this man is not calm

Chapter 17 Take what you need

Chapter 17 Take what you need
He licks like a dog when he asks for money, but he is cunning when he gets it.The old fritters in the industry, with a face that hugs money, really can't bear to look directly at it.

Artists also have to support their families!
Of course, everyone can't be beaten to death with a single stick. Even in the most filthy Vanity Fair, there are white lotus flowers that emerge from the mud but are not stained, and are clean and not demonic.Precisely because there are few, so it is commendable!

Nan Dabiao and Nan Dalong looked at each other, and then said happily:
"I have consulted several experts in the industry, and their views are similar to what you said, Xiao Jin."

I don't know if it was nonsense to flatter or to make Jin Shang make up his mind. Anyway, what the two brothers said greatly satisfied Xiao Jin's self-esteem.

After several times of modesty, Jin Shangzheng said:

"Art is not a self-admiration. Creators in the film and television industry have a sense of family and country, and a humanistic spirit is a good thing, but this stinky problem of 'mixing sand' in it is too annoying."

Let’s just talk about these three versions of the script, if Jin Shang hadn’t drawn up the rules in advance, it might have become difficult and obscure, ordinary audiences couldn’t understand it, and young literary and artistic youths boasted about it as a “soul work”.

Regardless of the image of their ancestors, the Jin family father and son donated portrait rights, not to satisfy a few people for self-entertainment and to show their unique creative desires.

"This is a high-quality script I picked out from more than a dozen scripts. Of course, it is much better than ordinary stuff."

"After repeated exchanges and communication, the effect is still good. The three teachers also gave face and produced such a masterpiece."

The two brothers from the Nan family agreed, pulling Zheng Liangzhi and Huang Yiyi to say a few words from time to time, so as not to make people feel left out.

"Uncle Da Biao, what's your plan next?"

"Take them all down and shoot them one by one to deal with different audiences."


"Anyway, the age and the story do not interfere with each other. If it is not for the different styles, I plan to make a trilogy."

Nan Dabiao said confidently,

"Of the three stories, Teacher Yi's version costs a little more, and the other two versions don't cost much."

"The difficulty is finding the right person! Since Uncle Da Biao is sure, I won't say much."

"Leave it to me about the formation of the bureau, and I will let you know if there is any progress. In addition, I will give you the title of screenwriter, which will also be regarded as qualifications in the future."


The reputation of a genius is about to disappear, and the reputation of a literary talent will not add much to his future career.

However, something is better than nothing.

"I have another business, and I can't focus on the film and television industry. I will leave it to Uncle Da Biao to take care of it. In the name of Jinxi Culture, I will contribute 20.00% of the capital and will not interfere with producers and As a director, I just want to control the image shaping of the main characters, and if there are malicious smears and defamation of reputation, we can stop them in time."

"Chang Di Culture already has your share, there is no need to make additional contributions, I am here..."

Jin Shang shook his head, rejected Nan Dabiao's kindness, and said sincerely:

"Many people are powerful. Uncle Da Biao is also new to the industry, so he may not be able to convince everyone. In addition, I want to win the online copyright of the film."

The Nan brothers looked at each other and agreed after a little thought.

Listening carefully to the discussion between his elder brother Nan Dabiao and Jin Shang, and explaining a few words to Zheng Liangzhi, Huang Yiyi and Dai Yiqin who are not clear about the details from time to time, Nan Dalong smiled narrowly:
"It seems that Xiaoshang's business has made a lot of money. Not only does he have to spend money to support the upgrade of the football club, he also spends money to buy copyrights. Is this business really that good?"

"Emerging industries, exclusive business, it's hard not to make money. It won't work in the future, and there will definitely be some aftertaste in the second half of the year. Smart people with money in their hands will learn to do it. The competition will increase, and profits will come down."

"At least now it's huge profits, which makes me a little greedy."

"Xiao Biao has money and leisure, so he can try it."

"Forget it, don't compete with your own family for business."

Several people boasted about the promotion of the football team several times, and finally shifted the topic to Dai Yiqin.

This man who claimed to be a past actor and a third-rate singer was certainly not as down and out as he made fun of himself.

In the early years, Dai Yiqin was also a young student who was popular all over the country. He was at the pinnacle when he debuted. He was known for his handsome and almost flawless handsome face.

As a public figure, it's not a good thing if his good looks are so high that other advantages can hardly be highlighted.

