Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 515: Mr. Gu gave too much

Chapter 515: Mr. Gu gave too much
Gu Hang came here to solve the problem of too slow movement in the Menghe star sector.

The solution is of course not for Gu Hang to go out and fight in person. The problem in the Menghe Star Region is not a problem of war. The Alliance is fully capable of solving every war they encounter in the Meng River Star Region.

These local rebellions are not enough to make the alliance unable to handle the situation.

But the problem is, there are too many.

On the one hand, the strength of the alliance's advance troops is insufficient. On the other hand, it is impossible for the alliance to send precious troops to Menghe on a large scale in order to suppress the local rebellion.

That would cost a lot of money and would affect the alliance's current overall development plan in the Dragon Eagle Star Territory.

Moreover, it is not economical or affordable.

To put it bluntly, the alliance's intention to enter the Menghe Star Territory was not just to expand its territory. Gu Hang's goal is to establish a strategic buffer zone outside the Dragon Eagle Star Region. If a subsequent war begins, he will try not to let the war take place on his own territory.

Secondly, it is... to put it harshly, it is plundering.

Gu Hang wants the Imperial Tax and Planetary Defense Force in the Menghe Star Region.

The former is serious money, while the latter is manpower and cannon fodder.

This star field is poorer than the Dragon Eagle Star Field, but it is larger, with more than 700 worlds at least. Even if each world does not provide many resources, the alliance does not have enough resources to develop these places. As a 'local', the Dragon Eagle Star Region has not yet had time to develop.

However, just the income and manpower that this scale can provide, as well as the various accompanying benefits, have already made Gu Hang quite greedy.

Without plans and the ability to turn this place into a local territory, what the Alliance needs is someone who can rule this place cheaply. Even if it is an unstable rule, as long as it can capture local interests, that is enough.

The key word is 'cheap governance cost'.

The team of officials dispatched by the alliance to various planets is very small, usually an administrative team of one or two hundred people. Their main job is not to directly manage the local planet, but to establish a cooperative government, whether it is newly established or in cooperation with original interest groups.

After the establishment work is completed, it is time to manage and supervise the government. Specific governance, tax collection, resource supply, and manpower supply mainly rely on local cooperative governments to complete.

Coupled with a small amount of alliance garrison, such as one regiment per planet, it's almost enough.

Place at most one division.

Under such a mechanism, it is possible to achieve the low-cost rule that Gu Hang expected.

The problem lies precisely here.

Low-cost rule means instability.

Those worlds that rebelled, what was the reason?
Is it just because of the influence left behind by the Wrathful Flames?
I'm afraid it's not that simple.

This part of the reason certainly exists, and it is a very important factor.

However, the loss of control caused by low-cost rule is also very important.

Some worlds are dissatisfied with being controlled by the Alliance, because the Alliance actually demands more than Imperial taxes.

The establishment of a cooperative government would to some extent infringe upon the interests of the ruling classes in these worlds.

It is normal for them to incite rebellion or even participate in the rebellion themselves.

This is reflected in the panel information that Gu Hang can see in his system, that is, although these worlds have been recognized by the system and have entered the [vassals] panel. However, with basically the same vassal levels of LV1 and LV2, the probability of separation and rebellion is very high.

In this regard, Gu Hang has made some demands on the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the alliance government.

The core is that these officials sent by the alliance to Menghe must respect the interests of the local ruling group when acting locally. They can even use the alliance's powerful garrison troops and agents of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to solve some of their problems for them. Trouble that could not be solved originally. We can also allow, or even condone, them to gain benefits that were difficult for them to gain in the past.

Like... more ferocious exploitation.

This will certainly make the already poor life of local residents even worse.


It can only make the people suffer even more.

In this process, of course there will be many negative impacts. For example, local residents will be more resistant to alliance rule. They may think that the arrival of the alliance has made their life worse. The local ruling class is also happy for the people to think so, and even actively promotes it.

But the Alliance has no other option.

At most, we need to be more precise in our work, carry out some publicity in the local area, and throw the blame on the cooperative government.

These are some of the alliance's approaches to cooperative government work.

