Gundam: The Wind That Blows Through Space

461. Complete the first few chapters

Some words before finishing the book (including the main line of the book)
After reading the previous chapter, I think everyone has a basic understanding of the direction of this book, the most important of which is the origin of Siegfried's body.It can be said that his body is not a time traveler's plug-in at all, but a curse.

So far, we have basically filled in the holes in the body of the brother and sister duo. The first clue was when he first met Karnard in Chapter 97. Siegfried had doubts about his life experience. From the beginning of his birth, he used weapons to standards to adjust for genetic factors.

At the same time, this also answers a question of many book friends, why Siegfried's character has become so indifferent to human life, because he is originally a weapon, and his feelings are brought about by time travel, so he will be in constant battles. Gradually losing his 'human' side, and this bloodthirsty instinct continued to conflict with the humanity of Siegfried's time traveler, eventually causing him to have hallucinations in East Asia.

Hilde was born out of Nein, so she could not detect this change. Only Siegfried himself could feel this pain. Originally, Destiny 1.0 should have been a complete failure, and Durandal only introduced the many loopholes. 2.0, but now that Siegfried and Hilde have survived, Durandal has the opportunity to trace the origin and modify 'his own destiny'. (Insert, in Chapter 395 - In the past, Durandal had already obtained the modification record of Genesis, and it was not difficult to follow the clues to find Mendel.)
The gift that truly belongs to the time traveler is his SEED. The changer is just an unexpected product. Even Nayin did not expect this result, but the changer will be needed to break the situation later. Some readers have asked why it must be introduced. "Reformer", at that time I elaborated my concept from the perspective of human race structure. In fact, Siegfried did not want to become a murder weapon controlled by genes, and he still needed a "reformer" to break the situation. This was the main reason.

In the destiny plan of 3.0, the name Siegfried is just a kind of gift package, a carrot to give hope to natural people, but the technology of customized adjustment is real. If the original 2.0 is only about distribution, it is a result-oriented theory. , then 3.0 includes both the origin and the result.

Of course, there are many loopholes in the entire 3.0, as Mina asked rhetorically, 'If genetic factors are customized according to the needs of social structure, then who decides the needs?Why did you decide? ', it is not difficult to find here that Durandal still wants to put himself above all mankind.

I don't know if version 3.0 will satisfy my 417 subscribers, but like I said before, this is the best thing I can come up with.

The next paragraph is very important, so take it seriously.
The entire story of Destiny, what I hope to present to you is not actually 1.0/2.0/3.0. What I hope to tell you has always been one of the cores of Gundam, the diversity of human destiny.In the first two chapters, what I hope everyone can see is that Siegfried saved Bucky Lulu and Mu and changed their fate. So three years later, the two changed Siegfried's fate. This is what I think The key point of expression, but limited by my ability, I can only write like this.

I know very well that this kind of burying of metaphors, society, and reality is unpopular at the beginning. Everyone wants to see Siegfried driving the Regeneration Gundam one versus three or even one versus four, but I still want to write whatever I want. , just like when I initially decided that the heroine would be Miri instead of Lux, even if it was later changed to Cagalli, I never considered following the trend and writing Lux. This is a bit of the author's willfulness, so forgive me.

In the chapter on destiny, the fates of many characters are intertwined and shining. Those whose destiny has been changed continue to show the sorrow and joy of human beings. The brave and courageous Aslan, the trapped and confused Kira, are concerned and have doubts about justice. The real flying bird, the unable to escape the fate of Regret, and even the tragic Tiago.

Due to the existence of Siegfried, the fate of these people has been changed. Some have provided positive feedback to Siegfried, and some have become Siegfried's enemies. I think this is the time-traveler's understanding of destiny, better than the fox. The speaker's fateful plan is much more interesting, isn't it?

Thank you everyone for your tolerance for my slow update. Get ready for the final battle. Many characters will also usher in their final destiny. This is my destiny plan and everyone’s destiny plan. I will work hard to wrap up the ending. Okay, but don’t scold me if it doesn’t meet your expectations. After all, when I started this book, my goal was to win if I wrote 50 words. When I signed the contract and asked me to fill in the number of words, I only dared to fill in 80 or 100 words. Who would have thought? It’s almost 120W now, what a sin! ! !
In addition, the author is mentally fragile and cannot be scolded (this is written in the introduction to the work.)
Note 1: During the National Day, I went out to watch a movie for the first time yesterday to experience what a holiday is, so I tried my best to update. The entire pre-plot of Endgame is only about the five chapters of East Asia, which are dispensable, but I I still want to write about Troy and Apsalas, sorry.

Note 2: Since the end of perfect attendance, the monthly income of this book has fluctuated between 900 and 1000. I don’t know what others think, but for me, the only motivation that supports my efforts to write seriously and not fail is my 417 A subscriber, not this little money. To be honest, 900 really doesn’t impress me enough to spend so much time imagining the plot and coding.

Note 3: Chapter 448 was originally supposed to be posted tomorrow, but since it involves filling in the gaps, I thought it would be better to post it together without letting everyone guess. Then I will take a day off tomorrow, or should I say, I will take a day off today to go shopping. Happy National Day , ready to go to work tomorrow.

It’s 10:6 a.m. on October 0, BJ time. Let’s take a nap and get up to catch the tail end of the festival.

(End of this chapter)

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