Whether it's Li Xueba's personality, or a gimmick to hype his efforts, people still pay attention to his face.

TV, radio and newspapers repeatedly reported his immature rhetoric in his early years, his immature acting skills, and his youthful stage performance, to prove to the world that just because God rewards you with food doesn’t mean you can really secure a golden job.

Even though Dai Yiqin studied vocal music hard, honed his acting skills, and his ability to settle down has made great progress, the impression he left in people's minds is still only his skin, and no one cares about his inner growth.

This is the negative effect of the stereotype formed by becoming popular too early and too successfully. After more than ten years, Dai Yiqin still failed to change his image.

Bad comments such as "embroidered pillows", "superficial", "gold and jade, but rotten inside" have always troubled him.

Jin Shang had listened to some music albums released by Dai Yiqin before, and the quality was not bad, definitely much better than those electronic music streaming stars who were praised by "million tuners" in his previous life.

Before Dai Yiqin faded out of mainstream attention, he also made two conscientious works that did not hesitate to destroy his image, and his performance was really remarkable.To say how amazing it is, it's not enough, but it can be regarded as a senior and excellent actor.

[-] points for appearance, [-] points for professionalism, [-] points for emotional intelligence, [-] points for performance and singing, [-] points for popularity, and barely passing piano, violin and guitar playing. With such conditions, Dai Yiqin is hard Facing the verbal criticism from the literary and art circles, the cynicism from the mainstream media, and the mentality of people all over the country to eat melons and watch the excitement, they have gathered a large number of fans and earned money that many seniors in the industry are jealous of.

Stars in the early years were repeatedly beaten by the values ​​​​of literary supremacy and the turbulent commercial atmosphere. They turned around like a top, unable to find the north, and there were not one or two people who retired sadly. Dai Yiqin was the most conspicuous among the early birds. One of the worst scolded.

Such a high-quality idol, born ten years late, really needs wind and rain; born 20 years late, the capital daddy can't wait to offer him as a grandfather.

Unfortunately, now in [-], the middle-aged Dai Yiqin is still in an embarrassing situation.

In fact, the public's impression of him is not very bad, the key is that the group of people who hold the right to speak don't want to see him.

"Xiao Jin, since you call me brother, I won't hide it from you..."

Something was on his mind, so he drank a few more glasses of water, the slightly drunk Dai Yiqin complained with a wry smile,

"Those people... said that I don't understand art, my acting skills are contrived, and my style is low. I admit that there is indeed a gap with the artist's level; I was criticized for mediocre singing skills, exaggerated typhoon, disrespect for tradition, and teaching young people badly. Let's close our eyes , Cover your ears as if you don’t know, and just fool around; playing musical instruments is at the level of a crash course in higher vocational colleges, so there’s no need to learn this, after all, you learn it in your spare time. Others, what’s wrong with others? What? Just hold on to it, and still not get rid of it after ten years of scolding?"

Jin Shang shook his head with a smile, and persuaded in a low voice:

"Others are kneeling, but you stand up and make money. If you don't step down, who will listen to them in the future?"

Today's entertainment industry is extremely immature, and the interests involved are not big enough. The real predators have not yet set their sights on this land, so the old-timers can still cling to an acre of three-point land, arrogating themselves under the protection of their disciples and grandchildren. blessing.

"I'm also a middle-aged person, and I gradually realized that Xiao Jin really has a bright eye..."

Dai Yiqin patted Jin Shang's shoulder lightly,

"I have been angry for so many years, and I used to complain. Now that I am married and have a child, and the second child is almost full moon, I will not mention the past grievances. After all, you, Brother Dai, are also a man of wealth. Jingxi man, Greeting and sending, the expenses are not small, and the purse is gradually empty. The elderly in the family are about the same age, and they go to the hospital several times a year, and the children are getting older. Sitting and eating, with little money in their pockets, they can’t speak hard ..."

"So, want to come back?"

"There are old people on the top, and young people on the bottom. They all look at me eagerly. God has rewarded this face, so I can't really ruin it."

The "former big star" who wants to earn some milk powder to support his family is indeed in a bad situation recently.In his early thirties, at an age that is neither awkward nor embarrassing, he doesn't know what to do other than acting and singing.

Seeing that the words have been spoken, Nan Dabiao winked and said in the middle:
"Xiao Shang, the quality of your song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" is absolutely top-notch. I can't say anything else. It is definitely popular in an era. Nowadays, the social atmosphere also needs such an inspirational song to boost morale."