In the Menghe Star Territory, Gu Hang was not yet ready to use the authorization he had just obtained on a large scale, that is, the Land Occupation Act. After all, the Occupation Act only granted Gu Hang the ability to incorporate the local area into the alliance's rule when he defeated the enemies of the empire. But the situation in the Menghe Star Region is obviously not enough to call these planets in the region 'enemies of the empire'.

It's not impossible to say this reluctantly, but it's a bit excessive and will lower your reputation.

Anyway, it is impossible to implement direct rule, and there is no intention to implement direct rule. If we use the colonial-style method of 'cooperative government' to turn these places into vassals and conduct indirect rule, there will be no need to use the Occupation Act.


After establishing the policies and strategies for the planetary level, the remaining work is what Gu Hang has to do.

Hostile forces from the Queen's Star Territory require the cooperation of military and intelligence agents to resolve;

Local rebel forces from the planet are resolved by optimizing cooperative government strategies;

In addition to these two, there is resistance in the third direction, which cannot be ignored.

That is the pressure from the Meng He government.

This question was something Gu Hang didn't even think of at first.

After becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Theater Command and nominally in charge of military and political power, Gu Hang certainly did not have the authority to manage the entire Eastern Space Domain - this request was rejected by Holy Terra - but at least Holy Terra clearly gave it to him. Dongfang Zhouyu issued an order, requiring the entire Zhouyu government to cooperate with Gu Hang's actions and help Gu Hang prepare for war.

Zuo Zhaofeng, as one of his own people and a member of the Gallardo political faction, would certainly not set any obstacles for Gu Hang.

Although the support will not break the bank, after all, there are many other threats within the scope of the universe that need to be resolved. But at least, within reasonable limits, he has done a lot of work.

For example, distribute some imperial taxes to the alliance.

For example, the troops, especially a considerable part of the navy, mobilized from some relatively safe areas in the universe are mobilized under the alliance's command to help the alliance fight and strengthen the alliance's naval strength.

That's a lot of support.

Converted into money, I'm afraid the total value will reach tens of billions.

Not to mention, this kind of support will continue to be provided for many years to come.

That's quite a lot of money.

Now that the alliance does not count its expenses, the total amount of imperial taxes and fiscal revenue received from the Dragon Eagle Star Region is only over 200 billion.

The Eastern Space Region can provide 20 billion ships, supplies, money, and troops a year... which is quite good, equivalent to about 25% to % of the alliance's total revenue.

At this point, Zuo Zhaofeng is very interesting.

The Eternal Territory costs money, and each star domain below the Eternal Territory also costs money. If he can get so much for him in a year, who can say that Zuo Zhaofeng is not one of his own?
From his perspective, he also gave clear instructions to the star domain government of the Meng River Star Region, asking them to cooperate with the alliance's actions. However, the situation in the Menghe Star Region is different after all.

For other star regions, just listen to the requirements of the Eternal Region government and contribute money and effort. The alliance will not come to their territory.

Menghe Star Territory is serious and has been entered into the body by the alliance.

As a master, or at least a self-perceived master, the Menghe Star Territory Government is not happy about this.

This is a superficial factor. At least, that's what Zhai Guangshan, the head of the Menghe Star Territory, said when he expressed his dissatisfaction to the alliance.

He believed that the alliance's actions were a kind of aggression, and he sued the alliance several times.

It would not be of much use to complain to the Eternal Territory Government, so he complained to Holy Terra.

That's also of little use.

But it was a bit disgusting at first. Every day there was a leader of the star field yelling everywhere about what the alliance had done to him. It was really annoying.

The possible loss of reputation is already a problem in itself, not to mention that under the hint of the star domain government, rebellions are rising one after another in various places.

The alliance's intelligence department has obtained some information, and it can be deduced from it that in many places where there is more violence, there is a faint shadow of the star region government or the star region government behind it.

In addition to violating interests to a certain extent, the alliance intelligence department also believes that there are some unclear connections between the Menghe star region government and Iron Fury Stone.

Although the intelligence currently held by the alliance is not critical, nor is it a real hammer, and it cannot directly kill Zhai Guangshan, but if it is just suspicion, a complete stone hammer is not needed.

What's more, if Gu Hang wants to use force to solve this problem, he doesn't necessarily have to have conclusive evidence.

What evidence is needed to counter a rebellion?

It's just that Gu Hang doesn't want to fight.

