Start with Planetary Governor

Chapter 517, Tribunal Cooperation

Chapter 517, Tribunal Cooperation
"Guard! Guard!"

Zhai Guangshan, who already felt something was wrong, shouted outside with all his strength.

Nothing happened.

This is not how it should be.

He has always been very concerned about safety issues. No matter where he goes, he will bring his elite bodyguard with him.

Although they cannot find top-notch extraordinary warriors like Space Marines to protect themselves, there is no doubt that all members of this team are the strongest soldiers among mortals and are well-equipped; an A-class psyker with three A B-level person, he not only serves as his psychic advisor, but also acts as a security guard.

No matter where he goes, his guards will take over the local security work; even if they cannot take over completely due to special circumstances, they must at least participate. Anyway, the security work cannot be out of control.

His security force should be on standby at all times, and he should be able to call them to his side with just one call.

But at this moment, they showed no response.

Zhai Guangshan suddenly looked at Gu Hang's face.

Gu Hang nodded lightly: "By the way, I haven't apologized for being late just now. Sorry, it took me some time to deal with some minor issues."

Zhai Guangshan's heart sank to the bottom.

He could barely understand that if Gu Hang chose to attack with all his strength, his guards would not be able to withstand it.

After all, Gu Hang has many powerful forces that cannot be found in the Menghe Star Region.

But no matter what, his guards shouldn't have been completely wiped out without even sending an alarm, right?
What's more, he didn't even hear the slightest sound of fighting here!
Zhai Guangshan looked at Fisher, who had been chatting with him just now.

The chairman of the shipping industry group lowered his head at this moment, looking at his nose and mouth, as if he couldn't see his gaze, and said nothing.

Zhai Guangshan suddenly realized.

"They're all in the same group, right?"

He laughed angrily, stood up, and opened his mouth to curse.

But at this moment, a spiritual light flashed from his body!
Zhai Guangshan is always moving with his ship, and the ship is always vigilant. He also carries a psychic weapon, which not only has a miniature energy shield, but also a treasure that allows him to quickly teleport to a fixed location.

This thing is a private treasure that cannot be mass-produced, is expensive and rare, and cannot be found in a single universe. It usually requires a Mechanicus magus, working with high-level psykers, and takes many years to create. Even if it is really created, it is usually circulated within the Mechanicus or the Psychic Order, and rarely strays outside.

It is very rare to get such a thing for self-defense.

This is also Zhai Guangshan's last trump card in terms of security.

He spoke pretending to be indignant, but in fact it was a cover-up to activate the treasure.

In a flash of light, his figure disappeared.

After Zhai Guangshan left, Fisher, who had just pretended that nothing happened in front of him, became a little annoyed: "Why did he let him run away? I didn't expect him to have such a thing on him! If he runs away, go back and gather strength, It’s quite troublesome to deal with him!”

At this time, Fisher couldn't care less about the friendship between the two, and all he could think about was the trouble in the future.

The senior judge of the Flash Tribunal, Menique Martini, looked at Gu Hang.

Just now, when he was dealing with the guards of the head of state outside, Gu Hang's performance left a very, very deep impression on him.

He had no doubts about solving the problems with those guards.

Not to mention himself, the team of loyal stormtroopers he brought was just a decoration. Although it was done in the name of his senior judge, the people who did it were basically from the Alliance.

A squad of Phoenix Space Marines, a squad of Battle Sisters, a squad of Demon Hunters, four squads of Glory Guards, and a squad of 'Storm Mages' as psychic support...

Although there were only seventy or eighty people in total, there was no problem in killing all Zhai Guangshan's guards.

Even if there is an A-level psyker among the opponents, it will be quite difficult. However, as a senior judge, he has special methods to suppress psykers; at the same time, among the Phoenix Space Marine team brought by Mr. Gu, there is another one who is said to have participated in the widely spread " A bloody fight to the death, a top player with a winning streak.

