle and pointed it at the teapot on the table, and pulled the trigger.

"Are you so sick! My old lady is drinking water! Sprinkled all over me!" Shadow, who was almost hit by a bullet, quit the group chat cursingly, and slipped out through the crack of the door in an instant. . .

"..." The other four people.

"You shot me and poured dirty water on me! That's what I said!" Aruna Andai sneered.

Aruna Andai is a member of the first team, a minority.

The four captains looked at each other.

I thought to myself that this matter should not be exposed to the Internet, or this matter will be hard to argue with.This Aruna Andai is a mixed race, and has one-eighth of the genes.

"Captain Li, you are awesome!" He Kui sneered.

"As expected of an old Jianghu, who specializes in playing tricks!" Fang Yongxin said with narrowed eyes.

"Captain Li, how good you are at training your disciples!" Lu Erhua mocked.

"The businesswoman doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, but she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river. The flowers in the backyard..." Shadow didn't know when he got under the censer in the temple again.

Smash the incense burner with one shot!
"Are you so sick! My old lady just changed into clothes!!! I'm covered in ashes!" The shadow was cursing and disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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