Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 28, Corpse Starch

Chapter 28, Corpse Starch

Henry really wanted to buy it.

The alloy plastic steel material itself, as well as the individual soldier vest made out of it, have already allowed him to see huge profits.

He's just a peddler in his hometown of Garbage Town, that's right.But he has further ideas, he is chasing the identity of the 'agent'.

Garbage Town is a chaotic place, but it is also a holy place for doing business: it is rich in resources and has a large population.

There, if the business is big enough, there are enough people under it, and the force is strong enough, they can gain enough influence and become an 'agent'.And in the chaotic political ecology of Garbage Town, it is the proxies who have the final say.They each hold a unique business, form a monopoly, compete with each other and unite with each other, and their power is huge.

Henry didn't have enough people and the business wasn't big enough.But if he can really win the alloy plastic steel business, then he has a unique business.As long as he has the support of the Waste Cave Society, allowing him to monopolize, he can quickly obtain a large amount of profits.

The remaining problem is the problem of money, which is easy to solve.

The identity of the agent is already waving to him.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the governor behind the Waste Tung Society, he would definitely turn his head and leave now, and then find a way to gather a team to wipe out the Waste Tung Society and firmly maintain the production capacity of alloy plastic steel. Hold it in your own hands.


But it doesn't matter, as long as you can win the exclusive agency right of this business, that's enough.

Henry solemnly said to Patel: "I want all of your goods, and I will give you the best price. We can also sign a long-term cooperation agreement. Believe me, I will definitely be able to help you make these treasures a best seller. To the entire wasteland world! We will become the best partners, as long as you sign an exclusive agreement with me."

" wait first."


Henry frowned tightly: "Do you have any conditions? Just ask!"

Patel quickly waved his hand: "I don't have any conditions, but it doesn't count if I say it!"

Before Henry could speak, he continued: "Everything here belongs to the great governor. I dare not promise you anything casually. Without the approval of the governor, not a single piece of plastic alloy steel here can be sold."

"Your Excellency..." Henry calmed down and started to have a headache.

It may not be difficult to fool Patel, but to fool the Governor...

He has also heard about the deeds of the governor named 'Gu Hang'.Maverick, after landing, he did not take over the power of the alliance government, but went to the wilderness to start construction.

Can relying on construction save the entire Fury Star?
Henry didn't believe it.

Even under the rule of the Governor, the Waste Cave Society has undergone earth-shaking changes in a very short period of time.But just such a change is far from changing the ecology of the entire Nu Xiaoxing.

Two years later, I am afraid that Governor Gu will be settled by the imperial taxation just like his predecessors.

But before that, he was the Governor, the nominal supreme ruler of the planet.

As a small merchant like myself, what capital does he have to fool an imperial governor?
Seeing Henry's entanglement and hesitation, Patel didn't know how this 'old friend' had his heart turned.He just grinned and comforted him with a smile: "The governor is a very good person, as long as you serve him sincerely, then you will definitely get rich rewards."

When Patel said this, he seemed very honest.But why does Henry vaguely feel that there is another meaning behind him:
"If you're not sincere enough, you're screwed."

It should be an illusion, where does this Patel have so much thought?
Henry took a deep breath and said firmly, "I'm going to meet the governor right now!"


The great governor, Gu Hang, is currently studying a corpse.

Its shape barely looks like a creature, with four limbs, and it seems to walk half upright. It is a bit like a headless ape with abscesses all over its body, and its limbs are completely out of proportion. The chest cavity is extremely swollen.

It is fast, extremely ferocious, and has sharp claws on all four limbs.After hunting, it will tear up the prey's corpse, and then use the pus on the body to corrode and dissolve the fragments of the prey, and then 'dissolve' into its own body.

This thing, the locals call it 'abscess monster', is a common monster in the wasteland.

At that time, he was taking a nap in his room, when he suddenly heard movement outside, and then Zhang Chao reported to him that more than a dozen abscess monsters appeared on the expansion site outside the camp and attacked the workers.

Although the soldiers guarding the camp arrived quickly and wiped out the group of monsters, three workers were still killed.

Casualties, of course, are very bad things.

But this is wasteland.

Gu Hang didn't pay attention to the unchangeable things that had already happened.

He looked at the corpse of the monster in front of him, and asked a soul question:
"Can this stuff be eaten?"


Yan Fangxu didn't understand what the governor was thinking, but he was greatly shocked.

Gu Hang was a little dissatisfied with Lao Yan's shock. He emphasized: "In the wasteland, the most important thing is food! As soon as I open my eyes every day, I have to think about how to feed thousands of people in the three camps. Sitting on the mountain We must find a way to find the source of all food. I think this kind of thing has potential. It is said that there are many in the wasteland, and there are things like zombie dogs. If they can be eaten... ..."

"Governor, please wait first..." Yan Fangxu said helplessly, "These monsters have a large number of highly corrosive abscesses on their bodies. It doesn't look like something edible, does it?"

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Gu Hang is still very persistent, "Of course I don't want our people to eat it directly. I heard that on most hive planets, there are technologies that can decompose all organic matter into food .They call that...corpse starch? In short, it’s starch lumps. I don’t know if there is such a technology on the Fury Star? Anyway, there must be one on the Quintet, and we still have to try our best to get it.”

Yan Fangxu was even more helpless.

Brother, I have also eaten starch cubes!

That thing is essentially a food chemical product, which can re-decompose recycled organic waste, including textile waste such as old clothes, waste wood, industrial organic waste, and even plant fibers, animal limbs, etc. Small molecules, refined and processed into synthetic starch lumps.

Although some hive planets with extremely poor resources and extremely high population density will really recycle the dead's body, and even recycle the feces, so they are nicknamed "corpse starch" by people, but don't say it!

After all, in general, the composition of synthetic starch is still normal...

Small portions, trace amounts of those...

Not to mention, we are still good friends.

(End of this chapter)

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