Forcefully kill an A-level psyker and capture him easily.

But the problem is silence!

Not a single shot was fired, just a cold blade; the sound of footsteps was deliberately covered up to prevent anyone from noticing it.

And all of this is not what the team he nominally leads can do.

During the operation, Mr. Gu always followed them in the name of observation. It seemed that he didn't do anything during the whole process, but in fact, Martini felt the extremely oppressive feeling coming from Gu Hang more than once.

That feeling reached its peak during the last forceful assault.

The A-level psyker opposite seemed like a chicken with his neck squeezed tightly. The psionic power that should have been powerful enough to tear apart the Lion Tank was completely suppressed in another dimension and could not be revealed at all. It was so easy. His head was cut off with a knife.

And in the next moment, that powerful sense of oppression suddenly disappeared...

Recalling this, he couldn't help but look at Gu Hang again.

Gu Hang's relaxed smile at this moment was the same as the expression on his face in the previous scene.

He believed that with the abilities displayed by this unfathomable commander-in-chief, it was impossible for that guy Zhai Guangshan to run away so easily.

There must be a backup plan.

He felt relieved. Not only did he not say anything to Gu Hang, but he comforted the anxious Fisher next to him:
"Mr. Chairman, please be patient. Everything is still under control."

Fisher's anxiety would not calm down with such a word, but he couldn't say anything else, he could only try to look calmer.

Menique Martini stopped caring about him, looked at Gu Hang again, and asked one thing:

"Commander-in-Chief Gu, I think our Flash Tribunal can cooperate more with the Alliance."

"Oh?" Gu Hang looked over and said with a smile, "Of course we welcome you."

Is this a promise?
Martini was in a daze for a moment.

It's a bit simpler.

But he quickly cheered up.

Just agree!
In fact, during his previous actions, he observed these elite teams under the Alliance, and was especially concerned about the so-called 'Demon Hunter' team.

He discovered that these demon hunters were very similar to the inquisitors trained directly by their tribunal.

They all have certain conventional combat abilities and techniques, and they all have certain psychic abilities, but this psychic ability is still very different from that of psykers, mainly in the aspect of using psychic energy to counter psychic energy.

If it's just similar abilities, then forget it. But the key is, the way you act is the same.

It was like meeting a colleague.

Especially the female captain at the head actually gave him the feeling of meeting a judge of the same level.

A thought suddenly came to his mind: Their Flash faction has had a problem all year round:
Because the reputation is not enough, it cannot attract excellent judges; therefore it cannot attract enough external support; therefore it cannot accomplish big things; therefore the reputation is not enough...

This is a vicious cycle that causes the entire faction to develop very slowly.

But right now, it’s a huge opportunity!
If we can achieve in-depth cooperation with the alliance, then the lack of personnel will be solved to a certain extent. Even if the Flash Tribunal cannot attract new inquisitors, it will take a long time to train them, but so what? These demon hunters from the Alliance are good candidates for recruitment.

In addition to absorbing the Alliance's demon hunters to become the judges of the Flash Tribunal, a more important point is that the future activities of the Flash Tribunal can be supported by the alliance.

There is also a difference in how the Inquisition looks for allies. For them, the size and strength of a force is of course important, but it is not the only thing. The tasks and situations they often face are small-scale special operations, infiltration, raids, and beheadings...

The role and value of the army to them is sometimes not as good as an elite squad.

The league seems to have no shortage of elites at all.

Loyal Stormtrooper? The Alliance's Glory Guards seem to be more powerful, at least not bad at all.

Battle Sister? have.

Space Marine? have.

What else do you want?

For example, it is the top Inquisition faction, but it just has a similar configuration!

Being able to cooperate with the Alliance will be of great help to the development of the Flash Tribunal! Can't they now handle cases that they couldn't verify before, or couldn't handle even after verifying?
As for, after cooperation, those Alliance demon hunters will in turn affect them after entering their Flash Tribunal, and after relying heavily on the influence of the Alliance, they are largely manipulated by the Alliance... So what? How about that?