At least not a large-scale war.

Since he didn't want to fight, Gu Hang came here in person this time to solve the problem through diplomatic and political means.

This cannot be done simply by sitting on the Dragon Eagle.

After entering the Meng River Star Territory, his goal was clear: it was a planet called 'Grangya'.

Granya's status in the Menghe Star Territory is somewhat similar to that of the Flying Wing Star in the Dragon Eagle Star Territory.

Maybe even more important.

Although it is not the capital of the star field, the shipbuilding industry in this world is developed, and relying on the shipbuilding industry, it has a strong economic radiation effect.

In comparison, the economic development of Mengyang Star, the capital of the Meng River Star Region, is even worse than that of Granya.

The Alliance's advance fleet has entered Granja.

Granya itself is also one of Gu Hang's strategic goals. He really wants this planet's shipbuilding capabilities.

Although, it is not even as good as the original Flying Wing Star, let alone the shipbuilding industry has reached a higher level now under the control of the alliance. However, Granya is also one of the few places where large ships can be built. Although the original technology cannot even build the Moon Class, the cruiser that can be built is a castrated version called the 'Zhenhe Class', but that is still a cruiser!

What's more, if Granja is controlled by the Alliance, then the Alliance's technology can be effective on this planet. Once the original technical bottleneck is broken, Granya's hardware facilities - the large shipyard and large star port, as well as the production capacity of various ship parts supporting the planet will be able to be well liberated.

Even the original shipyard for manufacturing giant-belly-class transport ships has been modified so that it can be used to build battle cruisers.

The sooner you get Gran Fang, the sooner you can start building ships, and the sooner you can accumulate strength for the Alliance Navy.

But here they were blocked.

The Meng River Fleet blocked the Alliance's advance fleet, preventing the Alliance Fleet from approaching; at the same time, a large number of troops were also filled on the planet, including the starports and shipyards in the planet's orbit, ready to prepare.

The Alliance troops were stunned.

On the one hand, the strength of the advance fleet alone may not necessarily be able to defeat the Meng He Fleet, and the size of the army it carries cannot quickly conquer the entire planet.

On the other hand, it wouldn't be right to really start a battle.

Then, Gu Hang arrived.

He also came to the meeting alone.

The Alliance attaches so much importance to Granja, so of course there is a plan behind it. Intelligence organizations from multiple alliances have placed personnel inside. On behalf of Gu Hang, he sent an invitation for a meeting to the powerful person on the planet, the board of directors of the 'Glanga Shipbuilding Group'.

They also agreed to meet.

Subsequently, the sector government, which was aware of the situation, was still trying to stop it. But by the time they took action, it was too late. Gu Hang himself had already taken a small boat to the star port of Granya and completed a meeting with the leaders of the shipping industry group.

They just blocked Gu Hang, who had just finished a meeting with the directors of the shipping industry group, outside the conference hall.

There were only two followers around Gu Hang, and he was the only one beside him.

The leader of Yayun Star District personally led the team. He looked at Gu Hang with an unkind expression and sneered, but he actually didn't think about what to say. In the end, he could only watch Gu Hang leave the star port.

Then, the Meng He fleet moved out of the way, and the alliance's troops stationed at the star port and the surface.

The irritable star sector leader was 'gifted' to leave the star port.


"What did Gu Hang say to you to make you give up your resistance?" Zhai Guangshan asked this question to Jerryo Fisher with a dark face.

When Zhai Guangshan, the head of the Menghe Star Region, knew that Gu Hang was coming to Granya, he also hurried over.

But by the time he arrived, it was already too late.

Granja is already owned by the Alliance.

Reluctantly, he was about to leave, but he received an invitation from Gu Hang who had not yet left.

After thinking about it, he decided to accept the invitation and talk to Gu Hang face to face.

The place of conversation was still at the star port of Granya.

Fisher, the chairman of the shipping group, was waiting with Zhai Guangshan for Gu Hang's arrival.

While waiting, Zhai Guangshan couldn't help himself and asked the previous question.

Fisher just smiled sheepishly: "Mr. Führer, there is nothing we can do..."

"I didn't want to do it at first. I planned to stand with you."

"But...Mr. Gu gave you too much."

(End of this chapter)

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