In the era of rapid change, people's hearts are also beginning to be turbulent. The older generation feels at a loss in the face of an increasingly incomprehensible world;

The great collision of ideas and people's hearts will eventually merge into a new concept that is very different from today's and retains the cultural core in the information age led by the Internet.In less than 20 years, the future is like a bizarre science fiction world to the present in [-].

The country is unfortunate and the poet is lucky, and it is easy to write a sentence after the vicissitudes of life.

The more turbulent the people are, the more the thoughts are blended, the culture is bright, and it is a good time to shine.

There are still about five years before we will enter the 21st century. People's minds are more active and they are more receptive to radical and trendy cultural works. This is also a good time for the ambitions that have been suppressed in the past to break free from the cage and soar into the sky.

People like Dai Yiqin, who were born at the wrong time, have waited too long for a chance to prove themselves.

On the grounds that he was too young to drink too much, he politely declined the persuasion of the brothers from the Nan family and Dai Yiqin. Jin Shang stroked his chest secretly, pinched the golden broom pendant hanging next to his body, feeling the coolness flowing through his body, sweeping After getting rid of some uncontrollable impetuous feelings, and thinking much more clearly, he said seriously:

"Everyone present here is older than me, and even Sister Yiyi is three years older. If there are some words, I will not go around in circles. Good songs, as long as they are not bad, anyone can sing them. The professional singers I know are also Brother Dai is the only one, so if you don’t know him well, he will have a baby, so logically speaking, he wouldn’t do what he wants. However, business matters need to be clarified in advance..."

After attracting everyone's attention, Jin Shang continued to explain,

"This song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" can be handed over to Brother Dai to make the comeback title song. However, the original intention of its birth is to cheer for the club fans on the spot, and the fact that it is bound to the team cannot be changed. I have no intention of selling it. Full copyright, commercial development, it is best to sign a licensing contract with a five-year cycle and revenue sharing."

In the circle Dai Yiqin and the Nan family brothers desperately wanted to squeeze into, Jin Shang was still out, and he didn't want to get involved too deeply in a short time.

The profitable Internet cafe business has just started, and the football circle that can provide traffic in the early days has not yet understood it, so don't make extra troubles.

What's more, in the second stage, it's not the stars of entertainment and performing arts that will push Jin Shang's website to a higher level for the time being, but the university campus.

Only by seizing young people can we seize the future.

As for the celebrities who will become popular in the future, it is the trump card to complete the leap of heaven and earth, cross the dragon gate, and completely widen the gap with other peers.

"It's not time yet, hold your breath. 』

Jin Shang, who secretly planned the key points of development at different stages, let go of the idea of ​​fighting in the muddy water of entertainment in advance, and strengthened the business model of steady and steady development, stepping on the pace of the development of the times, and walking fast.

You can't advance rashly, you don't have a solid foundation, you can't stand the storm; you can't look forward and backward, and miss the opportunity.

Some conditions have actually been notified in advance. Since the Nan family brothers asked people to come out to meet, it shows that there is no disagreement in principle.

Several people discussed for a long time, reached an agreement verbally, exchanged contact information, and then left.


First send Huang Yiyi home, except for the old driver, Jin Shang and Zheng Liangzhi are the only ones talking in low voices.

"Uncle Zheng, your guess is really good. What the Nan family brothers value is not the value of one or two excellent songs, but the opportunity to make Dai Yiqin popular again."

In the past two years, Dai Yiqin has indeed been silent a lot, but his popularity has not completely dissipated. The fans who fell in love with him because of his prosperous beauty in the past have now grown up, entered the society, participated in work, started a family, started a business, and had children. female.

Isn't it a good time for such a high-quality artist and fans with solid spending power to sell their feelings?

As long as it can become popular again, isn't the money rolling in?

Zheng Liangzhi smiled cheerfully and said:
"The so-called art and talent are not indispensable things. It is right for you not to get involved too deeply for the time being."

I am not strong enough. In the eyes of those seniors who have mastered the right to speak and monopolized channels, the so-called talented people are just gold mines who have grown legs, can walk, and have more mouths to talk. ,it goes without saying.

"Wen Chao" is a great weapon to add wings to tigers, and it cannot be used as a conventional method.The immature little milk cat should not look at the scenery in the sky all day long, and forget to look after the road under his feet, so as not to be careless and make a big somersault.

(End of this chapter)

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