Isn't this a normal thing?

Except for the three largest Inquisition factions, don’t the other Inquisition factions live like this?

Cooperate, be influenced, each gets what he needs...

Now the Flash Trial Tribunal is also very powerfully manipulated by the Eastern Universe Government. Whenever Commander-in-Chief Gu is in need, Chairman Zuo makes a request. Wouldn’t he, a senior judge, just make a fool of himself?

Including the previous confrontation with the Silver Tribunal, it was a similar situation.

Even the three above, don’t they have to obey the instructions of Holy Terra to a certain extent?

Martini is very enthusiastic about the cooperation between the Flash Tribunal and the Alliance.

However, after he got Gu Hang's preliminary reply, he didn't say anything more.

In fact, this matter is not suitable to be discussed with Commander-in-Chief Gu. What is the person's status and status? Such small things, with his approval, can be discussed and implemented with the people below.

Of course, it's possible that the negotiation won't work out. He is enthusiastic, but his position in the Flash Tribunal is not actually the highest level, and he cannot make decisions independently.

But he also thought about it, even if the senior officials within their Flash Tribunal disagreed with this matter, it didn't matter. He will bring his own group of well-connected and close Inquisitors to become independent and form an Inquisition faction.

That might actually be better.

At least, with the help of the alliance, he might soon be able to accumulate enough achievements and reputation to be promoted from senior judge to presiding judge.

As long as the alliance is willing to support him, then he doesn't mind becoming a sharp knife in the hands of the alliance.


While Martini was immersed in his own thoughts and Fisher was immersed in tension and anxiety, the door to the conference room was finally pushed open again.

The black main body is paired with power armor with golden lines and edges... This is an armor color scheme found among the Alliance's Glory Guards.

The Glory Guard strode forward, dragging a body struggling on the ground behind him, and threw it directly in front of Gu Hang and the others.

Afterwards, the Konoe bowed slightly to show respect and then retreated.

Zhai Guangshan stood up in disgrace and looked at Gu Hang with disbelief: "When did you...even my boat..."

"About when you first came down." Gu Hang kindly gave Zhai Guangshan an answer.

But Gu Hang's kindness only ended there.

He stood up and said to Martini next to him: "Next, it is the work of Judge Martini. I believe that you will bring a satisfactory result to the alliance, the space government, and the central empire. Answer."

After a pause, he continued, "Not only the investigation of Zhai Guangshan's crimes, but also the investigation of Wanmeng Star, the capital of Menghe Star Region, has been handed over to you. The Alliance's forces here will not be commanded by you, but will cooperate with you depending on the situation."

"This can be considered an attempt. Personally, I still hope that this attempt will have better results, what do you think?"

Martini perked up completely: "I understand!"

The senior judge, whose morale was boosted, dragged away Zhai Guangshan, who was begging for mercy and cursing angrily.

This tool man still has some effect.

He had to handle the next things well and pass the test of Commander-in-Chief Gu before he could realize the ideas he had thought about before.


After watching Martini and others leave, Gu Hang looked at Fisher again and said with a smile: "Then let's go too."


"Go to the Tianma Star District and have a look." Gu Hang said, "Bring your technical team with you. Of course, what I promised will not change. If you want to invest in the alliance's shipbuilding industry, you have to see it with your own eyes."

Fisher breathed a huge sigh of relief.

There were a lot of shocks today. At a certain moment, he really remembered that Zhai Guangshan said earlier that the alliance would turn against their shipping group after acquiring Granya.

Even Zhai Guangshan is finished. Seeing that the terrible inquisitor is still going to kill Wan Mengxing, what kind of resistance can their Gran Ya have?

But it seemed that Gu Hang had no such intention at all.

He abides by his promises and stays true to his word.

(End of this chapter)

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